Mx Female Let's have some infernal fun


Loving Dungeons and Dragons in all the wrong ways
Dec 4, 2019
with my head in the clouds
Hey there and a good Day

After a long period of absence in which I have needed to adjust to my new surroundings (I moved and got a new job) I am finally at a place in life where I can put my mind at writing again. It has been difficult for me to relax enough to write something smutty after work, often enough I simply could not get into the right mood for it. But right now I can say with confidence that I'm able to do that again.
So with this out of the way, I'm looking for someone to write with :)

But first, who would you be writing with?
I'm a RPG Enthusiast who has played P&P- RPGs for more than 15 years by now. I also dabbled with online- Rpgs, though not as frequently as P&P. Why am I here? Well, to write a good story with someone else. Be it NSFW or SFW. Either or. I'm a fantasy nerd who likes to be creative - from world building to fantasy races to magic to whatever-you-want-to-imagine. Oh, and I'm also a closet pervert. But I'll never say it out loud.

What can you expect of me?
I am first and foremost an RPG- Enthusiast, so the story is my main priority. Character play is more valuable to me than 'just having sex'. I like to reply in more than just a few sentences, because I like expressing exactly what is happening. So no 'He went in and said hello', but more of a 'He went inside the building. His shoulders were slumped, and his face expressed how unmistakenably tired he was. He let his gaze wander around, trying to find someone familiar in the crowd. And when he finally spotted her, his entire face lit up as if his tiredness had just evaporated. His posture became upright and he tried his best to revitalize his demeanor. Wearing a slight smile on the face, he walked up to her and gave her a friendly nod. "Hey there - I'm glad to see you." ' That being said - I'm not above a simple smut story. Depends on how interesting the scenario is and who I'm writing with. Though it needs to be said that I'm sometimes in the mood for something short and smutty – we've all got our little guilty pleasures. Though I will always strive to at least have fleshed out characters, even if the whole story is just about two (or more) characters having sex. Every post will at least have 2-3 paragraphs to it, possibly more if I get really into it.
Another important point is that english is not my first language. So if you spot a mistake – please be lenient ^^'
How often can I answer? Well, it depends. My job is rather chaotic, so please don't be offended if I sometimes take a little longer to answer. Ideally I can post several times a week, but to be perfectly honest I can't always guarantee that. After a long, tiring day of work I may not be able to get in the mood to write smut. Furthermore, quality is more important than quantity - if I don't have enough inspiration for a post (or am simply dead tired), I will take a little longer to respond. I have a life outside of blue moon, so if I don't answer for a few days most often it is because of work or mood.

How to communicate with me? I like to be honest, and I hope you will be as well. If you're uncomfortable with anything, just tell me! I will not be offended – on the contrary. After all, we both need to be perfectly clear about what we like and dislike in a story that is heavily depending on our mood.
What about other technical shenanigans? Faceclaims for example. If I use faceclaims, I prefer drawn ones. Contrary to my avatar I almost never use something out of animes or hentais but rather a western style. Sometimes I simply describe my characters looks with words, not with pictures. That being said I'm not against real faceclaims at all, I simply prefer something else more. Lastly, my posts will be in third person, though I am open to alternatives.
Lastly I prefer to write on this site - I've tried Discord before, but most often I could simply not cope with the time zones. It is hard to be creative if you know you have only 4 to 5 hours of time to sleep left before work continues early in the morning.

What do I expect/ hope from you?
Well, I hope that we can establish a healthy communication. Please tell me clearly what you're comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. Nobody wants to write if it isn't fun, and since I don't know you, we need to talk a little. I know I've said this already, but honesty is important for this :)
Furthermore, I hope that you can provide me with detailed writing. Not necessarily paragraph upon paragraph, but nice little details about the scenes or characters we write about. Even in a setting where we're writing purely about two characters fucking I at least like to have a mental image who is doing what, with what expression and where those hands go. Details make for fun stories.
I'm not adamant about being dom or sub. I can be both, it just needs to fit the character. Both can be hella fun.
And please do not be offended, but I'd like to read a writing sample you provide. I will always do the same when asked, I simply want to ensure our writing styles match.

What Ideas am I tinkering with/ offering/ searching for?
(note to anyone who is interested: I'm slightly more interested in taking a male role than a female one, but that depends on you which one I'm gonna take. Meaning, I am willing to play either/any gender. Though, truth be told, I'm only looking for the following Pairings: F/M, F/F, Futa/F)
I'll keep the summaries rather short, because the exact scenario would ideally be decided by us both.

Do I take requests (meaning you tell your idea for a story to me)?
Honestly, it depends. I'm always open for a good scenario, be it plotwise or smutwise. But please do not be offended if I deny a request - if I'm not fully behind it, I have trouble staying motivated for writing. Similarly you may always tell me the same as well. I will not be offended by honesty. Maybe we can fix it by sticking our heads together, and if we can not, then we can end it before it gets tedious. Again, no hard feelings - I'm quite hard to anger =P

Long term stories (more to come)

What matters most
(aka the setting I'm craving to play in right now)

Regardless of culture or race – be it the sophisticated elves, the feral lizardmen, the diverse humans or any other – there is a common question everybody thinks about: what do I do with my life? And while there is no perfect answer many judge things to be good or bad, to be virtuous or villainous. Heaven and hell exist in every religion – do good and be granted access to the former, do bad and be punished in the latter.

Except that it doesn't work that way. Heaven and hell do exist, yes. And they are as different as one can possibly be. Yet this is where the common preconceptions end. The differences are more of a philosophical nature, like the differences between hedonism and eudaimonia. Simply said 'hell' has a different style of life than heaven, a different goal of what life is about. For denizens of hell it is all about emotions. Ones own feelings are of the utmost importance, with freedom as a close second. Life is about being happy, and you are happy by doing things that make you feel good. They indulge in pleasures untold, and while they can easily be more and more of a debauchery they are not inherently bad. If one is being honest, everyone has for example a fetish one is aroused by but keeps quiet about it because of societal judgement or something along those lines. In 'hell' this is perfectly normal. Society is first and foremost structured to enable as much personal freedom as possible without straight up anarchy, though the rule of the strong is exactly how it governs itself. 'Heaven', on the other hand, is more about the ideological happiness. The joy you feel upon performing a good deed, about being virtous etc. It is about structure and order to grant each and every one a place in society.
The story will take place in hell. How one will fare here is heavily dependend on how one got here. Maybe one is a planeswalker, a magician powerful enough to travel between worlds/ planes. Maybe one died but possessed an ego strong enough to avoid forgetting oneself. If one traveled here by choice he or she is mostly the same as in the old world, though prolonged stay in this plane changes ones very being. If one 'woke up' here after dying one finds himself/ herself inevitably changed into something more chaotic, something more demonlike.

Why is that?
Both heaven and hell exist because people believe it does. Peoples beliefs hold power, even more so if one is capable of magic aka altering the fabric of reality. Heaven and hell channel this power to exist and to create. While there is magic, true demons (or angels) have found a way to do more than simple magic. Why do demons look... demonic? Because they've willed themselves to be that way. For example, if a demon has wings, he or she maybe felt the most freedom by not being restricted to the ground. Why do demon wings look nothing like those pure white angel wings? Because the energy of belief in hell is of a different nature than in heaven; more chaotic since freedom is of utmost importance here. And while every true demon looks unique – after all, everybody sees themselves differently – there are certain traits common enough to allow 'classification'. Take a succubus/ incubus, for example. Wings and tails are common, sexualized bodies as well – why? Because they've found that they are the happiest by indulging in those sweet carnal pleasures. And what's wrong with it?

The story takes place in hell, as mentioned before. More specific in Kyrenia, a floating island almost entirely covered by a city capable of satisfying ones every desire. The city is governed- or rather represented - by a powerful succubus intent of making 'her' city a place where every desire can be fulfilled – or, as outsiders like to claim, every sinful deed can be done. Lust? Love is everywhere to be found here, no matter the race or sexuality. Greed? It is a city of opportunity, where one is not limited by birth, profession or anything else. Envy? The entire plane is literally all about reimagining yourself to be the best 'you' possible, with many role models happily providing the help needed. Wrath? Every warrior knows the thrill of victory. For exactly that many tournaments and the grand arena provide the stage necessary. Sloth? There is no rule to work hard day by day only to be able to live. Here you have the freedom to take the day off if you want. Or the week. Or the month. Pride? In a city all about indulging in pleasure of course there's pride to be felt in being good in what one is doing. Gluttony? For every taste there is an establishment, restaurant or bar where one can sate such cravings – and no true denizen of hell would ever think of forcing one to eat.

Still, how does one live here? While freedom is heavily emphasized and pleasure is the focus of everyones mind, how does a society like this function? In the end, it is all about contracts. While demons may lie like everybody else, one's vow is regarded as sacred as the pursuit of happiness and freedom. On simple terms it means once there is a contract signed or a promise being spoken, it is expected to be fulfilled. There are those who think they can get around this – but they soon learn that even in hell there are many who seek out those who do wrong.

With all this said, there are those demons who are much like the mental image mortals have of this plane. Those are called the 'lost', those who are not just indulging in their pleasures but enslaved by it. While a true demon respects the freedom of choice of everyone he comes across, those who are Lost do not. They are pitied but hunted, for when one has sunk so low it is not possible for them to recover. Nontheless, they are ever present in hell, outside the civilised areas of the plane. It is these feral Lost who are summoned most often by those conjuring demons from another plane, and it is because of them that hell has the image of a place of eternal damnation.

There are a lot more ideas about this setting which I will add over time, but to be perfectly honest I'm looking forward to brainstorm about more details with those who like worldbuilding as much as I do.

So, what stories am I looking to write in this kind of setting?

That depends heavily on who I will be writing with. There are many possible stories to be had in this setting.

Maybe one about 'corruption', or rather becoming more and more honest about one's own desire. Call it corruption, call it empowerment, call it positive egoism – the goal is for the characters in question to embrace their own desires. There's a lot of fun to be had here; be it a heroine who wasn't as 'virtuous' as she herself believed and has to come to terms that it is not that bad to do what she would like to do, not what she had to do. It could be someone from another plane, visiting at first but ultimately staying; making this wonderous city his or her new home.

Maybe it is about 'redemption'. Just because everyone believes no one can save the 'Lost' doesn't mean it is not possible. It would be an interesting story for one enslaved by his or her desires to find oneself again, to be a person once more rather than a feral embodiement of vice.

Maybe it is a long story about the rise of a prominent demon, one who is able to shape the city, to make it evolve and change to something even more fun. Simply playing with the setting, to have fun in this playground of desires, can be fun enough.

Or maybe YOU have a good idea, a character you want to play in this scenario, an idea for a great story and wonderfully steamy scenes to be had. I'm always happy to read good suggestions, though that is of course no free ticket to do everything one asks of me. After all, both of us need to agree on the ideas and themes in order to have fun.

Last but not least: kinks.
What am I looking for in this kind of setting?
First of is casual sex. Hell is all about fulfilling one's desire, with carnal pleasures of course being no exception. I'd love this to be accompanied by skimpy/ sexy clothing and
Second is 'corruption', like I've previously described it. So more of 'being honest with your wants and wishes' instead of a 'let me become a fucktoy'.
Third is... let's call it 'diversity'. Most true demons are not human/ elvish/ ... anymore, so there is quite a range of different forms to enjoy. From the tall to the small, from 2 arms to 6 arms, from 2 feet to bipedal demons like centaurs... So technically it should be called 'creature sex', though there will be humanoids as well.

Those are the kinks I'd love the most for this piece of story. Additionally, I'd love if we could include some or all of the following: cum (from realistic to excessive proportions, from the 'standard'- consistency to hellish, different types), cum facials, oral sex, vaginal sex, sex in public, double penetration/ multiple people, transformation/ demonization (as described before), magic (let's get creative!), different races (from humans to elves to demons and others), passionate sex to the point of near frenzy.

What I do not want to write about are things that should stay in the toilet as well as straight up non- con with tears and the like. I can do dub- con, with him/ her enjoying it soon enough, but not straight up rape. If it's a central part of one's story then it's alright, but not as a near everyday sexual encounter.

If I haven't listed a kink it's of course negotiable, as are all the things I'd like to see.

Short term stories (or rather smut- focussed ones)

Honestly, those are more excuses for steamy scenes. I could call them pairings, but 'short term' sound so much more... refined =P
If there's an idea for making one such pairing into something more lengthy, I'd of course be happy to talk and think about it!
Lastly, I would prefer to take the role on the right, though as always it is up for discussion :)

Elf (F) x Savage (Barbarian, Orc, Monster, …)
Native (F) x Traveler
Music Artist/ Singer/ Popstar (F) x Fan
Demon (F) x almost everything
Fantasy Woman (Elf, Draenei, Tiefling, Catgirl, …) x Dragon

So, if anything strikes your fancy - contact me with a PM. I'm looking forward to meeting you :)
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