Mx Female Seeking Longterm & Slow Burn RP Partners - Taboo Preferred


Nov 10, 2021
Hello Ladies. Hope you're doing fantastic and have a few minutes to read through my little slice of content here. If you do skim this, no harsh feelings. Just let me know when messaging me.

I'm Adam, male, in my late twenties. I have been writing for a very long time. No need to put a number on it!

I'm looking for modern day stories that have the slice of life element in them with a fair amount of smut as well. I don't claim any ratio of plot to smut, but I enjoy both equally. Most of my stories tend to have more story at the beginning, because we all know build up is the crucial element that prevents this from being a boring porn scene. Very rarely do I write one-off smut stories. I won't turn them down if they have a good premise, but I'm not interested if it's totally unrealistic and out of line.

My interests are all over the place unfortunately, or fortunately...however you want to look at it. I enjoy taboo elements. Those are what make me come here looking for partners. I don't want traditional romance, I want it dark or taboo, or both types of story going. Some of the lighter keywords for these stories would include things like age gaps, cheating, dub-con, light restraints, romance, slow burn, and so on.

The more taboo, or darker keywords would be: large age gaps, cuckolding, incest, non-con, abuse, force, and more to come later.

These are not *ALL* required, but I know my writing partner will need to at least have common interest in some of them. You can stop reading here if an idea came to mind after reading those! Message me if so!

If you're still curious and want more of a picture drawn out, then here are my plot ideas...a crude list and work in progress. Again, please don't take these as verbatim. They are meant to serve as raw building blocks for a story we both can enjoy. These will be added to over time.

1.) An early twenties male decides to drop out of the college he attended the last two years. His vision and goals have changed, and he realizes that he would much rather start his own business instead of slave away the next 40 years. What kind of path is he looking at? Woodworking. Since a young age he had been crafting projects, both big and small. The ability to make something he has planned out in his head just keeps him interested. The struggle now, is that he needs to leave the apartment where his typical party-centric roommates live, and instead find a place to live with a decent garage or shop, or even basement nook. He's scouring online ads, and asking family as well. Does he find an ad from YC listing a spare room? Basement? Something for rent that he can negotiate with? Does his favorite Aunt take him up on the offer, letting him live at her place as long as he promises to do some handy work around the house and fix things up?

2.) A young boy in his mid to late teens decides that he's going to work hard this summer and start saving up for something big. He's mature for his age, no doubt about it, but he's still wet behind the ears. Does the neighbor down the street offer to pay him to mow her lawn and prune the shrubs in the back yard? Does she ask if he can come inside and take a look at her WiFi because the internet is down and she knows he's tech savvy?

3.) An older man in his mid thirties to forties catches his wife cheating. Out of angst he's seeking out the first attractive female that he can find at his work, some bar, etc.

4.) A young male (16-24) living with his parents soon learns that his father is leaving for someone much younger. The young man now has to pick up the pieces of his parent's failed marriage and tries to help support his mother, who is relatively attractive especially for her age.

5.) A early to mid twenties male is contacted by his parents that they need to move before their daughter, his sister, is graduating high school. They hate to have her removed from that school where all her friends are. They ask if she can stay with him for the next 1 to 3 school years.

6.) Open

7.) For

8.) Suggestions!

Please note: I prefer to write in PM, or on Discord. If something seems off but you still want to run it by me, don't hesitate to message me. Thanks.
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