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Dungeons & Damsels (In-Character - ChrisGabriel, Colonel_Liam, Ironuyh & Opale)


Dec 2, 2014

Adventurer's Guild (Drayton, Merchant District - Mid Morning)

Passing through the stout, wooden doors, you enter a warm, fire-lit hall. Trails of smoke linger around the low rafters and the air remains heavy with the scents of last night's revelry. Although your immediate impression is one of comfort, any sense of cosiness is lost when you realise the axe propped next to the woodpile would be more at home in an armoury. However, the flagons are large and what remains of breakfast looks hearty.

An angry, ginger house cat leaps onto a nearby table and growls challengingly. It's amber eyes flash in the candle-glow, fur bristling as it seems to notice your interest in the food scraps.

You glance around, keen to make sure that none of the other adventurer's noticed you flinch and, perhaps, you feel a sense of relief when you reassure yourself that you are, in fact, apparently alone. The cat, now satisfied that you are no threat to their feasting, returns its attention to the uncleared plates, leaving you to wonder where everyone might be.

As if in answer to your unspoken question, a figure abruptly steps out from behind a hanging tapestry. Short, blonde and dressed in no nonsense leather armour, the newcomer looks every inch the adventuress. She smiles, showing teeth as half her upper lip quirks and you recognise a glimmer of mischief in her pale green eyes.


The stranger regards you with an appraising gaze, occasionally nodding to herself as her eyes flicker between you. Her expression doesn't change, but you can almost feel the weight of her attention.

"What kept you?" She asks finally, her voice low and breathy, "the day's wasting and this quest isn't gonna fix itself."
Anya stirred groggily, raising her head from her arms, her red hair tousled from sleeping at the table the night before. She had arrived in Drayton the night before, and drowned her woes in several pints of ale before passing out, glad to finally be off the road and in the relative safety of a town.

At first the guards at the door had been hesitant to let her in without credentials, but a brief demonstration of her newfound powers, practiced while on the road had convinced them that she had some claim to belonging there.

She stood and leaned back to stretch out her back, thrusting her chest out for a moment, before she glanced around for a pitcher of water to wash the taste of stale ale out of her mouth. Swallowing the tepid water she had poured for herself she looked to the blonde girl.

"Quest?" was all she managed. She hadn't taken any jobs yet. In truth she wasn't entirely sure HOW to take a job with the adventurers guild.
Senna had finally decided to take on the leap of faith that morning. She packed the room she'd been staying in at a very cheap inn with many a prying eye and headed to the adventurer's guild, seemingly with a group of other prospects.

Entering the guild, the place looked almost homely, if lonesome. As she turns her gaze towards the axe, a bit of wariness runs over her, and when the cat hisses at the group, it draws a fully recoiling flinch from the woman. This action is accompanied by a most startled gasp, and immediately followed with a wave of red rushing to her cheeks as the cleric seems to draw into herself, looking mightily embarrassed among the small group.

As the woman who's look screamed she was na adventurer appeared and seemingly strated to appraise the gathered group, the already non-physically-imposing blonde girl draws into herself further, avoiding eye contact with the newcomer. When asked what kept her, Senna - who was easily nervous - merely opened her mouth to simply close it again after a second of finding that no sound was being produced, avoiding catching the adventuress' gaze as the others speak.

Shu Qi 'popped' in, into the common room of the Guild. Her cautious entrance prevented her from having a mishap upon emerging as she serenely observes the place. It is as they say, the place where the adventurer-type gather, swap tales, takes on a respite after finishing an adventure, while others wait for the latest quests to get posted. Speaking of which, she found what she was looking for - the blonde adventuress, wearing high heeled boots. She slowly, struts towards it while maintaining a regal air about her, causally passing by an orange-haired girl who just came from there. Upon reaching the blonde in question, she carefully looked her over.

"What might be a delay to you, might be a good time to us." she said to the blonde quietly. "Hmm. Why are you calling this a Quest , It surely something not so common." She asked in the same serne tone, her hands slipping in her large dark sleeves of her silk dark robes.
Almost like she was just wandering in like a sailor into the next pub in an unknown city, Betti was short, and with her big, wide open eyes she almost looked comical. *wow, axe* she stared at the wood cutting implement that was almost as big as her *heh, cat* she carefully eyed the monster jumping on the table at eye level *oh, blonde babe* she grinned.

But the three and maybe half feet tall woman also looked up at the other three, her grin just getting bigger with an almost maniac glimmer in her eyes *hehe, adventurers? did I missed a corner somewhere? but maybe I wasasked to come here to help with this... quest?* she tought, and choose to just keep wandering around the room, hearing what they was speaking about, and butting in if she could help them.

After all, she didn't feel like she was a full adventurer with quests and all, more like a half sized one who just took the life among the tall ones like an adventure. But Betti was very helpful, and always ready with some poultice or potion, maybe cream or powder to make life easier, and things to go more smoothly.
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The blonde woman rose gracefully, her expression still one of wry amusement. Very deliberately, her eyes alighted on each woman in turn and met the gaze of any who would accept that challenge. She raised one hand and idly twirled a finger through her braid in what almost seemed a flirtatious manner.

"Quest," she confirmed and her lips twisted, once again, into a sly smile.

With that, the leather-clad woman stalked closer and casually gestured toward the Quest board. This large, wooden fixture was almost hidden behind hastily scrawled notes. Some were decorated with official-looking wax seals, while others were plain.

"Nothing there for first-timers," the blonde explained, "but perhaps you were touched by Tykhe's hand, because I have just received the perfect, special and urgent quest for your foursome."

Still grinning, her hand dropped to pet the now mollified cat. A soft purring seemed to thrum through the room before she spoke again, this time addressing the dark-haired martial artist.

"Ah," the woman sighed, "so you are the wordy one? How delightfully unexpected. But where are my manners? I'm Candle and, for my sins, I'm the one looking after reception here. Now look, it is entirely up to you. Earl Turlik is offering 200 gold for a collection job off the King's Road. Apparently it's urgent and he's basically made of money. It won't be a cake walk. If it was, he'd have his own men do it. But the four of you should be able to handle themselves."
As Candle gazed at the lot of them, Senna noticeably wilts upon being looked upon, gripping her staff tightly as she averts her eyes from the blonde woman. Seeing her gesture to the board, the cleric's gaze follows, but a disheartened look appears once it is said there was nothing there for people as inexperienced as herself.

When the other adventuress-turned-receptionist produces a most fortunate quest, the cleric looks a bit hopeful. She cares little for the reward gained therein, but hearing it should be something the four could handle, the cleric started to look at least slightly confident.

However, a few things stood out as strange to the cleric, and as such, she speaks up. "'F-For my sins'? Wh-What does that mean, and why w-would it land you in reception? A-And, what is to be done on a 'collection job', a-as you put it?" As could be expected, the small blonde woman's voice is little more than whisper.
Anya was suddenly aware of the other adventures, all women within the room. She wasn't quite sure what to make of them just yet, they all seemed awfully young to her, though she had to concede that despite being older she didn't have much experience in adventuring either. She was about to dismiss the blonde receptionist entirely and try to find something more suitable to her fledgling skill level on the job board, when the "Candle" explained what they were expected to do, and for how much. 200 gold coins, split 4 ways? At her old job she would have been lucky to make 50 gold in several months of being pawed, pinched, and patted.

"200 gold for a collection? Like a courier?" she asked, her interest evident at the idea of making that much money that quickly.
Betti just blinked up the tall ones. Did they included her too? Was they thinking that somehow four girl could do the job of mercanarys? "How far we have to travel, and how? Wouldn't it be easier to get a dozen mercenary with horses to get the Earl's trinket? What needs to be collected and from who? I am sure not strongarming anyone to pay taxes..." the gnome climbed up on a chair to be somewhat similar height as the others. "Any way, even if you three really want to do this, I can be some help. For the trip or even for the possible fights, I have some useful oils and potions... For an equal part in this, of course."
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The now silent monk listened to all the questions, and comments. It was clear the quest was in fact a simple robery. A bunch of thieves passing for adventurers. People tending to lie to themselves, in roder to settle their consiciousness. But she needed to know more, and to know what was going on, with this Earl Turlik, who might he be. She crossed her hands in the ample sleeves of her dark robe, and quietly inquired.

"Why does he need this collection, and who is supposed to guard it ?" she glanced at the sultry blonde, eyes in eyes, looking for deception or half truth.
Candle waited for the hubbub to settle, following the questioners with sharp-eyed focus. The soft smile remained, but, with her concentration elsewhere, she wasn't nearly as attentive to the cat's needs as it expected and, with an indignant moan, the fur-ball slunk away.

"I have no need of confession," the receptionist grinned, "but should I ever transgress against Laverna, you will be my first choice. As to the collection, I'm afraid the request reveals very little. My suspicion is that 'money-bags' will provide the details when you meet at his estate."

She offered a folded parchment to the stammering cleric. Even a cursory glance revealed the excellent penmanship and ostentatious wax seal. Apparently intent on answering each adventurer in turn, the woman moved to address the pyromancer.

"Two hundred," she agreed, winking slyly, "but, obviously, if you can negotiate a better fee in person, the Guild's ten percent will still be calculated from that initial offer."

Without pause, Candle crouch low and took a breath. It seemed as though she, very deliberately, took her time, (so as not to be caught up in the alchemist's high-speed chatter.

"The job offer stresses a need for discretion," she explained, "and that the task will require a journey beyond the King's Road. I think we can safely rule out the possibility of tax-collection, but of course, you will need to discuss the details with the Earl in due course."

Finally, Candle rose. She moved with an almost effortless grace that might put one in mind of a predatory cat. With that same half-smile, the receptionist offered a slight shrug, eyes still glittering. There were no obvious signs of deception or evasion the martial-artist could detect (although she did get the rather firm impression that this woman was skilled at concealing her emotions).

"I apologise," she conceded, "but, as you can see, the Earl requests at least four adventurers for his collection task. Beyond the usual reassurances that the task will conform to Guild rules, there is precious little detail and I have shared that already. However, if you are at least intrigued, may I suggest you take any remaining questions to the manor? "
When Candle speaks of confession and coming to her, even if not soon, Senna straightens out, and nods to her, actually daring to keep a steady gaze at the woman. For whatever reason, priestly duties aside from her adventuring is where she is much more comfortable, which is easily heard in her voice. "I understand. Should you have need of me to hear you, ask anytime. Please do not hesitate if you think transgressions are likely. I can try to aid you in carrying your burdens as best I can."

However as conversation turns towards adventure and quests, the cleric would take the folded parchment, unfurling it as Candle addresses the others. She would read the parchment to herself under her breath, her stammering clearly returning as she catches on a few words. Once she had finished reading it, Senna would hand the parchment down along the line to Anya.

When Candle asks if there are any questions, Senna had none, but after the others ask any of theirs, the cleric would give the receptionist a bow. "I th-thank you for this op-opportunity, Ma'am. And once again, p-please do not hesitate to ask after me should reflection be something you wish to speak of."

The monk eyes danced over Candle's face and body, looking for deception - or more of it - as she spoke, and turned her words into a honeypot for the bees of minds, of those adventurers around her. She noted that they were all four women, and that detail seemed of importance at the very moment. Brushing off a streak of her black mane from her face with a hand, she continued to ask calmly and politely.

"Was it fate, or more like a demand of your client or yourself, that this company would be female only ?" her voice was clear, but low, while she kept her eyes on Candle's and her ears ready to noticee tone change, or breathing pace of the blonde receptionist.

As soon as she'd have answered, she'd just add then "I'm ready when you all are."
"I am obviously needed as the fourth then. At least to meet this Earl." the gnome woman nodded hard enough thatshe had to grip the chair or fall off if she wasn't more dexterous than she looked. Grinning as the dizziness slowly abated, she added "I wonder how his home looks like! But I take full pay and not half, as my size!" which was still a boasting of her size, being no bigger overall than third of the weight of any of the others. Betti was also curious of the Earl's reaction to her, as she was not naive enough to think that there wasn't thoughts of sex behind the all female request. And really, neither of them looked like seasoned adventurers, just like she heard. *Hm. Maybe I should dress as an old dreadful crone... Naah, I would rather get fucked properly than play on that or show up as a child.* she tought, not really caring for the Guild's image that those would definitely debase if she did it.
Candle seemed to appreciate the change that came over the shy cleric as their conversation turned to more theological matters. And, although there was still more than a hint of mischief in the blonde's expression, her tone was gentle when she finally responded.

"Thank you, little voice, I shall take your offer to heart. There is just one matter I must explain. With the exception of the Guild Master," the receptionist softly emphasised, "we are all equals here. There are no Ma'ams or Sirrahs."

As far as the martial arts was concerned, the young woman was certainly glib and more than a little flirtatious (almost certainly teasing a lot more than was truly offered). But she could discern no obvious falsehoods hidden in the conversation so far.

"No," Candle answered, shaking her head in emphasis, "please do not misunderstand. As you can see from the job offer, the sex of the adventurers was never specified. It is merely Guild policy to offer this kind of quest to neophytes and happy happenstance that the four of you were still here when the request arrived."

Finally, the receptionist's smile widened further at the gnome's words. She shook her head more forcefully and once again lowered herself to address the diminutive alchemist.

"Pay is apportioned equally to all who complete the quest" she explained, her voice serious now. "In rare cases where one or more souls do not return, their share is managed as per the absent member's behest. An adventure not more than an hour from the city, however, is not one that will necessitate such measures."

As far as those watching could tell, Candle's enthusiasm and confidence seemed entirely unfeigned.
Senna smiles a bit when it seems Candle would take her words to heart, even if only to spread mischief of some sort. When the receptionist goes on to explain that there shall be no 'Ma'ams' or 'Sirs', the cleric slowly nods. "If you say so, Ma-... Miss Candle." The cleric had no further questions, instead opting to listen as the blonde answered the others. All in all, Senna seemed ready to go, despite whatever nervousness she openly displays as the prospect of working at this job.

"Shall we be h-headed out? Or are there still questions you all would ask?"
Anya was a novice when it came to all this adventuring terminology and nuance. She didn't suspect any kind of potentially underhanded, under the table, or backdoor dealings. She was at the adventurers guild, a representative was offering job that required four couriers, and there happened to be three other adventurers happily enough, and the mention of an "Earl" gave the whole venture a veneer of legitimacy to the somewhat naive former barmaid. The potential payday of course helped to gloss over any of the problematic questions or turns of phrase the others were using.

In truth she was a little excited, she had never met a noble, the bar she had worked at catered to a much lower level of clientele. She subconciously began to fret at the wrinkles in her clothes and brushed her hair with her fingers. Seh turned to the little priestess and nodded enthusiastically. "I'm ready to go. It's an Earl and he's paying us 50 gold for a simple job. What are we waiting for? If we don't hurry he might hire someone else!" She quickly scooped up her few possessions into a small bag and edging towards the door.
"Finally!" Betti slapped her small hands on the backrest of the chair "So you do know more about the quest! You just said, 'not more than a hour from the city'. So, either you hide your knowledge about the 'adventure', or you are lying. Not that the two isn't the same in some cases, but really, who cares..." the Gnome kept grinning, even as she shrugged and scampered off the chair towards the door. "Come on big folks, time is a-wasting! I hope one of you know where to find the manor of this Earl..." it would look bad if they got lost on their way to pick up the quest itself, and she was kind of curious if she had done, or would do other kind of businness with this noble. Patting herself down to feel if she had her samples and reagents with her as usual, Betti waited for the so called cleric to leave too, as she had questions.

"So, Ma'am, care to tell more about which temple or god you serve and how?"
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