- Joined
- Dec 2, 2014

Adventurer's Guild (Drayton, Merchant District - Mid Morning)
Passing through the stout, wooden doors, you enter a warm, fire-lit hall. Trails of smoke linger around the low rafters and the air remains heavy with the scents of last night's revelry. Although your immediate impression is one of comfort, any sense of cosiness is lost when you realise the axe propped next to the woodpile would be more at home in an armoury. However, the flagons are large and what remains of breakfast looks hearty.
An angry, ginger house cat leaps onto a nearby table and growls challengingly. It's amber eyes flash in the candle-glow, fur bristling as it seems to notice your interest in the food scraps.
You glance around, keen to make sure that none of the other adventurer's noticed you flinch and, perhaps, you feel a sense of relief when you reassure yourself that you are, in fact, apparently alone. The cat, now satisfied that you are no threat to their feasting, returns its attention to the uncleared plates, leaving you to wonder where everyone might be.
As if in answer to your unspoken question, a figure abruptly steps out from behind a hanging tapestry. Short, blonde and dressed in no nonsense leather armour, the newcomer looks every inch the adventuress. She smiles, showing teeth as half her upper lip quirks and you recognise a glimmer of mischief in her pale green eyes.

The stranger regards you with an appraising gaze, occasionally nodding to herself as her eyes flicker between you. Her expression doesn't change, but you can almost feel the weight of her attention.
"What kept you?" She asks finally, her voice low and breathy, "the day's wasting and this quest isn't gonna fix itself."