Mx Female seeking playful partners [discord/updated 2/22]

lady vri

mack daddy
Dec 22, 2014
So most of this is going to be a shameless reposting of my other search thread, but since I'm having such shit luck looking to play as a female character (I seriously left for two weeks because of some bullshit), I'm setting up shop here again just to get those sweet, sweet role plays. I don’t care what you are irl so long as you are willing to play as a female character in m/f, but I give strong preference to the ladies because my track record rping with guys is shit. I might ask for your pronouns if you don't volunteer them but you don't have to tell me your gender. I do have a few other requirements though so I’m gonna go ahead and post those below in a simple list format.

I'm always pleasantly surprised by the number of responses I get when I put up my search threads... then horrified by the fact that all those people turned out to be creeps. There are some really promising rps in those responses too, with partners that seemed really nice, but then they crossed lines that I was unwilling to look past. Let me be clear, I don't mind dirty talk and jokes. Those are fine. And you can most certainly make conversation by asking me how my day went or by venting to me if you want to. I will absolutely love it if you and me hang out at the imaginary water cooler and discuss our equally annoying coworkers. But under no circumstances do I EVER want to discuss my sex life with you, how good my husband is in bed with you, or if I would ever consider trying polyamory with you. Yes, that happened. I will not discuss my body with you, its proportions, or describe in detail how I look. I am not interested in any online relationships besides friendships. If you cross those lines, I will block you without warning. Again, let me be clear. Don't. Be. A. Creep. If you are at all a halfway decent human being with even an inkling of social awareness, you should be fine.

Story Vs. Smut
I typically like a good mix of story and smut but I also don’t mind role plays that tend to lean in one direction. This being said, I heavily lean towards more story than smut by default, though my characters can be randy. Please don’t approach me with smut only rps as those tend to bore me really quickly and I won’t be inspired to post. There needs to be some kind of content to the role play. Writing is a hobby for me, not my sexual outlet (though I don’t judge you if it’s yours). Also, long term only. If we make for good partners then I won’t mind occasionally doing one shots with different characters but when I rp I prefer to create long lasting stories.

On the topic of story specifics, I love slice of life elements. I love slice of life itself as a genre, but I also enjoy sprinkling bits of it into other genres. My characters are multi-dimensional. They have hopes and dreams. They want to be parents or maybe they already are. They want to settle down and get married or just want to find love with that one special person. They want to buy a house or move to Paris or get a dog/cat. I will repeat, we do not HAVE to do slice of life as a genre, but I like to include elements to build out my characters. It makes me happy. So if we’re playing top secret government agents infiltrating North Korea to defuse a nuclear warhead, don’t be surprised when my character starts talking about little Timmy who just hit his first home run during their downtime. It's just how I roll.

Kinks & Limits
I happen to enjoy a wide variety of kinks, but my faves by far are: realistic relationships (everyone’s not happy all the time), manly dudes, guys that look like guys (body hair, beards, etc…), voluptuous women with realistic proportions, vaginal sex, oral sex, threesomes (or just multiple partners), non-con, dub-con, and consensual sex. Yes, I realize the last three kind of conflict with each other but what can I say, I'm a complicated woman. I'm also a huge fan of relationships evolving, such as hate to love or friends to lovers. But I'm also okay with character diving head first into the sexy times and figuring out their feelings later. I really like using pregnancy/risk of pregnancy as a plot device (let's be honest, unless it's modern day and they're using contraception, there’s risk), less so as a kink but we could include breeding seamlessly if that’s a big kink for you, no shame here. Now I know that pregnancy is a sensitive subject for some, so if you’d like to discuss how/if it’s included in an rp, I’m okay doing that, feel free to reach out. I want to respect my partners’ wishes first and foremost.

That is certainly not all I’m into, those are just the faves. My f-list is horribly out of date and I’m working on fixing it but in the meantime, if you’re interested in something please just message me to ask if I’m willing to include it in the rp and we’ll go from there.

The only hard noes I have are death, vore, feet, giantism, milfs paired with immature boys, incest (unless I mention it in my plots), and toilet play (urination gets an asterisk because I will accept it under special circumstances).

Posting & Images
I like multi-paragraph posts but obviously if our characters are having an important conversation or there’s a lot of action happening, posts can be slightly smaller. One liners or a handful of sentences is a no-go. I generally as a personal rule never go below two paragraphs. That's easy to achieve with exposition. I’d prefer to rp with someone who can do the same but it’s NOT a requirement. I don’t believe in word counts. When it comes to the content of the posts, my partner needs to be able to react AND move the scene forward. But not too fast, okay? I’ve role played with people who do or say about five different things at once and it gets really hard to reply to those posts because my character’s decisions are limited. Unless it’s something we’ve plotted for, please avoid doing that.

When it comes to fcs/images, I’m okay using most. Real or drawn, it’s mostly the same to me. However, the one thing I abhor more than creeps is loli girls. Do not come in here looking for it and no, I won’t rp with people who want to use them either. They have no business near my rps. On the subject of using images of anime characters/art drawn in the anime style, I’m picky. Really, really picky. I’ve watched a lot of weird shit and I’ve seen a lot of the popular characters used everywhere, so they’re kind of tainted in my eyes. Your hand drawn art? Or art you’ve commissioned of your character? Totally a-okay! We can also say fuck you to all art and just use good ole descriptions!

Activity & Location
I heavily prefer to rp on Discord. I’m aware that not everyone likes it but I happen to love the platform. It’s ridiculously easy to get around the character limit and having the rp and OOC in one place is very convenient. It’s also really hard to check this site on my phone sometimes and responding to pms on mobile is horrifying. That being said, I’m going to screen everyone first so before I give out my handle, please PM me first and we’ll go from there. And by screen, I mean we’ll talk plot and I will require a sample of your writing. I’ve gotten burned one too many times from not asking for one, so if you can’t or won’t send one, don’t bother messaging me. I will happily provide a sample of my own. If you don't have discord or don't like to use it, I will do rps over PMs if you bribe me with fantastic plots, but no, I won’t do threads. I will also require samples for PM rps too, so don’t think you can slip through a loophole.

When it comes to activity I’d ideally like someone who can post at least once a day, if not more, but I’m not a harpy. I understand that people have lives outside of the computer. I have a family that I love quite a lot and kids that need me, so there may be times when I’m unavailable or when I don’t post for a day or two. I’ll generally try to tell you if I’m going away for longer than that and I’d appreciate the same courtesy. But obviously the more posts the better, right? I can usually post as often as my partner and I find it’s the easiest way to keep the rp going. If you can only post a couple times a week, I’ll be okay and so will my interest. However, if you're only going to be able to post once a week or less, I would strongly advise against messaging me because I’ll tell you right now, my interest will die very, very quickly.

I personally like doubling (or even tripling) but I understand it’s not for everyone. It is not a requirement at all, but if you’re like me and you enjoy having a lot of different characters to tell stories with, then feel free to suggest additional character ideas and we can try to work them in. And while we’re on the subject, I may have some ideas for my characters but I will leave yours completely up to you. If you’d like input I’m more than happy to offer ideas and suggestions, but I really hate it when people ask me specifically what they should play (like word for word) and then try to dictate my character to me. We are each in charge of our own characters, okay? Suggestions are cool but don’t try to demand that I make or play my characters a certain way.

A final note on this, if you're interested in an unconventional pairing, or you're just really desperate to play your plot idea that no one else seems to like, you can definitely bribe me with a little 'I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine' doubling. No shame at all in asking for it, however please do understand that I still have the right to say no if I'm not comfortable playing what you're asking for or am just not interested. This shouldn't be a problem as long as you follow my other rules and please do respect that. I’ve had people specifically ask for something I have in my no section and justify it by saying that they’re fulfilling my craving, so I should do theirs too. It doesn’t work like that.


So onto the actual business of role play. I'm looking to play some originals. This is by no means all I'm interested in and I may add more later. I've recently done some house keeping so I've removed everything I'm not interested in, so the following should be fair game unless it is crossed off! As always, your suggestions and plots are also welcome!

Deer God: bestiality, non-con/dub-con, character death, possibly incest
I don’t do bestiality often, but for this plot I will make an exception. I was playing a game (aptly named Deer God) and got the idea. The gist is that MC is a god/forest spirit of some kind that YC’s people worship. This is a fantasy setting, so YC doesn’t have to be human. Every one hundred years, a sacrifice must be made to this god/forest spirit: a beautiful, pure maiden left at an altar deep in the woods, never to be seen again. It is presumed that she is taken by MC to the spirit realm but the reality is far more disturbing (for her anyways; or maybe not????). MC has a physical body that he uses on the earth, one that must be reborn every one hundred years. To do this, he breeds the girl given to him as sacrifice, transferring himself to the fawn (yes it’s a deer) once it is born. YC, you ask? Well in the original idea I came up with, she dies. Now I don’t like rping death so we won’t be doing that. It will basically end with the fawn being born and YC slipping away. This rp is perfect for a one shot, but if you’re interested in making it long term, what if your character lives? We could get freakier, throw in some incest with MC rapidly growing into his adult form basically over night, maybe he decides to keep her around? This is definitely one of the more half baked plots I have. I swear I was high and I have no other justification for this fuckery.

Slave Breaker: non-con, substance abuse, violence, possible harem-esque?
This one is pretty straight forward. MC is a member of an underground organization that enslaves women. Specifically, he trains/breaks them in a special location fit for these kinds of activities. If a client purchases a girl that’s too feisty for his liking, he pays MC to break their will and teach them how to pleasure their new master. YC is a girl who was taken from the streets and brought to said facility either before or after an auction, and MC is the one hired to break them. This one is basically BDSM gone wrong, aka what everyone thinks BDSM is but it isn’t. There are no safe words and no concern is given to YC unless she is near death. She may be drugged to make the training go faster, it’s all up for discussion. Ultimately I’d like for this to be a long term rp, either with multiple girls coming through or MC takes a special liking to YC and purchases her for himself, perhaps even using her to help train other slaves?

The Farm: multi-character (optional), multiple partners, breeding/lactation, non-con, possible violence
In this plot, YC (possible characters?) would be a woman who is kidnapped and brought to a secret, underworld type ‘farm’ that uses the women it takes to produce some of the finest milk you’ve ever had. The women are given high doses of drugs that induce lactation, then milked throughout the day. Because this is already a pretty corrupt place, the women also must also suffer rape and other humiliations at the hands of their captors. Any children born are sold on the adoption black market, bringing in more money for the owner, MC. Like I said, you can play as one particular character or you could also play as multiple characters. I may also pick up multiple characters depending on how large the operation is. I’d like for this to be long term, but it could also just be a really long one shot.

Spoils of War: non-con/dub-con, enemies to lovers, possible violence
Another fantasy setting, my god. This is another half baked plot but less freaky. I think. To make a long story short, I’d like to play a brute of a character, maybe an orc or a gruff, war chief like centaur? Idk, there’s endless possibilities here. YC is a captive from a recent raid, either captured by MC or brought to MC as tribute. She is then made into a slave, meant to service MC in every way but specifically sexually. In a twist of fate, however (or just my plotting), our characters slowly grow to understand each other and possibly even fall in love. YC is raised from her slave status, perhaps to conqubine or the coveted title of wife. The easiest way to accomplish this is for her to get pregnant, them spending time together, etc… This is basically my attempt at recreating Beauty and the Beast but where the Beast is a damn beast. It’s drivel but it’s MY drivel.

And that’s it! I’m open to hearing your plots and ideas, so please feel free to send me a PM. Also please remember that I will not be handing out my discord info until we’ve talked plot, so be patient. Thanks so much!
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