Mx Female Some Midcentury historical roles for the women of Discord-land


Jun 22, 2017
Hello out there, and thanks for reading my first post on here. I have much more experience than my lack of posting on this site might reflect, and I am confident in my writing skill. I'm a professional historian (with published works and everything), and I enjoy the modern plays I have with some of my existing (few) partners. However, I'm looking for something just a little different than that, especially after I was skimming through an old conversation with a former partner. I'm looking to set a few plays over on Discord in the mid-twentieth century U.S. (think 1940s-1950s, WWII/postwar era), and the pieces below reflect that period. My piecework approach here is by design, too. I see a good role play as a partnership, so hit me with items that intrigue you. Add your own favorites, kinks, or interpretations, and I will gladly discuss whatever you propose. That said, I would like to explore one or more of the themes below in the roleplay we create together:

1) Liberated women: I like plays that center upon strong female characters, and in this case, a female lead character breaking the conformist barriers of midcentury America on her own terms could be really exciting as a plot point. If you like to play the type of woman who takes no shit, or if you like to play with/against the concept of sexism (perhaps even knuckle under it), we could really do something centered upon this prompt.

2) Race: The civil rights movement is already underway (and yes, I would argue with you about that - I stand firmly behind the Long CRM thesis), but discussions about it seem to be everywhere. While we could easily explore the standard black/white relationship in interracial role plays - and you can choose the races each of us play - I could see it go other directions. After all, there's nothing wrong with a character falling in love or lust with a Native American, an immigrant from Asia or Latin America, or a Chicano/Chicana, either.

3) Transgressive morals: cheating, drugs, Beatniks, rebellion in the new suburbs, or all of the new jazz or rock and roll music would be fertile ground for exploration. I could also see these items partnering well with race, if you wanted to mix and match some concepts here.

4) Communism: McCarthyism sits right in the middle of this era, and subversive types could be good to play with. College students or professors accused of Communist sympathies, a little spy thriller, or even just a ripoff of the show "The Americans" set in the 1950s all could make for interesting concepts. Hell, even the romanticism of the Communist idealist corrupting the other character's mind and body could work for me. We can get really intellectual with it, if you like that approach as well.

5) Other: I may add to this list later in this space, and of course, you are welcome to throw another approach to the period at me.

While I am looking for these items above, I would prefer strongly to avoid any of the following: Nazis (just, yuck, to me); superheroes/heroines (I know some comics use this period, but I'm just not interested in that stuff); and any non-female/non-human roles (I'm an ally, but sorry, I just don't get down like that). Also, please be a female playing that female role.

I hope you're interested in the concepts here. If you wanted to play other time periods in the twentieth century, please feel free to share those as well! I will say, I don't care for medieval roles (I just don't care for it, and it's a gateway role to fantasy stuff that I really don't like), and I don't care for playing in the 18th/19th century (it's what I research, and I just know too much about everything to have much fun with it. Trust me, you don't want your role plays dotted with footnotes and historiographic discussions). I'm in the Eastern time zone, and my availability is admittedly sporadic at times; I'm at a new school teaching new courses that require a lot of preparation! I'll be around for you as much as possible, though. Please feel free to DM me here with concepts or your Discord handle, and I will get back to you ASAP.
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