Mx Female Demon Life - [Anime inspired, equal parts smut and plot]


Jan 7, 2017
Long ago a powerful demon lorded over the lands of the Demon World. The legends of his great power lasted throughout the generations to his descendant who held just as much ability, and his descendant, and so on. The legendary genetic line ended when it's last member came to love a human, as a diluted blood could never reflect the ability of their parents.

However, what is to happen when hundreds of years later the first human is born in this line with no demon blood? With pure blood that could inherent demonic power but no idea of his lineage? With no powers born to himself, the boy can call upon the forms of his ancestors to mimic their powers.

Now that this human boy in modern day is coming into his own and realizing his hidden family line, a mysterious woman appears to nurture his powers for her own ends.


So! As you can see the point of the story would be your typical shonen setup; I would play a young man who's powers tied to a demonic ancestry start to awaken when your character, a demon woman appears searching for who may have this power, forcing it out of my character when she discovers him. Of course as it's your character we can plan out what you want her motivation and reasonings to be. The initial idea is that either her or a group behind her believes that the lineage shouldn't be in the hands of humans, so her goal would be to nurture his power and slowly turn him into a demon himself by unlocking these powers so that she or whoever sent her could either just say that it's not belonging to a human, or for something more sinister mate with the main boy to make a full demon child, kill him, and deny humans were ever in that family. But of course that motivation can be tweaked and played however you'd like.

As for the powers themselves, as mentioned I'm imagining a main male who can take on different forms for different powers. I was thinking giving them a color theme, as in his first ancestor having red hair and body markings and the like, and so turning into their form would make his hair glow red and give him markings and be a general power up, still being himself but perhaps his personality being influenced by them. While the next ancestor in the line could have been a swordsman with blue hair, same thing here giving the young man a red haired power form, blue haired sword form, and so on. I have ideas for about 7 forms in total.

For the setting, as mentioned I imagined a modern day setting with a Japanese aesthetic where the characters live. I wanted to have a sort of main house, ideas for this included a sort of larger traditional japanese house perhaps a shrine grounds run by a childhood friend he lives with that could be involved in the plot as well.

If you're interested, hit me up with ideas!

Hope to hear from some interested partners soon!
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