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Fx M or F Salacious Science


Oct 27, 2021
Good morrow. My name is Mai and this shall serve as my first request thread.
The following is meant to be an easy and time-flexible scenario in which to purge the rust from my long since unused RP skills. For me, this scenario is switchable, i seek either gender to "inflict" this upon me, or females in which to inflict it upon. If anyone should take interest in this, feel free to reply to this thread or to PM/DM me. Thank you for your attention, i hope you enjoy the read.

-Plot: A plot for this particular RP is somewhat superfluous, thus i invite others to come up with one that suits them, should mine be found wanting, or to disregard it entreily if that is the preferance.
The year is X194, following a cataclysm that saw the Sol system destroyed by the premature expansion of the Sun, humanity is barely eking out an ultimately doomed attempt at survival in the Kuiper Belt, mining minerals from asteroids, water from pieces of Europa, living in old stations perviously orbiting now long forgotten planets. It is one station, the Sentinal's Embrace, an old deep space listening post still in her original orbit, where one of the last vestiges of humanity toils, crazed by isolation, obsessed with the pleasures of the past, enraged by the uncaring nature of the Universe. Two decades of work, innumerable failed projects, several heated arguments with fabric of reality, it calls itself George, but finally a breakthrough. Another living soul, an idea yet to be considered: "I will create the perfect body in which to enhabit! I will snatch back the worldly pleasures to which i have been denied, unfathomable bliss shall be mine! And this one will help me do it..."

Out of context, this is a simple sexual torture plot, set in a somewhat decaying lab, using near future technology to do all manner of unspeakablely lewd things to the human body. Very simple, can be done in anywhere from a day to...Well, whenever someone gets bored.

In context, the idea behind this scenario is to stress the subject body and bring it to it's limits, gathering data in order to create a new and improved body in which to do the same, ever improving until perfection is found, where the crazed scientist will imprint thier mind onto the final result. The victim would awaken, finding themsevles magnetically strapped to an examination slab in a dimmly lit room, wire bundles hangning from the ceiling, worn old tiled floors surronded by slightly rusted walls with a gorgious view of space from a full body obersvation port, wearing nothing but a skin tight thermo-regulated body suit, in a crisp white. Waiting to be experimented on by somewhat crudely put together machines.

This is by no means meant to be brutal, very little blood should be spilled, no appendages removed, no skin flayed, ect ect. The potential death of the subject/actor is irrelivent and has no place within the scenario unless one wishes for a perminent closer to said scenario. Anything else is up for debate.
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