Mx Female seeking a fantastical adventure.


May 24, 2020
Hey, folks. Call me Ry, and thanks for checking out my requests. I'm looking to take on one or two new stories as a few long-running RPs ended recently. Anywho, have some bullet points, without the bullets.

|| The Basics ||

Gender: I'm a guy irl, but I prefer they/them pronouns. Use whatever you want though.
Writing style: Third person omniscient, present or past tense. I average around 800 words per post. English isn't my first language, but I'm adequate.
Posting rate: Once per week, kinda. Probably faster, but I'm a university student and I can't make any promises.
Timezone: GMT +6:30.
Story vs. Smut ratio: Don't have one. The smut drives the story and vice versa. I'll take a smutless story over storyless smut any day though.
Kinks: F-list (tl;dr - anal, rough sex, vanilla stuff)
RP Medium: Onsite, threads (preferred) or PMs.
OOC: I like to plot over Discord, but PMs work just as well. I'd to keep a semi-active ooc conversation; I like to get to know my partners.
Gender Preference: None whatsoever.
Pairings: I'm only looking to play the male character in MxF pairings at the moment.
|| What do I like? ||

Worldbuilding. Seriously. I daresay I enjoy plotting out the story, visualising the world, making NPCs and maps and making moodboards and aesthetics as much as writing itself. Probably even more so.
One-shots. I prefer to play out one-off scenes first to see if we're compatible as writers, and then turn the story long-term if we click.
Romance. The only thing that's mandatory in all my stories. Give me dark, toxic, torrid affairs. Give me sweet, fluffy, butterflies-in-your-stomach romances. Anything but senseless fucking.
To add to this point, I have a serious thing for Monogamy. Exploring the relationship between two people and all the obstacles that come with it is *chef's kiss*.
Settings: Generic medieval fantasy, contemporary, modern fantasy, science fiction, gothic horror, in that order.
Tropes: Rivals with sizing tension, redemption, whump (hurt/comfort), young couples, height differences, ex-lovers, arranged marriages, strangers smashed together in straining circumstances, BDSM (kinda burnt out).
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Pokemon, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, League of Legends.
Well-thought-out PMs.
|| Limits ||

Adultery/Cuckolding. This is a big hard NO.
Raceplay. Not interracial pairings. I love them, in fact.
Excessive sexualised gore.
And to a lesser degree, playing older men. I've had my fair share of bad experiences playing daddies, unfortunately.
Got through all that? Good. Have a cookie.

|| Plots ||

I prefer to plot things out from the ground up with my partner, but you bet I got plots. Well, one plot.

『 City of Crows 』
Ironhill. It's an ugly, walled city sequestered in the bowels of the great kingdom of Nyria, up in the mountainous ranges to the north. It's supposedly where criminals go to die, a place where the worst of men are sent to rot and fester, far away from the beautiful capital. In theory, it should be a chaotic hive of scum and villainy, but for the last two decades, it has been controlled by a powerful gang. Their leader rules the city with an iron fist and keeps the crimes contained within Ironhill's circular walls. The king, for the most part, is happy to preserve the status quo. What is not broken needs not be fixed.
Until the leader is assassinated and the city is thrown into chaos. Bodies start dropping and the alarming news arrives to the capital, speaking of how the criminals have started to spread to the surrounding area like a wildfire. His Majesty sends his youngest son to fix things, and the prince rides north discreetly to assess the damage, looking to de-escalate the situation so they wouldn't have to send the royal army up into the mountains. Meanwhile, the former gang leader's daughter has become head of the organisation and is trying to wrest control over the many smaller gangs that have risen up in the power vacuum. It seems neither of them will have much success... unless they work together.
Notes: Set in a generic medieval fantasy setting or a historical one. Roles are interchangeable. Will probably need some further fleshing out.
And we're at the end! Thank you for making it this far. If it sounds like we might be a good match, send me a PM and we'll talk things out in detail. I'm a chill guy, I promise.
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