The Inferno (M For F)

Sep 2, 2018
Great Britain
Know Thy Author.jpg

Ah, the question.

But let me start by welcoming and thanking you for your time and interest in my thread. And that's right, you guessed it, Dante's the name and I'm gonna try my best to keep this short and sweet, though the best laid plans of mice and men and all that.

Where to begin?

The basics, I think. A man, in his thirties, obsessed with motorcycles, the gym and flirting with my girl in airport lounges, with many other passions besides, one of which he does not get nearly enough time for, but I'm hoping you could change that.

That being said, I do have a busy life and a demanding wife (hey baby šŸ˜‰) so patience is the key. I promise, it'll be worth your while. I'm an Activist Investor by trade for lack of a better term (but I have been called worse) so schedule? I have no schedule. I'm based GMT but that's not where I am necessarily every day of the week. Therefore I can't promise you a post everyday but I'll strive for at least one post a week. My style? Let's call it novel. I like to write what I like to read, I believe it's natural and can easily get into the thousand word count. However, I've never come across this as being troublesome, having written with some extremely talented and creative ladies in the past.

OOC makes the RP. I'm all up for getting to know my partners and there's nothing more I get a kick out of than discussing a potential or ongoing project. It keeps the RP spark alive. I also happen to make it a point to communicate my writing schedule and I hope any potential partner to do the same. I completely understand that sometimes life comes first or that the RP no longer is doing it for you and you want to stop. Totally fine, just let me know.

Now I know this is a very bare outline, I will update it eventually, however, if you find any unanswered questions, feel free to hit me up by DM.


My favourite part...

Yet, limited time means I'll have to keep it blank for now.

Don't be afraid to ask.


Again for the purposes of efficiency, I'm gonna keep it short for now.

I'm always craving a historical setup, not averse to fandoms. Nothing turns me on more than an intelligent female lead with an attitude, nothing turns me off so much as a heroine who is submissive with the only life goal to please my guy. It's boring ladies, and I'm sure it's boring for you too.

Feel free to drop your own suggestions in regards to plots and premises. I'm all ears. I'm a straight up guy, no messing about, if I like it I'll tell you, if it's not for me, I'll tell you that too.

And I'll leave it at that for now. Looking forward to writing with you talented ladies.
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