Mx Female Mad ideas(Some NSFW)

Feb 6, 2020
I've recently just come up with some silly ideas that I didn't know where to list them(Weather they're good enough to be group ideas or other ideas and have just decided to list them here quickly because....well why not)

Idea 1: The Sex Cafe: Basically a cafe that operates like a cafe, but past 6pm kids are not allowed because then customers can place orders to have their food served with the server of there choosing used as a plate to eat off and have sex with. It'd just be about the daily running of this Cafe(Smut ratio 80:20)

Idea 2: The nunnery: A new religion has taken the world by storm, most people either worship the religion, it's the religion dedicated to sexual energy(The belief that a balance of life and sex makes the world's rubbish). Most people who join the nunnery are women who have committed a sin against the religion(Normally not agreeing with it). Men and women come by to pay for a blessing from MC(MC is the only man who lives in or near the nunnery). (SMUT RATIO 100)

Idea 3: The football world cup 2054: Set in the future this will be the first world cup where men and women play on the same team, the rules state now that the teams must be a 50/50 split of men and women. This plot isn't a smut plot, its a serious plot, the roles will be the players who play on the team destined to win and how they work together(SMUT RATIO 20/80)

Idea 4: Hero Society TASK FORCE 09(I've watched too much MHA recently): In a super human society the world has developed a problem, human trafficking, especially with humans that have a desirable power. The O9 task force is dedicated to finding this human scum and wiping them out, forever. This plot again is more story focused and will focus on a team of 2-7 people working together to bring the criminals to justice(SMUT RATIO 40/60)

Idea 5 NEW: This idea is a bit loose and I don't know weather I want it more smut or story focused. But this one is a bout a team of bounty hunters who are hired to track down various targets alive, no killing. Weather that's criminals or important people. Our characters hunt them down and bring them in, weather that's a group of crooks who've stolen a mountain of gold or a politican's wife or daughter

Idea 6 NEW: Fandom idea and I'll keep it brief, during WW2 the Nazis are now on the backfoot, they know they're about to lose but they have one last throw of the dice, they find Wonder Woman's home island, Themyscira, that alone isn't what they find interesting they could use the Amazons as live bait to lure in Wonder Woman and turn her against the allies. A perfect weapon. This plot could go several ways including the bad ending or the good ending. Smut to plot depends on what you want?

Idea 7(sort of borrowing this one): Sex Hospital, on a nice island is a tall hospital building known to be for the power of sex as a healer(It's BS but it's profitable), men and women work in the hospital but they have to be attractive. MC is the head doctor and owns the Sex Hospital, YC can be one of several roles and those are totally up to you(I have a few ideas but I want you to have the freedom to choose(Smut ratio to story 90:10)

Please PM me if interested
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BUMP and a gif for fun
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