- Joined
- Apr 28, 2019

"You must be a Rookie? I can tell, you look beat. Shed that backpack off and have a drink, I'll tell you everything you need to know."
Set in January 11th, 2012 in a 1,004 square mile Exclusion Zone of Chernobyl and its surrounding areas in Ukraine, the April 26th, 1986 nuclear disaster we all know as the Chernobyl NPP meltdown after a routine exercise went awry has been left abandoned since the day of the accident. Only the Ukrainian Soviet Security Services and eventually the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) guarded the entrances of this desolate abandoned wasteland to keep scavengers from taking radioactive scrap metal out and people from re-settling inside the villages. This went on for years until in 1996, a secret laboratory was built within the Sarcophagus of the power plant to host the Common Consciousness project. This project, led by intelligent scientists, believed that they could alter the Noosphere, which is theorized as a third phase of the development of Earth after the Geosphere.It was believed that C-Con could alter this and reverse the negative factors and improve human condition on a global scale, but it backfired. A second unexpected nuclear blowout occurred in 2006 which wiped out a large majority of the army garrisons stationed within the Exclusion Zone. This accident had horrific effects on the ecosystem on a scale never before seen. The wildlife caught in it developed horrifying mutations from enlarged boars and pigs, to ominous and legendary humanoid 'Bloodsuckers'. There was also an anomalous effect as well, as dangerous anomalies began to form from floating 'Whirlgigs' that suck anything inside and tear it to pieces to a floating electrical ball of energy that sent huge voltages through those unfortunate to come across them. Many unknown mutants and anomalies spawned from this accident, prompting the UKM to double down.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers, Robbers) is a term coined by the Ukrainian border guards when desperate men and women from the dreads of
society or adventure seekers looking to get rich quick started penetrating the secured border. This brought a lot of attention from the underground world as stories emerged of the vast wonders of amazing anomalous items called 'Artifacts'. There was a wide variety of these Artifacts that had profound benefits like the 'Bubble' which can absorb the amount of radiation in the human body, to 'Flash' which can increase one's stamina. These strange rocks of energy formed from the anomalies were sought after like wildfire by private collectors, physicians seeking to cure cancer, and sophisticated members of organized crime. And they came in droves to what many now call this place simply, 'The Zone'.
The Ukrainian Military was given any and all orders to keep Stalkers from entering the Zone, with orders to shoot on sight anyone they suspect trying to enter the Zone illegally. However border guards were also reputed as being both sadistic and corrupted. Often times, they accept bribes to look the other way and let trespassers enter without a fuss. But they're also reputed as killing Stalkers for sport, which often occurs when helicopter gunships fly near the border and slightly inside to kill any poor Loner attempting to scavenge through the fields with a burst of rockets. But even the level of potential carnage to be inflicted had hardly any effect, as the cases of stalking grew and more and more flooded the borders in an effort to get rich quickly themselves. This also attracted many other organizations, craftsmen, and traders who became the staple of the Zone and its population.

"They say the Center of the Zone, the reactor near Pripyat, is a treasure trove of riches. Few reach it, and even fewer ever returned."
Every Stalker who enters the Zone is given a Personal Data Assistant, or commonly called PDA. It's like having a phone, only its purpose is to help you stay connected and informed in the Zone. It contains dossiers on the major factions and their allegiances, a geospatial map of the entire Exclusion Zone, and the ability to chat and connect to fellow Stalkers. Announcements and warnings echo through this device to every Stalker, which means it's practically part of your uniform. Leaving without your PDA is like leaving without your pants. This is when a scouting report comes through, notifying you that a checkpoint ran by a faction simply called 'Bandits' guarding the entrance into the Garbage up the road has been dramatically reduced due to infighting. This becomes an opportunity for the Rookies in The Cordon to make their bones and push past the checkpoint and make haste further towards the Center of the Zone.
Led by an Experienced Stalker named Kolyat Garganovich, he begins to formulate a plan for the band of Rookies to blast through the armed thugs in order to reach to a place called 'Rostok'. A massive abandoned factory that was liberated during the factions wars by a paramilitary group called simply 'Duty'. The area is a major hub of various Loners and friendly factions who rest and recuperate, since the place is completely devoid of mutants and anomalies. It is also the location of Duty's headquarters, which makes getting inside sometimes challenging. However if they can get in, there are many special places to visit. Like an Arena hosted by Duty, or the iconic '100 Rads Bar' operated by Barkeep, who sells highly valuable suits and weapons and also provides high risk, high reward missions. It's here that Stalkers come to generate much of their wealth, selling their artifacts and loot and purchasing valuable resources to continue their expeditions.

"If you ever see a Stalker called Muller, put a bullet in his head. That bastard betrayed my friend for his Moonlight Artifact. He'll get what's coming to him."
In the video game series, Stalker virtually had no female characters because the company didn't have enough money to hire female voice actresses funny enough. But in this setting, I highly encourage people to play characters of any gender, any race and ethnicity and sexual orientation. Yes this is Eastern Europe so there will be a lot more individuals of Slavic orientation, but if you want to play a character who's from a different country I've zero issues so long as there's a decent reason. I'm not looking for a crazy enlarged backstory as to why your character is here, but of course the more information the better it is for me to prepare how I'm going to have your chars being handled when it comes to conflict and fighting and better interaction with NPC's. So as far as characters, don't hold back! Play whoever you like, we're here to have fun!
Smut is something that I too don't have an issue with. I know plenty of our characters are likely going to have intimate reactions with one another and things will happen behind the scenes. And while I do encourage this portion as well, I also want to give a friendly reminder that this is a hellish landscape we are in and there won't often be times where we'll have a roof over our heads or a soft surface to lay on. But there'll be plenty of moments with our characters laying under the stars peacefully for those, ahem, coitus activities to take place. Just try to do your best to realistically fit that in when you can, and I'll be sure to give us many opportunities for our characters to passively engage and interact.
For the Genre, while this may at first seem like an apocalypse, I want you to drill in your head that it isn't. Yes, the interior of the Exclusion Zone with the ecosystem is very apocalyptical looking, life is still going on business as usual on the outside world. There'll be elements of horror, and large amounts of action and adventure. I'd also hope to create many tense situations with anomaly manipulation, fierce firefights/shootouts, and moments where there'll be potential cases of death. I will not kill your character off unless you specifically ask me to or a moment comes where there maybe an unwinnable situation for them, but I will always give you moments in advance whether or not you want them to die or be seriously injured.
For the Roleplay Style, I see myself as a sort of a Game Master leading the story while letting you all experience the full potential of everything there is to offer. So while you develop relations, your characters will have to make decisions which could alter the story minorly or dramatically. Things like allowing an injured Bandit to live, interacting with fellow Stalkers, or accepting a high risk mission to enter an underground laboratory to shut off a 'psy emitter'. My goal is to try and make it as immersive for you all as possible while trying to be as involved as I can. This is my first ever group thread and I'm very new to this, but not to roleplaying in general. So if there's suggestions you'd like to make in the OOC thread if enough interest is generated than I'd be happy to hear you all out!

"I watched my friend 'Anton' get his brain scrambled my a Mind Controller. He turned his rifle on us and we'd to put him down. He was a good Stalker."

Loners, also known as 'STALKERS', are men and women who illegally enter the Zone for a variety of reasons. They are the staple group of the Zone and come from all backgrounds. They operate either by themselves, or sometimes in small squads. There are over a thousand operating through out the Zone either in groups or fireteams with their own different kind of allegiances. They are regarded as the most neutral faction since they don't identify with one, however that doesn't mean they don't have enemies. Many Stalkers are openly hostile to Bandits, and even more hostile with the Ukrainian Army as more often than not they shoot on sight. Their armaments range from a simple leather jacket and a pistol to an Exoskeleton and a light machine gun.

Bandits are gangsters/mobsters are often associated with organized crime on the outside. They operate extensively in trafficking of artifacts, extortion, gambling and other kinds of criminal activities. They generate revenue for their bosses on the outside and deal in corruptive dealings with the army to funnel in more gangsters either needing to lay low from the law or to collect bounties from killing Stalkers. They are the most despised group in the Zone. Although they've a large outpost in the Garbage, they can be seen virtually anywhere and everywhere in the Zone. They are openly hostile to every group, and are known to kidnap people for ransom. They are identified through their black or brown colors and trench coats and are usually armed with small arms and shotguns, while being lightly armored.

The Ukrainian Military is a widely feared and trained force. Though the lower the organization, the less renowned they are. The conscripted border guards who are less motivated and easily bribed are lightly armed and armored, but still make up with their ailments with training and relentless aggression. Though higher up the chain would be the Spetsnaz, Military Stalkers, 'Alpha' Group and other special operations soldiers. These personnel are extremely dangerous and almost always heavily armed and armored, making them for a challenging foe. They've been known to be hostile at every encounter unlike the border guards, who hesitate. However they've been known to interact with Duty on occasion, which nobody knows why. They are also granted higher access of firepower through MI-24 Gunships and BTR-80 Armored Vehicles. But due to high losses from anomalies and Stalkers, they're used only sparingly.

Very little is known about Mercenaries, as they are always very hard to find. Their base of operations is unknown, and nobody knows who hires them. However while very few are seen and encountered, they are regarded as the second deadliest faction in the Zone. Their Westernized training, armor and weapons has many to believe they belong to some shadowy organization in Europe made up of ex-Special Forces groups from various countries. They are known to operate on highly prized contracts, either escorting scientists or seeking highly valued artifacts. They are largely neutral with the exception of the Army and Bandits, though they've been known to engage Stalkers without hesitation.

Duty is a paramilitary organization commanded by a group of ex-UKM Spetsnaz who were sent on a botched mission which left them to die. The survivors hunkered in the Rostok Factory where they regrouped and consolidated their gains. They see 'The Zone' as horrific spawn of horrors that spells doom to the world, and that it must be destroyed. They actively recruit and aim their goal to prevent The Zone from expanding and seeking ways to destroy it once and for all to protect humanity. Their units vary from Stalkers who had enough of the Zone's horrors to people looking for a paycheck. They are a rigid and formidable fighting force, armed with Warsaw weaponry and well hunkered down. They're one of the two large factions and are actively at war with 'Freedom' and are openly hostile to Bandits while assisting Stalker in trouble during rudimentary patrols through out the Zone.

Freedom, Duty's opponent and second largest faction, is made up of a group of anarchists, anti-fascists, and Stalkers who see the Zone as a miracle. They laud for study and scientist exploration to garner the fruits of the accident and prefer to view it from a light hearted point of view. They're well known by many for their laid back mannerisms, almost always openly welcoming. They are criticized as deranged potheads who see the Zone as a playground and a place to practice their anarchist lifestyle. Yet despite that, they are a well organized and highly capable faction that are well armored and equipped with strictly NATO firearms. Openly hostile to Duty, they are situated in the 'Army Warehouses' where they primarily focus their attention against Monolith fighters from pouring over the barrier while sending patrols all over the Zone to engage in skirmishes with Duty however they can.

Ecologists are government scientists sent by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Natural Resources to study the Zone's ecosystem and the harmful effects of the accident. They conduct a series of experiments, ranging from calculations of the Chernobyl plant's strange readings to warn of potential radioactive emissions to acquiring positive traits from artifacts to further advance medicine. They largely remain scattered in mobile laboratories in Yantar, Jupiter, and other places and have to have protection from Army gunships. However other than interior troops, they also receive protection from paid Stalkers and Mercenaries. They are widely respected by the community as they have no enemies except Monolith and Bandits, and are known to hire Stalkers to conduct readings and experiments that they themselves cannot go out and do without escort. They also pay the most in purchasing artifacts.

Monolith are regarded as the most mystical and number one enemy in the Zone. They are known to be fanatical zealots to something called 'The Monolith' and are situated all over the Center of the Zone. They guard the barrier and Pripyat, shooting to kill any and all that dare enter. They're believed to be kidnapped Stalkers from all factions and turned into extremely dangerous fighters. Attempts to capture them alive have always ended in failure, as they fight to the death or if captured take their own life by any means, even bashing their heads against a wall. Although still humans, they're known to not be phased by being shot and would fight with even eleven bullets in them or missing limbs, so they must be killed as quickly as possible. They have no allies, but are heavily armed and have large numbers. Only the daring or insane would ever attempt to engage Monolith in combat. Unless if there's no other options, it's best to flee.

Blind Dogs are dogs mutated from radiation which caused them to become ferociously rabid and have difficult seeing. Although they coward away when alone, they're known to tear lone travelers to bits in large packs. They're relatively easy to dispatch, so long as you don't run into a rabid pack.

Boars are enlarged, mutated hogs with tusks. They travel in packs and will attack when provoked, which can cause massive blunt force trauma from ramming into multiple Stalkers. They can also trample Loners to death, though they are widely hunted by Loners as a source of food and have been known to make great meals.

Flesh are mutated pigs that enlarged and also travel in packs. Their feet have sharpened into piercing talons which can tear through any bit of armor and flesh, though generally weaker and easier to kill than boars. They are often hunted for their eyes which provide medicinal purposes and are also known to infight with packs of boars. They make for good bacon as it's heard, if given to the right person.

Psy-dogs are a rare kind of dog with the ability to create phantom versions of themselves to confuse predators and attack multiple creatures. They are very dangerous for this ability, but are no more stronger than your Blind Dog only with a more harsher bite.

Snorks are former soldiers from the 2006 accident that mutated into monsters. They use their legs to springboard themselves high in the air and engage in fierce close quarter combat through kicking and clawing. They're known to travel in packs in underground laboratories or in marshes.

Legendary humanoid mutants, they are the most widely feared monsters that lurk The Zone. Known to live in the underground, woodlands and marshes, they stand well over seven feet tall and attack in surprise ambushes by cloaking themselves invisible to the naked eye until close in front. They use their claws to engage and their tentacles to suck their victims dry of blood.

Poltergeist are rare mutants that linger in underground labs and electrical substations or sewers. They float invisible as a blue orb with the ability to lift inanimate objects which they then hurl at their opponents. When killed, they explode from their orb and appear as a mutated torso.

Controllers are very rare mutants found within the underground laboratories or rarely on the surface. They attack using a telekinetic power to throw massive psy-waves into their opponent to scramble the mind by either killing them or forcing them to shoot their fellow Stalkers. They're slow and recommended to kill from a distance, preferably behind cover to block their attacks.

In the name, Pseudogiants are massively large creatures which stomp fast and waddle for the attack. They are horrifically big and wide and are known to take massive amounts of punishment, even known to survive a direct hit with a rocket launcher. They roam the underground and the vacant sewers, so sightings are very rare thankfully.
Map of The Zone