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Fx Female Dark no limits play NSFW


Seeking dark snuff plays..
Jul 25, 2018
Site rules apply of coarse.

Seeking female or couple killers to take me down to hell with no return. Dub/non-con Vampire/s welcome Erotic or gory or a mix, your choice, but always fatal.., Dark dirty smut but I don't want a play lost in in sex

MC will be drugged, lured, abducted, blackmail or coerced to her doom, I might be willing to play along side with other like minded submissive female victims sharing a killer character. Open to many dark scenarios and peril situations. with some smut, , deathtraps etc,

Limits? I play in the 1st though might prepared to try 3rd for the right plot, I don't mind whatever format you prefer to write .., I like to work within an agreed framework playing to desires. Monotonous repetitive sex I find boring so am looking for dirty or extreme...

This is fantasy only with a hard line drawn between fantasy and reality..
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