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Fx Male a pixelated request in ultraviolet


pixel me this
Nov 6, 2021
hello and welcome to my request thread!


within you will find my various interests and ideas, as vague as they are. but first a little bit about me. i'm female and prefer she/her pronouns. currently i am seeking to find a few roleplaying partners to keep me busy in between life, work, and regular play. i prefer to take on the role of a female character and i prefer that female character to be written against or with a character that identifies as male or masculine leaning. what you the writer identifies as is none of my business unless you would like to share! i am naturally a friendly person and am open to out of character chit chat. i will try and reply once a week or more often, but hope that my partners understand that sometimes my responses might take longer as i will respect them in turn. life happens! i'm also ghost friendly, so if you're not feeling the roleplay and are not comfortable with approaching me directly with it, no hard feelings.

what i'm looking for/what i'm capable of
  • a good, steamy story! a lot of what i like to write is adult themed. while i appreciate long conversations plotting out the perfect epic, i'm also realistic in the sense that roleplay very rarely has a beginning, middle, and end. or at least it's very rare that you will start a roleplay and have it finish. i like to start with something easy with a new writing partner first to see if we mesh well before jumping into more complex plots.
  • i tend to write anywhere from a few paragraphs to novella length. i'm not the grammar police by any means, but i appreciate the effort of a good spell check and attention to detail where it's deserved.
  • i like romance! i like sex! both of these things i'm looking for in a roleplay, even if it's unconventional or bad. give me sweet and fluffy, give me a bad romance, give me dirty.
  • i'm a fan of fantastical situations. (i.e. fantasy) i range anywhere from modern, to low fantasy, to high epics, to somewhere in between. i also like my share of dytopian futures, post-apocalyptic worlds, steam punk, and ancient civilization. and it doesn't stop there!
  • i like using pictures to flavor my roleplays. i prefer digital art, drawn, or real face claims. that doesn't mean that you have to use a faceclaim or pictures! the imagination works just as well as artwork.
  • naughty stuff - (will need to ask for f-list or kink specifics)

things i don't like
  • anything against the site rules
  • horror for the sake of being gross, but weird is fine.
  • vore/scat/watersports/mutilation, etc
  • fandoms - sorry! i only writing with and as original concepts
  • i also don't want to be a femdom if that's all my character is, older woman/younger man unless the idea really appeals to me, Mommy/baby or child, or anything along those lines. that isn't to say i only will roleplay the submissive role, even though that's my first preference.

things i like in a roleplay:
  • twisted fairy tales
  • paranormal creatures - shifters, vampires, fae, celestials, djinn; your imagination is the limit. i also like playing as both parties being paranormal, or just one.
  • bad situations, even bad endings. really, awkward situations.
  • romance! drama! spice! ... but mostly good wit, banter, intelligence, humor

plot seeds
*please note that these are all generalized ideas and any detail within is open to being changed as we discuss the general plot.

for this idea, i only have a general concept, where my character is a human girl who strikes a deal with some sort of supernatural entity. this can be anything from a fae or demon. she trades a year and a day of her life in exchange for something that she really wants/needs. the details can be discussed in detail between myself and my potential partner. this can be either a traditional fantasy setting or a modern fantasy setting.

for this idea, my character will be either a phoenix or a djinn - or something equally as powerful that can grant wishes. the idea here is that your character has captured this being and - you guessed it - coerces her to grant him wishes. this is just another general concept that we can flesh out together and can be played a number of different ways. we can integrate a slave/master dynamic or cultivate another kind of relationship between them. perhaps he has to convince her to grant him his wishes or perhaps she is enchanted to do so?

this idea has more of an erotic slant to it. my character has been taken by yours for the purpose of breeding, BUT. i don't really like the idea of my character actually getting pregnant (🙃). BUT i still like the idea of your character being some sort of species that needs to repopulate their kind and has chosen my character's kind to do so with. i like an opposite dynamic; celestial and a demon, for instance. things that are supposed to be enemies but wind up being perfect for one another.

i don't have much for this idea except that i would lovelovelove a thruple, where my character is the only female, and she has two lovers that are both male. i have a strong preference of them also being into one another. if you're willing to indulge, i'm good with any setting.

this plot is for an arranged marriage. i'm not going to lie, i love this trope, even if it is overdone. it can be as tropey as a princess being married off to a foreign king or something a little more magic, like a young elven woman stepping up to make an alliance with her rival. my preference is that this remains in a traditional fantasy setting.

i really would love a traditional master/slave roleplay. where my character is bought on an auction block and taken home. the specifics can be worked out from there. this can be a traditional fantasy, a modern, a dystopian, futuristic - anything. bdsm elements strongly preferred, but i can get behind more of a captive/non-con vibe as well.

i can go either way on this one. i am fine playing the role of a master mage taking on an apprentice or vice versa. this can take on a standard plot of just that or i also like the idea of the character being apprenticed to the mage as a sort of punishment.

my character will be a femme fatale in this one, with some heavy backstory behind her. i would like your character to be a PI of some sort who has been hired to seek her out by her enemies. bonus points if you let me incorporate paranormal elements into this story, but i can go a more realistic route as well. i would also like a heavy romantic vibe, where the PI winds up working with my character instead of against her. :) just maybe not at first.

for this idea, i would like to play a powerful woman, preferably not of the human variety. i want to play the part of someone who is magic, or at least supernatural. i'll even go as far as to say i would like to play a goddess. i would also like her to have a harem of men that dote on her (or even need some persuasion to dote). i have a very strong preference for someone who can switch. extra bonus points if your main male is an alpha fighting her for power. even more bonus points if your male character(s) are also attracted to one another.

i have an idea where my character is the madam of an underground brothel that is very selective in its clientele, as well as very selective in the kinds of ladies and gents that are available. this idea has the potential to just be a spicy one shot, where your character will come into the brothel and ask for a specific female or we can work out something with more substance to the story, such as your character catching the eye of the madam. i prefer this to have some sort of fantasy element, even if it does wind up being more on the realistic side. i'll also be somewhat picky as for what i'm willing to roleplay out, since i don't have an interest in anything too niche and i don't want to play the role of a femme domme unless it's in a switching scenario. we can trade kinks and preferences.

for this idea, i would like you to play the part of a male summoner who has summoned my character from ... somewhere. my character can either be a familiar or something summoned from another world: so not human. this can take a more sexual turn or we can come up with a more traditional story plot as to why he would be summoning my character.

my character will be either a human or a fae who has (knowingly or unknowingly, depending on if human or fae, and depending on your fancy) joined the annual beltane or summer solstice festival. this festival consists of a lot of revelry, celebration, dancing, drinking, fucking ... general debauchery in true fae fashion. at the end of it, my character has made a bargain with your character, but doesn't remember that she did or what it was until your character comes to collect.

this idea is modern/realistic, but of course, i will never say no if you want to include supernatural elements to anything. but, point: modern or futuristic setting, and actually pretty slice of life. my character is your character's roommate. they can even be friends. hell, they can even be best friends. or, if you're really that kinky, they can be related. the idea is that they form a 'friends with benefits' sort of relationship while living together. simple, right? we can work out the angst in plotting, but i really like the idea of my character coming onto yours, usually in an inappropriate way.

for this idea, my character would be a con artist, a thief, a no do-gooder, even a modern day hitwoman. she lives her life fast, hard, dangerous, and takes no fucking prisoners. except she's adorable, which is mostly how she gets away with her swindle. you could play the role of her partner, or better - her rival.

fully fleshed ideas of things that i want
i would like to write as one of my original characters that i've created and fleshed out. the setting will be modern, the city to be determined (and definitely up for negotiation). as the story goes, my character has been living in the human world for a few years now, in disguise as a human - which, you guessed it, she is not. we can play this as your character never finding it out, but i would at least prefer an undercurrent of supernatural with the idea, though your character does not have to be anything supernatural. the plot premise i'm looking for is that my character is caught up in a gangbanger sort of life, by accident - i would like her romantic interest (your character? unless you want more characters; i like mxmxf thruples) to be the gang member, or even gang boss, mob boss, what have you. my character, being the devious monster sweet angel that she is, catches his eye and drags her into his world.

please note: this does not have to be, in any way, a sweet sappy love story. your character's intentions can be cruel, even violent. your character can degrade mine, humiliate her, really anything within our personal limits. OR ... he can burn the whole world down if anyone touches her but him and dotes on her like she's his little goddess, idc. use your imagination.

my character is a thief. more importantly, she is a pĂșca with the ability to shapeshift. her preferred form is that of a standard house cat (better to sneak, you know). the premise of this idea is that my character and your character have a history - this could be just friends, lovers, significant others, or professional work partners. then, one day, she just disappears out of his life without even sending a text message to wish him happy birthday. a few (or more) years later, she shows back up and needs his help. chances are, she's gotten into trouble ... again. but who knows? maybe it's just another job and she's trying to wrangle him in.

thank you for visiting!
(please do not reply to this thread, send me a pm
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