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Fx Female FFXIV Pairings and Plots


Aug 9, 2021
So lately I've been wanting to take things out of my usual settings and do more with my FFXIV character. It tends to be a refreshing change of pace from the things I tend to get up to. But before that a brief list of rules that I have.

- Post lengths with me are flexible, I tend to go anywhere from semi to two para depending on the scenario itself, my own inspiration, and what I have to work with. Discussing post lengths beforehand is generally preferred and I'll always do my best to stick with whatever length we decide on.

- Ghosting isn't fun, so if you've lost interest in whatever we had going on or if you simply need time away from the site a little heads up is appreciated. If it was something I wrote in a post or just losing the spark for the scenario I'd much rather know than just be left wondering what happened.

- In a similar vein, bumping! I'm an incredibly patient person and understand that sometimes you just don't have the inspiration for that next post. I tend to be pretty lax as far as interest checks and bumps go, usually I'll wait at least a week but will probably send a bump between then and about 2 weeks. If you'd prefer not to be pinged like this let me know up front, though that also makes the above rule even more important as I'll respect your wishes on that front but would still like to know if the scene needs to be paused or if you wish to drop it. As for me, feel free to ping me at any point after a week if I don't reply. I'm generally pretty good about letting my partners know if I'm taking a leave from the site but I do slip up from time to time, bumps and interest checks are always welcome with me.

- Last but not least, smut and you! Don't get me wrong, I love a good ero scene from time to time. It can be fun and a nice break from the story in progress, but that is what I prefer it as. A nice little break. My usual ratio for story/smut is either 70/30 or 80/20, constant smut isn't all that interesting and is an easy way to lose me on a scene. I like feeling that the smut is an earned sort of thing, the result of two characters wanting each other's company that way. That romantic spark is what gives me enjoyment in the sex, less so the act itself.

And with that out of the way, the main point of this thread.

WoL x WoL: Does it make much sense within the context of the story? Maybe not but two adventurers, perhaps similar and maybe not, sharing in their struggles and victories is something I find undeniably fun and sweet.
WoL x Y'shtola/Y'mhitra: Let's be real, either one of them is undoubtedly the one in charge in this pairing and I'm all for it. Y'shtola is a bit of the obvious one given her prominence and alluring personality, but from what we see of her half sister I've found that both are incredibly fun to play with and to share the love that Y'shtola seems to garner.

WoL x Sadu: Really just ticking off all the boxes here but I simply love her character, even if it could be considered somewhat basic. I've always been a fan of characters who love the thrill of battle, even more so when you mix in a bit of romance with it.

And as far as pairings go that's about it. Now granted the WoL x WoL pairing covers a pretty broad base that any FFXIV OC can fill, and with a bit of rule stretching could cover pretty much every angle that isn't a canon character. But I'm nothing if not a rather easy to please person, hence the shorter list of pairings.

Everyone needs a vacation sometimes, even a hero of the realm would like a bit of time to unwind and forget the various world ending threats she seems to get wrapped up in. What better way to kick back and rest than a stay at the ever popular Costa Del Sol? The only thing a vacation like that is missing is someone to share it with, thankfully neither of you would have to wait long before luck smiled on you both.

Obvious post ARR spoilers, maybe a bit of HW.
It happened far too quickly, a celebration turned into a frenzy as the Scions were branded traitors and the WoL a regicide. Even though she managed to escape it came at a hefty cost, with all but a handful of the Scions escaping Uldah future prospects had never seemed so grim. Burdened by the weight of her own failure the WoL sinks in her own regret over her inability to protect those closest to her. But a hero needs to be able to pick themselves up, all it takes is a bit of encouragement and a reminder that she still has someone on her side.

ShB spoilers probably.
What had only been at most a couple months for her had been years for you. Though her heart leapt the moment she saw you again, hale and hearty as could be given the circumstances it was now tempered by a newfound terror. Could she really just pick up where you'd left off in the Source? Perhaps time had done more to sever the love you shared than nurture that affection. But maybe the reverse could be true? It can be terribly hard to fall out of love sometimes.

For more information refer to her carrd
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