Mx Female A Little Bit of Everything, Gents Galore!


Sep 3, 2021
United States, EST
HI there! Thank you for taking a look at my page. This is my male request thread. While I have played the darker twisted male before, that is not the sort that I prefer to play, so if you are looking for a sadistic bastard to torture your beautiful lady, my gents are not likely going to fit the bill. I figured that I'd get that out there right up front so no one's time is wasted. But if you want a bit of romance, with plenty of sizzle, I've got muses that can deliver. I can even give you a growly bad boy that wants nothing to do with romance and everything to do with a rough sexy romp. Do you have a more assertive woman that would be intrigued by a sexy, but incredibly shy virgin? If something along those lines pique your interest, then please do read on!

I'm a female and have been roleplaying for 11+ years now. I tend to write at least 2-4+paras (sometimes more, depending on the scene) and hope to get something at least close from my writing partners, but so long as you give me one decent paragraph that gives me something solid to build on, I'll be a happy camper! ABSOLUTELY NO ONE-LINERS! I enjoy both story and smut very much and expect both in any of my roleplays! I don't have a set percentage as that depends entirely on the story, the charries and the particular scene that we might be writing together, but both will be important. Even a short one-off smut-heavy RP needs a bit of set up!

While my desire is to post every single day and reply to every thread I owe every day, that doesn't often happen. Most of the time I am able to reply within 1-3 days, sometimes much more frequently. Sometimes it might be closer to a week, depending on RL things and the replies that I have coming in, Especially if over a weekend as that is my family time. If you are not okay waiting a few days for a reply or occasionally up to a week, then we won't be a good writing match. If you don't mind the occasional delay and are patient, I promise to make the reply worth the wait! Please do not take offense or be passive-aggressive if I have not replied within a week. If it's been more, please do feel free to nudge me! I DO NOT GHOST, so please never think that I am simply ignoring a thread. There is a reason that I might not have replied!

I am a very visual person and love the use of references or face claims. My preference is real life images of celebrities (as they expect their images to be all over the place and typically have multiple images to use for clothing and mood references) I am also perfectly fine with artistic representations, although I prefer they lean more towards the realistic side. No Anime art please. It's just not my thing. I also do like to do brief basic bios for looks, simple persona and occupation for easy reference. Nothing to detailed, but keeps things tidy.

Just delete everything in brackets ( ) as they are merely examples of what you could put if you use this template)

Name: (full name and nickname if they have one that will be used in the thread!)
Hair: (color, length, etc.)
Height: (in feet and inches please?)
Build: (tall, petite, slender, muscular, wiry, lean, etc.)
Persona: (3-6 descriptive words that represent your charrie)
Face Claim: (Name of celebrity or just 'art' if it's drawn)
(1-4 images of your charrie, they can easily be resized by clicking on them and moving the dots in the corners, and moved as well)

I ONLY RP on site through PMs, I'm sorry, but this is absolutely nonnegotiable. I don't mind plotting through Discord. In fact, I prefer it whenever possible, for simple ease of back and forth for sharing ideas and world-building... but all threads are through PMs for simplicity of tracking. Sadly, there are no exceptions to this rule.

My hard NO's: Anything bathroom related or intrinsically gross, extreme violence (upon my charrie), gore, vore, death and the like. I do have an F-list, but I will only share it thru PMs once someone has shown interest in plotting with me and we have at least a basic idea hashed out. A girl needs to have some secrets! lol

As the title suggests, I have a wide range of likes, from light themed to fairly dark themed and anything in between. If you are curious, just reach out and ask me! Give me a sappy romance, exciting romp on the town or more complicate relationship with an abundance of spark and drama. I am interested in all of the above, so if there is something that you've been itching to write, DM me and ask about it! I really do love to fulfil my writing partner's cravings just as much as my own! If you are interested in more than one plot/theme, please don't be afraid to let me know as I usually don't mind having multiple threads with a player, provided the story is interesting enough.

I love most genre, fantasy, modern, supernatural, sci-fi, romance, slice of life, so don't count me out unless it's horror. *SHUDDERS* I cannot do horror, lol Sorry! I'm also not very big on fandoms as I feel that I don't know enough about them to do them justice. I might consider a fandom setting with an OC though! (So long as you are willing to give me the basics of it, of course!)

I can and do play both male and female characters, I am looking to play as a gent in a few of my threads, but they will be limited as most of my charries are females at the moment. Please don't take this as me not playing males as well, I love to play them and they have wonderful personas! They just haven't been my main focus of late, but I am itching to find a couple good threads to toss them into. Please just keep in mind most of my gents are the gallant sort, even if deep under a stubborn growly streak for some! lol I can be persuaded to play a slightly darker male for the right plot. (blackmail, coercion, seduction, just no outright non-con or torture/BDSM for them as a general rule)

All of my characters have personalities and depth to them. Histories that make them who they are (even if only in my head!). From my virgins to my manwhores, they have thoughts, feelings and physical reactions to what is going on in a thread that will be conveyed when I post and I would very much like to see the same in those that they play against. Please do not give me 90% speech/action from your charrie without any insight to what they are thinking/feeling/desiring when they do or say something. That makes things boring and flat. It doesn't need to be anything in minute detail, just something basic to give me and my charrie/s a feel for them!

I am definitely open to any ideas that you might have to suggest, so please, don't be shy!

DM me and we can plot some fun!

CURRENT CRAVING: Honestly? I'd love a bit of romance for the holidays! Something mushy and sweet? Yes, please! Something unexpected, like coworkers, neighbors or long-time friends blossoming into more? Absolutely! Something with a bit more sizzle where the sparks fly long before romance blooms... Bring it on! Let me know what you would like to play as I love fulfilling the cravings of others as well as my own.
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CURRENT CRAVING: Honestly? I'd love a bit of romance for the holidays! Something mushy and sweet? Yes, please! Something unexpected, like coworkers, neighbors or long-time friends blossoming into more? Absolutely! Something with a bit more sizzle where the sparks fly long before romance blooms... Bring it on! Let me know what you would like to play as I love fulfilling the cravings of others as well as my own.
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