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Fx M or F My list if plots, character types, kinks (FxF or FxM)


Nov 1, 2021
Hi everyone!

I have been wanting to create this roleplay request, containing my plot ideas, my character types, kinks, etc. Please PM me if interested. If you have similar ideas, or suggestions to add or tweak my list of plots or character types! If you have any questions, let me know.

First, things you might like to know:

About me: female roleplaying since 2014, possibly 2013. Got first exposed and introduced to it at some chatroom, especially of the smut variety, and therefor addicted ever since. I’m reserved, love my private time, love to draw. I live in west Europe, so you give you an idea about differences in timezones.

My preferred RP platforms: e-mail (PM me for it), and through Private Messaging.

My turn-ons: oral, romantic and sweet partners, black-mail/manipulative, toys, squirting, teasing, corruption, shy partners, bold partners, messiness, hard/soft, lesbian/hetero, public teasing(example: fondling in public areas, away from prying eyes), age difference (example: if my character is 18, yours is 30-50, or my character is 29 and yours is 19) nerds/otaku(unattractive but pervy guys, somehow... It's turns me on), fun in public as long as it is done in secrecy. Generally most widely accepted kinks as I love a lot of them.

My turn-offs: fandoms, offensive name calling(I.E.: slut, cunt, cumbag), rape, choking (or any rough acts), incest, blood, gore, beastiallity, futa's, furries/non-human(although I accept angelic or elf if preferred), among some others.

My style: Descriptive and detailed writer, going for creative choice of words, I honed my writer's craft in my free time trying to write fiction, so I try to spell-check before sending you my stuff. At least a handful of paragraphs, so I don't appreciate receiving just a single or two sentences, if you get my drift. ;3 I prefer smut plus story, I love a lot of smut, but if you love more story, then all is fine with me, but there has to be some kind of a story-like development for me.
I am able to write up to two characters, if necessary.
Edit: I write in 3rd person, mostly past tense. But open to first person, as well

My characters types: confident, shy, bold, teasy, tomboy, modest, good girl turned bad, seductive, questioning, villain, rebellious, etc.

Characters types I won't play: whore-ish(I mean, performing acts while being seen or group stuff), vulgar (verbal-wise), wife, obedient slave, etc.

My Schedule: I work, so at the least I will reply once, and if I can, twice a day.


In my list of plots, I allow for if my partner has any modifications/tweaks/additions in mind, I am happy to hear it! My goal is to satisfy my partner, therefore I enjoy it too.

1.The Warlord's Daughter; A samurai warlord's daughter, revered as beautiful and, one day stayed in her own private mansion. But due to a magic spell cast by her family's banished magician, she and her mansion got transported forwards in time from 1500s Warring States Japan to the modern peace time Japan we know today. Lost and shocked by this new and alien world, especially filled with its sexual alure, this young woman of noble descent needs help to adjust to her new life. Will she meet a friendly, loving help? Or will someone take advantage of her with dark pleasuring intentions?

2.Female Bounty; A former prostitute linked to the killing of a former Yakuza leader, nowadays walked away from her former lifestyle, trying to adjust into modern society by being a positive presence. Despite all this, she has a target on her back, and she knows this. Either a compassionate ally could give her company and help her survive, or a betraying predator may try to slip into her life.

3.Sporty Girl; a participant in a running club where she competes against other girls in sprints of 100m-400m battle of speed. She decides to win, but might be side-tracked along the way by another person, or find the one to motivate or possibly train her. But she is a newcomer in city of Osaka, recently attending high school there, and most of all a lone soul, her family removed far away from her. So, desperate to find a new place to live, she decides to move into an apartment already occupied in a hurry. Who will she find in there? A creep? A romantic friend? Or someone she once knew from days of old?

4.Enforcement Officer; A female law enforcement facing people of all kinds, while she seems strong and resilient, someone might either try to challenge her or even bring her down (corruption kink) to a level where her behavior takes a sudden turn, possibly losing her job and credibility as a law enforcement officer. Or will a fellow officer be someone to help her fight crime, and in due time, start bonding with her?

5.Low-Class Female; a female taking on any odd job to simply try to survive on a minimum wage, having tried everything to succeed in life, but despite her hard efforts, luck wasn't on her side. But she might receive a tempting offer to earn a lot more, while practically having to do little, by selling her soul by giving up her body. Or will there be someone to save her from a perverted crook that has been talking her for months on end?

6.Kendo Girl; Confident yet shy, fierce yet pretty , a girl active in a renowned Kendo club, striving to be the best in this small world. Her lineage can be traced back to medieval Japan, so she is quite the proud one to have noble blood running through her veins. Despite all that, she does have a heart, yet won't be an easy target for predators or smooth talkers. But there's one thing she keeps to herself, a secret practice that she is too embarrassed to talk about with anyone, that may ruin her credibility if it were to be exposed to the general public.

7.Massage Parlor; A school girl by day, and (new) masseuse by night. She isn't afraid to touch bodies of strangers, it is her job, as it is her way to earn an income to continue her studies. She is dilligent in what she does, doing it with joy. At first, as she isn't the type of girl to give any dirty favors, one day a client convinces her to do something that makes her lose her innocence. Will it be someone sweet, perhaps a wealthy person? Or is there a manipulative predator out there to exploit her even further? Or will there be a sweet one to save her from dangerous clients?

PM me if interested! Or if you have similar ideas, or suggestions to add or tweak my list of plots or character types! If you have any questions, let me know.
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