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- Feb 4, 2021
The year of the Worm, 1356, by Dale Reckoning (DR).
The continent brews with hardships, and had been for nearly a decade.
After unknown thieves steal the Tome of the Unicorn from the Green Library, Ruathym's forces sink a Luskanite caravel. In return, Luskan wipes out most of Ruathym's fleet, then invades the island of Ruathym.
It would be months before the islanders would repel the invaders.
The armies of Waterdeep, Amn, and Baldur's Gate besiege Dragonspear Castle for nearly two months before succeeding in burning it down, defeating the baatezu within in a conflict known as the Dragonspear War.
Little did they know it was but the first conflict of that name.
The Red Wizards of Thay open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire and summon forth a great number of fire elementals to assault their neighboring lands.
In their folly and arrogance, the Red Wizards laid the groundwork for the Salamander War, which would begin officially in the following year.
The trading settlement of Triboar in the North, one of the first settlements that was founded in the Dessarin Valley, is sacked.
Refugees flee northwards, to Mirabar and Silverymoon.
A roaming band of goblinoid forces, devils and dark mages ravage the Sword Coast.
Baldur's Gate is under direct assault and overland traffic in northern Amn is all but closed.
The second war-between-dales begins as Lashan Aumersair, Lord of Scardale attempts to reunite Dalelands under a common banner.
His forces managed to defeat Featherdale, Battledale and Harrowdale but were eventually stopped at Mistledale by a coalition of Dales powers and united soldiers from Cormyr, Hillsfar, Sembia and even Zhentil Keep.
Dark tidings were afoot.
None knew it, but the Age of Humanity was coming to an end.
The Age of Upheaval was closing in.
But this story is not about the Time of Troubles.
It is a story of strangers, of blood and coin... and Heroes.
This tale begins within the country of Amn.
Amn, also known as the Merchant's Domain, is a tremendously wealthy nation in West Faerûn. Amn holds colonies far away in the savage land of Maztica. It controls important trade routes to Calimshan and Baldur's Gate as well as colonial ports in the Moonshaes and Chult. Its population, mostly human with a large minority population of halflings, is historically in the range of 3 million. The country's natural resources and wealth, combined with its mercantile nature made Amn to become one of the most important and influential trading centers throughout Faerûn. The crowning jewel of this powerful state is the capital city of Athkatla, founded in 100 DR in official documents and often known as the "City of Coin."
To the north-west of the port city of Murann. At the westernmost edge of the small cluster of mountains known as the Small Teeth. The northern point of the land crescent that imprisoned Tarseth bay. A tiny, nameless village. Forgotten by history, of so little mercantile worth as to not be inked upon maps. A place where adventure should, normally, never be found.
This is where the story begins.
The year of the Worm, 1356, by Dale Reckoning (DR).
The continent brews with hardships, and had been for nearly a decade.
After unknown thieves steal the Tome of the Unicorn from the Green Library, Ruathym's forces sink a Luskanite caravel. In return, Luskan wipes out most of Ruathym's fleet, then invades the island of Ruathym.
It would be months before the islanders would repel the invaders.
The armies of Waterdeep, Amn, and Baldur's Gate besiege Dragonspear Castle for nearly two months before succeeding in burning it down, defeating the baatezu within in a conflict known as the Dragonspear War.
Little did they know it was but the first conflict of that name.
The Red Wizards of Thay open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire and summon forth a great number of fire elementals to assault their neighboring lands.
In their folly and arrogance, the Red Wizards laid the groundwork for the Salamander War, which would begin officially in the following year.
The trading settlement of Triboar in the North, one of the first settlements that was founded in the Dessarin Valley, is sacked.
Refugees flee northwards, to Mirabar and Silverymoon.
A roaming band of goblinoid forces, devils and dark mages ravage the Sword Coast.
Baldur's Gate is under direct assault and overland traffic in northern Amn is all but closed.
The second war-between-dales begins as Lashan Aumersair, Lord of Scardale attempts to reunite Dalelands under a common banner.
His forces managed to defeat Featherdale, Battledale and Harrowdale but were eventually stopped at Mistledale by a coalition of Dales powers and united soldiers from Cormyr, Hillsfar, Sembia and even Zhentil Keep.
Dark tidings were afoot.
None knew it, but the Age of Humanity was coming to an end.
The Age of Upheaval was closing in.
But this story is not about the Time of Troubles.
It is a story of strangers, of blood and coin... and Heroes.
This tale begins within the country of Amn.

Amn, also known as the Merchant's Domain, is a tremendously wealthy nation in West Faerûn. Amn holds colonies far away in the savage land of Maztica. It controls important trade routes to Calimshan and Baldur's Gate as well as colonial ports in the Moonshaes and Chult. Its population, mostly human with a large minority population of halflings, is historically in the range of 3 million. The country's natural resources and wealth, combined with its mercantile nature made Amn to become one of the most important and influential trading centers throughout Faerûn. The crowning jewel of this powerful state is the capital city of Athkatla, founded in 100 DR in official documents and often known as the "City of Coin."
To the north-west of the port city of Murann. At the westernmost edge of the small cluster of mountains known as the Small Teeth. The northern point of the land crescent that imprisoned Tarseth bay. A tiny, nameless village. Forgotten by history, of so little mercantile worth as to not be inked upon maps. A place where adventure should, normally, never be found.
This is where the story begins.
It was in a small tavern along a main road, upon a billboard that the bounty was presented. The parchment read:
“WANTED! The fine city of Dagheim seeks individual(s) of stout body and mind for secretive mission for the good people of the fine city of Dagheim. Inquiries to be made with possession of this document at the mayoral home of Dagheim. Individual(s) are to present themselves by the 30th day of the month of Ches of the year of the Worm, 1356 DR. No tardiness will be tolerated for this mission.”
...And it was signed by a flourish so wild it was basically indecipherable. The document was… less than impressive. It was vague. There was nothing catchy about it, no large sums of money or terrifying foes to defeat. Why, it could be anything at all. The local barkeep wanting to be rid of rats or something. But the thing had been taken off of its bounty board and rolled away.
The one that had taken it had been struck curious by the oddity of the request. He had decided to travel to the “fine city” of Dagheim and attempt to uncover why such a hidden place would want for adventurers in such a way that open bounties would be placed in taverns and inns along major roads. At least, the instructions to reach the “fine city” of Dagheim were clear enough, if a bit wordy. From Murann, the interested party needed to walk along the shoreline for a half-day’s trek. At the roots of the Small Teeth, that is where they would find Dagheim.
And sure enough… There it was.
And for a moment, the adventurer stood there, his hands to his hips, still holding the bounty parchment. He wondered why such an idyllic-looking hamlet would ever need one like him.
His name was Bjorn. He was a barbarian, born of a place far away, beyond the Trackless Sea. His travels had brought him to many lands. Now, the fur-and-leather-clad man was in Faerûn and had decided to pursue this peculiar demand for aid. As he approached the village, a pair of men eyed him, as they were just about to push their small fishing raft back into the waters, heavy with nets and hooks. They were barefoot and with their trousers rolled up to their ankles but had knitted turtleneck sweaters on. The month of Tarsakh was ending and the warm times of summer were within a few weeks’ time.
“Oy! Ye’re ‘ere for the bounty?”
The man nodded.
“Ye should ‘ead for the mayor’s house! It’s the big one, can’t miss it!”
The man nodded again, before moving towards the fishermen. He pointed with his head for them to step into their raft. The duo blinked, looking at one another. One of the two eyed the stranger warily, but the other simply slapped his companion on the shoulder with a grin. Why refuse free help? They hopped in and the barbarian moved behind the small, sail-less rowboat. Gripping one end and holding it to his shoulder, his boots dug into the sand and he heaved forward, launching them a good twenty feet into the waters, much to the delight of the men who waved goodbye. Brushing the sand off his hands, he smiled lightly and waved at them, before walking along the sandy shore, heading for the “town center”. It was a tiny village, with perhaps a hundred souls, if that.
The savage glanced here and there but noticed no weapons. Of course, everyone had a dagger on them but those were mostly used as tools. There were spears and hooks resting at the end of the pier in a bucket, but those were fishing implements. An old wood axe next to un-split piles of flotsam upon the beach. His face shifted ever so slightly when he realised that there were absolutely no weapons of any kind in the village. None. Not a single bow, sword or shield. No scout tower, or a single guard.
How did they defend themselves? A seagull suddenly squawked overhead, flying out towards the waters. Bjorn looked up, following it with his eyes, turning his head as it seemed to fly on towards the horizon… Then, something in his peripheral vision caught his attention and he turned his head slightly.
The fishermen seemed to watch him, even from upon their rowboat.
Bjorn kept what questions he had to himself, instead focusing on finding the tallest building. From afar, it looked like a small wooden temple. But it was, in fact, a home. A rather generous one, at that. When he arrived at its front, there was a woman sitting behind a desk, under an awning. Blinking, he approached the woman who smiled at him.
“Welcome, sir! Are you here for the bounty?”
“Excellent! I would ask for you to please go inside and wait in the main area. There is food and there are drinks on the dining table. Please, feel free to eat. The mayor of our village is hopefully waiting for a few adventurers such as yourself and would like to meet you all at once, to explain our situation. I do hope you’ll be able to help us, sir.”
”I will try to help as best I can.” He said simply and plainly, being unable to lie.
The woman smiled at him again, before getting up and pushing the door open for him.
It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sudden contrast of dim candlelight, especially when compared to the bright midday sun that stopped just a few feet after the open doors. The woman outside spoke about other adventurers… Perhaps someone else was already here?
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