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M x F (MMM x F) / Slice of Life: non-con


Jan 31, 2019
Hello there, thank you for visiting my thread and please feel free to peruse.


Most of my preferences are centered around the idea of a woman getting in trouble way over head with one or even several guys.

My character could be your son, a nephew, some jock from around your neighborhood, the neighbor or your best friends husband with no scruples to prey upon any of your very weaknesses he can find out about. You could be a woman with a troubled past, a housewife whose sex-life has grown stale, or just somebody who has become reckless in her confidence about her own safety.

Suddenly your whole world is turned upside down when you find yourself in the clutches of my character, somebody you trusted or for some other reason never would have expected to try take advantage of you, only to be attacked, molested, recorded and turned ultimately turned into the perfect and helpless toy for him and his buddies.


Primary: Non-consensual / forced sex, Group sex / MM+/f, Photography/video taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Picture References
Rough sex, Roleplay Perspective: First Person

Optional: Taboo, Incest, Age-Difference, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person



You're bored. Maybe you feel unappreciated or long for intimacy? So, you turn to the internet for a solution.
Neglected and crave being desired again? You always can try find somebody to flirt with on eHarmony or

Want to get back into shape or find a workout partner? Sites like FitMoms or my MyGroupfit may have exactly what you are looking for.

Bored and feeling social? There is Meetup and MomsMeet that offer to connect you with like minded individuals.

Those very same sites, provide horny, young studs like my character with a fertile hunting ground for perturbed and discontent women; a place where somebody like my character can pretend to be whoever he has to be, and say whatever he needs to say to draw you out, make you agree to meet and then somehow coerce you to stick around long enough for at least one (spiked) drink. Then do to you whatever he must to create footage that is embarrassing and humiliating enough to put you at his mercy?​

Main kinks: Non-consensual / Forced Sex, Group Sex / MM+/f, Photography/Video Taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Incest, Sex Toys, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

Manicured nails, financial stability, kid(s) in the 'right' schools, a house in the suburbs, and a good car - one could say you have it all. Well, except for the thrills of an active sex life. With a husband who is always busy, always traveling you've become increasingly tired of the same old every single day. You fondly remember the college years where you felt new excitement exploring "bar-sexual" years with roommates. Now you settled for a stable, if dull, life. Frustrated, bored and home alone all day does provide you with all sorts of opportunities to get into trouble. Examples include, but certainly are not limited to:​

The gift of self - experimenting with self bondage: maybe you fantasize about a lover coming home to find you beautifully bound and helpless, waiting to be taken? But what if you are found this way, but not by a lover? What if you (step)son comes home unexcitingly? One of his friends? One of yours? The neighbor?​

Pornography drives the internet: You cannot go online these days without being exposed to it at some point, and you gave in to temptation scouring the world wide web on the search for certain stories and fantasies. You didn't mean for all the wrong people to find out. But as luck (or misfortune) will have it you end up turning your (step)sons balls blue when he finds out how you secretly fantasize about your days being rudely interrupted by an intruder attacking and raping you in the middle of your yoga session.​

Sexual tension induced by seemingly mundane events: Maybe it's something completely harmless, something boring and ordinary, that upends your life - like having a morning coffee while still wearing your pajamas, your son watching yo in easily sexualized positions while doing yoga, somebody walking in on you during the most inappropriate moment, or you getting into an argument with the neighborhood jocks who now are set for revenge?​

Main kinks: Non-consensual / Forced Sex, Group Sex / MM+/f, Photography/Video Taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Incest, Sex Toys, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

You're a caring mother who goes to confront her son's bullies.​
You're an active and concerned member of a suburban home owner's association/parent's group who wants to put an end the disorderly conduct of some neighborhood jocks.
You're a teacher who got tired of athletes getting away with murder so long as they rake in enough trophies for the school.​

Either scenario would put you in the shoes of a confident woman who's about to find out the hard way that she bit off a bit more than she can chew when trying to instill some much needed discipline into a group of young studs. They on the other hand would love to find out if you're still this mouthy when they got you on your knees with your arms cuffed behind your back as you provide them with a welcome opportunity of trying to turn a middle aged, assertive woman into their sex toy.

Main kinks: Non-consensual / Forced Sex, Group Sex / MM+/f, Photography/Video Taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light to medium), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Incest, Sex Toys, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

We are to each other somebody who know each other well. My character could be a friend's husband, someone you know from your childhood, a co-worker, or a workout partner. You just never saw me as anything as a friend. Me? Well, unbeknownst to you, you've been turning my balls blue for a while now.

It now just so happens that you set yourself up for some comeuppance when we end up alone for an extended period of time. This could've been brought upon by something entirely innocuous and banal. You could visit to retrieve something you forgot, invited me to your place for help with something around your house or, if we're workout partners, came to try out my home gym.

Alternatively the backdrop could be something more spicy with me visiting unexpectedly and at a completely inappropriate moment like when you were taking a shower, a bath, were masturbating, or experiment with self-bondage.

The plot would probably work best as non-con to dub-con with your character having an unexplored submissive side you aren't even aware of until I attack you, or maybe even secretly fantasize about getting raped, and I end up fulfilling both our fantasies.

Main kinks: Non-consensual / Forced Sex, Group Sex / MM+/f, Photography/Video Taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light to medium), Humiliation, Adultery, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Sex Toys, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

Even though we're related, we are very different. You may have thought of me as a brainless jock, an a bit nerdy kid or just an annoying brat of a brother. We are polar opposites, a classic tale of sibling rivalry always trying to one-up each others. Then adolescence hit and the tension turned sexual.

Option A - The Tease: You're a natural tease and you know it. You always dress more provocatively than our parents would like, make heads turn at school and even seen me look at you like that. In some ways you enjoy teasing me, the sense of power it gives you over me. You continue conceive new ways of torturing me by wearing a tanktop with no bra, so that your nipples poke through the thin fabric, accidentally brush against me in the hallway with your ass or boobs, or even start toying with yourself and leave the door slightly ajar for me to sneak a peek. Then, one day, you take it too far; be it out of habit or a secret, unexplored desire for me - your own brother - to overpower and rape you, you turn my balls blue when our parents are away.

Option B - The Youtuber: you're charming, sexy and popular - not only at school, but also online. Taking a page from the playbooks of true greats like Pokimane and Alinity, flashing your skin for likes and clicks, had an adverse effect on our relation. Mostly because you keep turning my balls blue when teasing your body in front of a camera and broadcast it for the world to see. You do your best videos when our parents are away and can't call you out on what you're wearing or on how you act. You get to even be as loud as you want. Unfortunately, for you, this also means they can't hear or help you when I finally had it with you and decide to give you some comeuppance for being such an intolerable tease.

Main kinks: Non-consensual / Forced Sex, Incest, Taboo, Group Sex / MM+/f, Photography/Video Taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Sex Toys, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

You moved to a suburban neighborhood looking for a better life, access to better schools for the kids or maybe just married somebody who already lives there. Suburbia always has had an emphasis on sameness, but class divisions narrowed as barriers to home ownership fell and the postwar economic boom elevated families into the middle class. Even longstanding prejudices based on religion and ethnicity eroded in this bastion of white privilege, making living there more accessible to minorities like you. Still, there are those unburdened by conforming to social norms or any sense of correctness, political or otherwise. Young jocks are the worst because they are too entitled and full of themselves to the consequences of their actions whether to themselves or others. They are the most likely to fall back on old prejudices, and if only in defiance to modern liberal movements and act of teenage rebellion.​

  • Hispanic: jocks like my character may buy into the trope how Latino immigrants are a burden to society or at least use it as excuse to justify preying on somebody like you. All you need to do is something to fit the stereotype, like trying to supplement your income by cleaning houses or delivering groceries and you could easily become fair game for somebody like me. After all, what teenager hasn't fantasized about fucking the maid?

  • Asian: no need to go into the hypersexualization and sexual stereotyping of Asian woman on the internet. There is no shortage of videos portraying oriental women like you as natural submissive, who'd resist and object to unwanted advances, but ultimately unable to but surrender to somebody just uncompromising enough. So, when you start living next door I cannot but wonder what could happen if I'd be to intrude upon the sanctity of your house while you are home alone.

  • Black: it's not easy being an African-American woman in an otherwise mostly all white neighborhood in the current political climate. It's also no easy being a teacher these days. You are both! Granted, most students nowadays are either liberal enough or open minded to not give you much an issue in this regard. But not all. So, when educating a privileged, young white audience about the horrors of slavery and challenges of ethnic minorities, there are those that make an effort to understand, and those whose brains get stuck at the part where it was once possible for somebody like them to literally own someone like you. You mention the word slave and they stop listening to instead picture you naked and in chains. Then there are students like me who'd even take it a step further.

Alternate Version - Stepmom: instead of moving into a middleclass suburban neighborhood you married a stereotypical middle aged white guy, a dude who save, financially stable and comfortable to be with. Things went fairly well in the beginning, but soon your betrothed became busy at work leaving you to your own devises most of the day. The community itself was welcoming enough, except for your stepson who continues refuse to abide by any norms and who seems to insist of having this misogynistic view of you.

  • Hispanic: my character refuses to see you as authority figure. I don't need another parent. What I would love to have though is a pliable and obedient Latina maid, and if you refuse to play the part then somebody ought to make you.

  • Muslim: the thing with jocks is the more you tell them they cannot have something, the more they want it. A woman wearing a hijab sends a fairly clear message about how she is off limits, and that's why they now simply have to have her. They understand just enough of the religion to know infidelity is a big deal and somehow really won't matter much if the affair was consensual, doubly so if a video existed showing her suffering multiple orgasms during the ordeal.

  • Asian: look to the internet for Asian stepmom and you will find a plethora of clips about them tied tied up, molested and raped. Frequently it's their own stepsons doing the deed and then often even share them with their buddies. Most of those videos will show how they might resist at first, but then readily submit and often end up loving it. I'm now in this awkward situation where I enjoy this kind of smut and have a woman stand in my kitchen who looks very much like the one in the porn I just watched. It makes it pretty damn hard to not use those videos as inspiration for how to treat you and even harder to resist the urge of wanting to find out if there is some truth to the stereotype of naturally submissive Asian women.

  • Black: You moving in has put me into a situation that feels a bit surreal. I go to school, learning about racial discrimination, oppression of minorities and our history with slavery. Then I come home to find somebody a black woman alone in an otherwise all white household. It's sort of hard to not imagine then how in the distant past people like me could have literally owned you. With you being awarded virtually no protection against me doing whatever I want with you. Realizing how you had to give up your job and your friends to be here makes me wonder if your situation is really that different.

Main kinks: Non-consensual / forced sex, Raceplay, Photography/video taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Sex Toys, Humiliation, Group sex / MM+/f, Taboo, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

Students have all kinds of jobs available to supplement their income or finance their tuition. Except waiting tables or selling ice cream isn't exactly what you're looking for when you are a jock like me. Store security or maybe detective is far more down my alley - especially if my own dad owns the place. It provides me with lots of fringe benefits such as an air of authority, the opportunity to push people around and a private space in the back.

Enter you: resident milf, and woman I fantasized fucking for as long as I can remember. You just don't seem the type who cheats on her husband, starts an affair with a younger stud or provided me with an opportunity - until now. You not the kind who'd cause a scene if store security insists on escorting you to the back, would you? I wonder how far I could go there? How much you would take until I'd have to slap on some cuffs?

Main kinks: Non-consensual / Forced Sex, Group Sex / MM+/f, Photography/Video Taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Incest, Sex Toys, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

Holiday Themed

The yuletide is here, with all its trappings. Oh, how divine, the grabs and grapples, make you swooning to savor those holiday sweets. You know who else is swooning and savoring? Those neighborhood kids to see you again in your Christmas outfit. You like to volunteer and you like to dress up. Fortunately, it's easy to combine the both. Except this year my clique and I apparently decided to throw a wrench in your plans of enjoying the season when we sign up to volunteer at the same events you do. For us it's not about the Christmas spirit or any such nonsense - it's about spending time with you. And when you think it couldn't get any worse, just wait until we find a way to keep you around after an event; maybe by getting you busy with clean up, perhaps by getting you a bit drowsy - either way, you might come to regret putting on your sexy, little Christmas outfit when we finally have you all to ourselves, with nobody around to come to your aid when we decide to finally unwrap our favorite present and claim it as ours.​

Main kinks: Non-consensual / forced sex, Group sex / MM+/f, Photography/video taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Incest, Sex Toys, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

Getting a new outfit for the holidays is exciting, especially if it is also meant as surprise for your husband. You may want to try it on beforehand. Fortunately, dear hubby is away for work during the day, leaving you home all by yourself. Well, almost all alone except for your teenage son. You never wasted a second thought about him seeing you like this. Heck, you might even call him down for an opinion on your costume. Never once would it have occurred to you that you given him a hard on for a while and seeing you in this skimpy outfit might well drive him over the edge and rape you right then and there.

That happening would be bad enough, but it also puts your whole relationship in question. Are yo going to allow him to do this to you again? Do you have a choice? What if he gets it into his mind to share you with his friends, and turn your from (step)mom to personal fuck toy fore him and his buddies?​

Main kinks: Non-consensual / forced sex, Taboo, Incest, Age Difference, Photography/video taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Sex Toys, Humiliation, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Group sex / MM+/f, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person

From the mansion to the hill shrieks of laughter break the still. It is Halloween. The night for ghouls and goblins, trick or treating, devils and witches. With villains and monsters galore you don't want to be caught alone today. Yet circumstance will have it that's exactly how you end up. You, in this scenarios, could be a one of the moms who messed with the wrong kids from your suburban neighborhood, a teacher or a girl from school that got into trouble with the wrong type of buys.

Version 1: They opened a new haunted trail just a few minutes drive from where you live. A mile into the deep, dark woods, it promises to be full of your darkest fears, scariest phobias and worst nightmares - courtesy of the local jocks, dressed up as zombies and monsters. You might not recognize them, but they certainly do when you stand in line waiting for admission. They skillfully try separate you from your friends to lure you down the wrong trail to have you fully and utterly at their mercy for the rest of the night.

Version 2: for some reason, because your parents made you, a recent divorce, your husband taking the kids to a party while you stay behind to hand out candy, or some other dire circumstance, you are home alone tonight. You dressed up as sexy nun, a witch perhaps or maybe a Disney Princess - it doesn't take long for word to go around. Considering your history with them how could the local jocks resist paying you a visit, put the scare into you and use tonight to subject you to some thorough punishment?

Main kinks: Non-consensual / forced sex, Group sex / MM+/f, Photography/video taping, Blackmail, Bondage (light), Humiliation, Age-Difference, Drug/Alcohol Use, Roleplay Perspective: First Person
Additional/Optional Kinks: Taboo, Incest, Sex Toys, Roleplay Perspective: Third Person
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