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Behind Closed Doors by Cypherz & TNT


Formal Wear Fetishist
Feb 20, 2019



41, 6'4", 225lbs. w. Black Hair & Dark Brown Eyes

20, 5'10", 165lbs. w. Black Hair & Eyes
College Student

21, 6', 185lbs. w. Brown Hair & Hazel Eyes
College Student & Influencer


29, 5'11", 175lbs. w. Blond-Brown Hair & Dark Brown Eyes
Personal Assistant & Stylist

25, 6'4", 215lbs. w. Blond-Brown Hair & Light Brown Eyes
Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

Clothed Sex, Coercion, Dirty Talk, Double Penetration, Drug/Alcohol Use, Flirting,
Forced Incest, Hair Pulling, Infatuation, Large Cocks, Leash & Collar, Masturbation, Muscle Worship,
Non-Con, Roughness, Somnophilia, Teasing, Throat Penetration & Voyeurism

The Fall of 2071

In & Around the City of Chicago, Illinois


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So many balls, so little time, Sebastian thought, with a chest-heaving sigh, as he sat within his home office, still dressed in his partially undone sleepwear, staring at his detailed itinerary, which was currently hovering in holo form before him.

The week had just begun, seeing that it was only Monday morning, and yet somehow the councilman was already overbooked. Had unfinished business from the week before been rolled over? Yes, as always, anything not accomplished by Friday was rescheduled, but this was absurd. He was going to have to speak to Jordan, first thing this morning, or run the risk of looking the fool by mid-week, as he would more than likely overextend himself, just so he could keep on top of it all. Thankfully, his typically reliable assistant was kept easily accessible, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, since he and his younger brother not only worked for the accomplished, Chicago-based councilman, but lived within the lofty walls of his opulent estate.

By breakfast they would have this sorted out, or there would be hell to pay.

Rising up from the high-backed, leather chair that had conformed to his sizable, fit form, upon taking a seat at his tidy desk, Sebastian made his way to his home's spacious, open-concept kitchen with the goal of procuring himself a second cup of freshly brewed coffee before his nutritionist - Jordan's brother Kurt, who also served as the family's personal trainer - had the chance to badger him for consuming far too much caffeine this early in the day. Having risen at the ungodly hour of four in the morning, with far too much on his mind to allow himself even another minute of sleep, the single father of one - mostly dutiful - college-aged son had more to deal with than his overstuffed itinerary could ever allude to.

So much more.

Raising a child on his own had been and, Sebastian imagined, would continue to be a perpetual challenge. That being said, Tyeson was, for the most part, a good kid. Did he occasionally act out against his father's wishes, just as any teen - and now young adult - was known to do? Yes, yes he had, with the perfect example being the tattoo he had gone off and gotten without an ounce of permission. His pierced ears - which had been his best friend Derrick's brilliant idea - would be yet another display of defiance. But, again, by and large, the kid had yet to bring about more than a handful of grey hairs to his old man's thick head of jet black hair, and for this he was truly thankful.

Certainly doesn't hurt that you're maturing into a fine-looking man, Baz now thought to himself, with a stirring in his heart - and elsewhere - as he made that fresh cup of coffee. A fine-looking man, indeed, he would repeat, with a smile, just as Tye arrived on the scene.

"Morning, handsome. Care for a cup?"
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Tyeson rolls over in bed as his alarm goes off, groaning. What day is it? Do his college classes start this week? Tyeson taps his phone screen twice to activate the hold display so he doesn't have to pick it up. If it's not today that college starts, he's going back to sleep.

It's 6am, on Monday, and the first day of classes. Another groan, and Tye drags himself out of bed. His first stop is his private bathroom, then to the mostly empty walk-in closet. He's not one for keeping up with fashion, like most of his graduating high school year. Tye's closet primarily houses blue or black slim fit jeans, cargo shorts, plain tees and tanks, a variety of plaid and plain button downs, and a single pair of black slacks. Barely even looking at what he's grabbing, Tye pulls on blue jeans, a grey tank and pale blue and white plaid button down, then adds a tan woven elastic belt. Last, he shoves his feet into once-white, well worn skate shoes. Somehow, this carefree outfit looks good on him.

Grabbing and pocketing his phone, Tye heads out of his room and towards the kitchen. The smell of coffee beckons him; his dad is already awake. No surprise there, he's often up very early. Tyeson makes a face when he's called handsome but doesn't comment. Instead, he pulls his favorite mug - white with black silhouette mountains and trees - from the cupboard, and slides it across the counter towards his Sebastian.

Having lost his mother at an early age, and grown up with only his father, Tyeson always thought it normal that they had a close relationship. As he got older, though, he started seeing signs that maybe Sebastian was seeing more than that. Admittedly, Tye distanced himself somewhat, though still reluctantly agreed to the workout regime and overly healthy diet plan that his dad's live-in nutritionist had him on.

"Classes start today. First one's at 8am." Tye makes small talk while waiting for Sebastian to pour him coffee. The course, physical therapy education, wasn't his first choice. But as a single semester course, it might make his dad happy while he figures out how to tell him that Tye intends to move away after Christmas to follow his passion; photography. Tye has boxes of photos stashed in the back of his bedroom closet, and his $1,500 camera tucked away on the top shelf.
Taking the offered mug, which had been lovingly crafted by his dearly departed wife who had had a knack for hand thrown ceramics, Sebastian filled it just so, leaving plenty of room for cream and sugar if his son was in the mood for either. As of late, the boy's, er, young man's tastes seemed to be changing by the minute, but Baz supposed that was all a part of becoming an adult. He himself had certainly gone through a number of changes as he left his teen years behind and dove, head first, into adulthood. Granted, as the eldest of six sons, in a highly competitive family, change - and responsibility - had been thrust upon him at an alarming rate.

"You excited?" Sebastian asked, as he came around the large island to stand with his son, whose raven-colored hair was looking a bit unruly in the back. "Loyola is an excellent school," he reassured him, with a warm smile, as he reached out with his free hand and ran his thick fingers through the tousled locks, in an effort to smooth them over. "At least it was when I attended, you know, over a hundred years ago," he joked, as he set the favored, coffee-filled mug down and continued to fuss with Tye's hair.

On the verge of asking his son if he would like to do dinner out this evening, since it was currently the only night he had free to enjoy his company, the arrival of Kurt cut him short as the well-built trainer strode into the room looking every bit the part in his muscle-hugging, blue and white workout gear.

"Good morning, gentlemen," the tall, genetically gifted guy offered, with a nod of his blond-brown head, as he bypassed the replicator and made his way towards the refrigerator, which was fully stocked with enough fresh ingredients to feed a small village. "We doing the usual?" he would ask, electing to ignore the fact that both of his clients were already partaking in a highly-addictive, teeth-staining substance he typically frowned upon.
Tye had recently taken a liking to black coffee, but didn't think it was worth mentioning, as Sebastian left space in the mug. The fingers into his hair make him huff a bit; does it always have to be perfect? Tye doesn't say anything as he listen to Sebastian speak.

"I guess? I mean, it's college, sure, but it's just more schooling. It's not like I'm moving away." Tye bites his tongue to refrain from saying yet. He's not ready to tell his dad he's already set up to move six hours away from home after Christmas. Tye wraps his fingers around his mug when given it, enjoying the heat. He also shakes his head to disrupt his father's fussing. "Dad, stop. It's fine."

When Kurt walks in, Tye nods his head and brings his coffee to his lips. He's careful not to burn his tongue, but sips at the hot liquid. When asked if they're doing 'the usual', he grins.

"I'll take a cinnamon bun with extra cream cheese icing and a side of ice cream." Straight sugar, Tye's request is false and only made to get on Kurt's nerves. He knows the man is a health nut, and takes pleasure in teasing him about it.
"And here I was going to be nice and let you cheat a little, since you have the added stress of school starting back up," Kurt announced, as he proceeded to remove reusable containers filled with mostly leafy greens from the large appliance, "but now, I think it's going to be a spinach and seaweed smoothie for both of you."

"Hey! Why should I be made to suffer?" Baz lamented, as he furrowed his brow and playfully pouted, just a little.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this was going to be your second cup, wasn't it?" was Kurt's reply, as he picked up Baz's freshly poured coffee, which he had yet to even sip, and proceeded to dump it out into the sink.

"Ruthless, absolutely ruthless," Sebastian lamented, with a shake of his head, as he watched his delicious java juice disappear down the drain.

"Only because you pay me to be," Kurt retorted, as got busy making them the pair of drinks that would more than likely taste as bad as they looked and smelled.

With a mildly dismissive wave of his hand, Baz was basically done with the conversation. Dinner with his son was the topic he'd much rather discuss, which is where he took things next, only after saddling up beside Tye and resting his ass on the end of the island.

"Your last class lets out at four, right?" he asked, as he brought both of his large hands up to capture each open side of his son's button down so he couldn't pull away. "I was thinking we could do dinner out, just the two of us," he explained, as his dark eyes scanned over Tye's handsome face, trying his best to ignore the diamond studs that glittered away in each of his ears.
Tye makes a face when Kurt spinach and seaweed. He's fine with the spinach part, but he's not a fan of seaweed. He would drink it anyway, if only not to offend the man. Tye reaches for his coffee mug, only to be stopped when Sebastian grips the front of his button down. Dinner? Must mean his father will be quite busy this week.

"Yeah, sure. We can do that. It will have to be at six though, I'm checking out the college clubs after my last class, which ends at four." Tye already knows which club he'll be joining, but doesn't say anything yet. Better his dad not know yet that he plans on pursuing photography.

Tye brushes Sebastian's hands aside so he can pick up his mug. The black coffee is bitter, but Tye actually enjoys it that way. Something about the bitterness just makes his tastebuds tingle. His phone dings, and he sets the mug down to dig it out. A quick glance tells Tye his best friend Derrick, Becks to Tye, has texted to meet at the coffee shop near the college in twenty minutes. "Hey Kurt, can you put that in a travel cup? Derrick wants to meet up before first class."
Sebastian flinched, just a little, when his son pushed his hands away for a second time. Was his touch really that off-putting? Did it truly bother him to be handled like that? So casually, so unassumingly so? It wasn't like Baz was going to do anything questionable.

At least not with Kurt in the room.

"You got it," the personal trainer chimed in, as he poured the runny, sickly-green substance from the messy blender into a stainless steel, travel mug, which would easily keep it fresh and chilled for several hours. "So I shouldn't expect either of you for dinner tonight?" he then asked, just to ensure that he overheard the conclusion of their conversation correctly.

"No. We're going out," Baz confirmed, with a nod, as he watched his son drift away from him, apparently ever so eager to meet up with this buddy Becks. "I'll send Jordan to get you," he then added, almost as an afterthought, as he turned away from the island and began to make his way back towards his office, only to be cut off by Kurt who wasted no time in thrusting his smelly smoothie into his hand.

"Drink up, sir," was all Kurt said, with a smirk, before hightailing it out of sight.

"Hey!" Baz then blurted, as he now found himself standing once again with only his son, seeing that the trainer was now long gone. "No parting hug for your old man?" he asked, as he extended his long arms, not taking no for an answer.

Not unless Tye wanted to receive an earful, which he would, if not now, then later on tonight.
Tye pauses when Sebastian questions the lack of a hug. He rolls his eyes, but returns to give his father a one-armed hug. Sebastian had always been a physical affection sort of father, Tye's whole life. But it had increased lately, and Tye couldn't figure out why. Maybe the man just needed to get a girlfriend. or boyfriend. "Okay, there's your hug. I have to go, or I'll be late to meet with Becks." Tye gives a parting peace sign and flees before Sebastian can say anything else. Scooping his blue pack from by the door, Tye escapes the house. Outside, he grabs his skateboard, tossing it down and jumping on to head to the coffee shop.

Ten minutes later, Tye rolls up to the coffee shop. Picking up his board, he heads inside to look for his best friend. And when he spots him, Tye gets the same hot shivers down his back he does every time. Tye has been pining after Derrick since they were in middle school, but had never said anything for fear of ruining their amazing friendship. Becks had been the focal point of numerous wet dreams, fantasies, and late nights awake. But Tye is careful enough to not let his emotions show on his face. "Becks! Sorry I'm late. Dad kept me back." Tye slips through the crowded cafe to get to his best friend's side.
Sitting in their usual spot, Becks lounged across his preferred, comfy seat by the tinted, floor-to-ceiling window, wearing a loose-fitting, salmon-colored tee, too-tight blue jeans, and a smile that could and, well, did light up the room. Not bothering to sit up any straighter as his best bud of many years swiftly approached, his bright smile faded, just a little, when Tye was quick to blame his lateness on his dad who thought the world of his only son.

"You know, he's not a bad guy," Becks remarked, as he reached for his fully customized, caramel-topped coffee, which was sitting on a nearby table. "You always make him out to be the villain. You know that, right?" he was quick to add before taking a sip of his steamy, overly sweet drink. "Just an observation, nothing more," he then tacked on, as he set his cup aside.

"Anywho. What else is new with you, you know, since we last talked, like an hour or so ago?" he jokingly asked, as he finally did sit up just enough to allow his friend to take the seat across from him, without having to climb over Becks' long, athletically-built legs. "I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat after class," he then dropped his idea, as he motioned towards a second cup of coffee, which was crafted exactly how Tye liked it. "We can try that new vegan place everyone can't shut up about."
Tye sighs at Becks' brief statement regarding his father. Not a topic he really wants to broach right now, but Tye isn't blind to the way Becks sometimes eyes his dad. "I know he's not a villain. He just.. Clings, you know? As big as that house is, it's hard to actually get space of my own. I told you he still insists on coming into my bedroom to hug me goodnight, right?"

When his friend finally sits up, Tye takes a seat, happily picking up his dark roasted coffee, two sugar and nothing else. Even with the sugar, it's still slightly bitter. Perfect. Becks' idea of checking out the vegan place is so tempting, but.. "As much as I'd love that, Dad wants to have dinner tonight, just me and him. I think he'd be really upset if I skipped out. But we can definitely go tomorrow." Tye stretches his legs out, and while not as long as Becks', his foot still brushes his best friend's ankle.
"That's cool," is all Becks initially offered after Tye explained his situation, but as they sat a little longer, sipping their drinks in relative silence, he felt compelled to say something more.

"He really does want only the best for you. You know that, right?" he both stated and then asked, before continuing, not giving his friend a chance to reply just yet. "I'd give just about anything to have a dad who cared about me the way yours does about you," he would add, with a thoughtful expression, as he slowly ran an index finger around the rim of his mug.

"Anyway. Enough about him. Tell me about this new trainer of yours," he then blurted as he sat up straight in his seat and leaned forward, paying no mind to the fact that their knees were now touching. "Is he hot? He's hot, isn't he? Most trainers are. I mean, his bro is certainly easy on the eyes, so I bet he is too."
Tye knows what Becks says is true, but it would still be ice to have more space than his dad allows. When Becks continues without letting him talk, Tye expresses his thoughts by crinkling his nose. His friend's next comment has Tye frowning. But then Becks changes the subject, and Tye can only roll his eyes. He's trying not to think about the fact their knees are touching. Tye's had a crush on Becks so long, any little touch makes his heart race.

"Yes, Becks, he's hot. Of course he is. Dad has this thing about looks. 'Appearance is everything, you know'." Tye huffs after half mimicking his father's voice, then shakes his head. "Personality matters too, and while they are both nice, Jordan and Kurt are paid a lot of money. Sometimes I wonder if that's the reason for their loyalty." Tye shrugs, then glances down at his phone. With a sigh, he bumps his knee against Becks'. "Come on, we have to get to class."
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