Mx Female Welcome to the playground, follow me...

Nov 2, 2021
Colder part of Europe
[This is a work-in-progress, so bear with me, please!]

What brings you to the lost and found, dear?

Hello, a good reader of my humble topic, I’m happy that you’ve decided to spend some time reading through it! I’ll try to keep a clear outline of what’s where so that navigation would be painless.

Welcome to the playground, follow me [About me]

I identify as a straight male, but I also think that real-life gender does not matter much as long as you can convincingly picture your characters. Therefore, as long as you’re comfortable playing female characters, that’s perfect!

Tell me your nightmares and fantasies [Roleplaying style]

Like a lot of people, I’m happy to rp in 3rd person, past tense, but I’m open to experimenting with other combinations if that’s your preference. Feel free to DM me and we can figure it out.

I can post replies from once a day to once a week or so. I’ve got my own private life and family that I love spending time with, so I won’t always be available to reply. Ghosting... I know a lot of people say they let others know if they don't feel the story anymore, but it turns out more often than not that they don't. I’m ghost-friendly - if you stop replying without a word, I will not be going after you, but assume you’re just not interested in a story anymore - and that’s ok. If you want to return to it at any time, simply reply and we'll try to kick it from there. Or let me know and we can brainstorm something else.

OOC - I’m happy to chat about the story or any other topic (or not, up to you) in a separate DM thread.

Roleplaying medium - DMs here are preferred. Discord doesn’t work for me, since I’m aiming to reply with a few paragraphs (~300 words on average? I suppose that makes me lit player; I tend to match my partner to the best of my ability and can do 600-800 words replies as well), and chats don’t give that opportunity for me. I’m also too ashamed to be playing in open forums, so threads are no-go either, sorry!

Stay for the night, I'll sell you a dream [Stories/topics/pairings/etc.]

I love the opposites attract trope, as well as things that defy typical stereotypes. I tend to play as a dominant male character, but I’m also open to trying to play as a male switch. I enjoy world-building, but when it’s done on purpose and with a plan in mind.

Story ideas:
  • Something Arcane based. Silco and Jinx? Viktor and Sky? Something else? Craving this a lot, and none of them have to be canon!
  • Music band [FxMxF] (I have a full plot seed for this, ping me if interested)
  • Pair in Japan [FxMxF] (I have a full plot seed for this, ping me if interested)
  • Foreigner [MxF] (I have a full plot seed for this, ping me if interested)
  • Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman [MxF] (I have some idea on this, but it's flexible)
  • Music inspirations [MxF] (this is more unfleshed/flexible)
  • Unlikely pairing [MxF] (this is more unfleshed/flexible)
  • After watching The Aristocats again today, I'd love to play against a nekomimi/kemonomimi [MxF] (this is more unfleshed/flexible)
  • Just finished the latest season of Succession, and I'm in love with the show. On top of that, I loved how Dasha Nekrasova looked, same with Annabelle Dexter-Jones. Would love to play against characters with them as faceclaims (not the characters, nor the actresses themselves)
  • Harem, but only in a high fantasy context of an adventuring group. Or just a pair. I don't mind playing the supporting part of the pair, actually. [MxF(F+)] (I have some idea on this, but it's flexible)
  • London as the location for rp. I used to live there, and a recent work trip rekindled my love/hate relationship with it.

Everybody got a price 'round here to play [Kinks and Limits]

While it's undeniable I'm one to enjoy darker stories (I'd consider myself dominant and sadistic), that does not mean I don't like cheerful romance as much. My characters, if they're not fully sadistic (in very specific settings) tend to be caring and protective, even if they mix it with abuse. When it comes to limits, I’m pretty relaxed, although my limit would be scat, as well as violence against children/minors unless that’s just a part of a character’s backstory (or, if it happens during the roleplay, fully expect my characters to react violently to that).

Oh, and please don’t reply here, but instead, drop me a DM!​
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