Mx Female Mecha smut!


Jan 7, 2017
In the distant future the planet Earth has become infested with monsters. Gigantic beasts that tear up the land and indiscriminately consume. To combat them, the governments of the world banded together to create powerful machines that could take down the creatures.

Hello! So, beyond the generic setting I've been thinking of a mecha story based loosely on designs and aesthetics of things like Darling in the Franxx. I would like to posit giant sexy girl mechs with somewhat humanish features to be piloted by a duo in suggestive ways. However, instead of the innuendo, it would be so much more fun to lean into it and go all the way! Imagine a boy/girl pair of young pilots connected at the hip, their pleasure fueling the mysterious energy powering sexy mechs fighting off similar advances from creatures out to penetrate and take down their opposition~

On top of this, the idea of said mechs combining via similar sexual acts comes to mind. Such as two of the mecha connecting via futa attachments or something of the like, giant mech sex to create bigger and hotter forms!

Basically I'm looking to sexify all of the tropes in a decently detailed enough story of pilots in such a program between and during such epic yet hott battles!

Off the top of my head I imagined a team of maybe four to five mechs, each with a duo of pilots that we would split. So I am looking for someone interested in playing multiple characters though we can definitely each focus on one main pair.

If anyone is interested in this premise I would love to plan out something deeper!

Hope to hear from you soon~
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