Mx Female Meanderings Of An Isekai Trash Can (Harem Craving)


Oct 26, 2021
Hey there! I'm Tokio, and I’m a new retiring old RPer of this site. Anyways this is my request thread of both perverse and relatively 'normal' scenarios, albeit for the most part it'll entail a very perverse underlying nature/meaning to everything. It's been awhile since I've had time to roleplay, so please bear with me for I may be a tad bit rusty. I've been going through a lot in my personal life, so I apologize to any of you that I left unwittingly. As it stands I have returned indefinitely and hope to keep it that way.

As for me, I'm a relatively simple guy that likes to write things, about things with people who also write about things and together we combine these things to create more things. I tend to reply in about 2-3 paragraph or more range, due to my work and school life I'm a bit busy at times, but I'll try to notify any would-be partners about elongated bouts of disappearance when I can. I'm actually pretty damn friendly, although my demeanor might say otherwise, but I'm actually a 'funny guy' apparently, so feel free to pm me if you want to roleplay or just want to talk. Alrighty then.

FYI: Craving some harem debauchery, if you’re not into it that’s completely fine! Don’t be afraid I’m open to many ideas but potential Harem scenarios will always have my interest first! :)

Please communicate disappearances, I myself would like to have communication of any unexpected delays and I’ll do the same for you. It just sucks to be left hanging, waiting for any kind of possible response and not sure when it’ll happen.

I understand that things come up and we can’t reply for a certain amount of time! That’s okay! Just please communicate!


♦ Must be able to post AT LEAST 2 paragraphs, I'd prefer more! However if you can't maintain a 2 beefy paragraph average, then please...leave me alone!

♦ Anime characters are my preferred medium of basing characters, although your character doesn't have to be a perfect match with the image, I enjoy images because it helps let my mind wander. Plus, it makes my body tingle looking at waifus.

♦ Do not spam me with messages if I haven't replied lately, it gets relatively annoying and similar to many people, I HAVE SHIT TO DO. I promise to be accommodating and at least let you know if I may be gone for an extended period of time. Please just respect me in terms of my time, and I’ll respect yours. If it’s a check in after maybe two or three days that’s okay. But I’ll try to keep my replies more consistent than that so neither of us have to wait.

♦ Don't come sending a message to me saying 'HEY I WANNA ROLEPLAY' without some kind of idea, or basis for us to work on. I'd prefer starting with one. However if you can somehow entice me with your personality or some crazy shit like that then maybe just maybe, I'll forgive you.

♦ Each of your PMs must be titled with a super power you most want in your life in order for me to understand you've read all of my rules.

♦ I will require each participant to send me a profile at one point, so be prepared.

♦ I'm actually very reasonable and easy to get along with, don't be afraid to message me with questions or ideas, because more often than not I'll be open to just about anything! Cravings, likes, etc. are all open for discussion and I'd gladly help someone with their own cravings!

♦ If you can't work on an idea together with me when it comes to a roleplay in order to better it so both of us will enjoy it more. I won’t lie though, I’ve been getting a lot of PMs as of late but harem based ideas get immediately sent to the front of the line…just in case you were wondering.


Rough Sex
Non-Con and Consensual are on equal terms!

Large Breasts
Clothed Sex
Cock Worship
Risky Sex
Internal Cumshots
Harems ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Anal(Up For Discussion Of Course)
Dirty Talk ♥ ♥ ♥

Light Bondage

Multiple Men (I'm greedy. Never was good at sharing)



Have recently found myself interested in a

OC x GM/DM roleplay in which I'm the character/OC (Up for discussion)♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Anything Harem based ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Master x Slave ♥ ♥
Mother x Son
Teacher x Student ♥
Brother x Sister ♥
Prince x Princess ♥
Goddess x Worshiper ♥ ♥
God x Goddess ♥ ♥
God x Worshiper ♥
Fan x Celebrity(Made Up) ♥ ♥
Clerk x Customer ♥ ♥
Chef x Customer ♥
Boss x Employee ♥
Time Traveler x Different Timer Period Being(s) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Man x Ex-Girlfriend ♥ ♥
Peeping Tom x Girl Next Door ♥
Cheerleader x Secret Admirer ♥
Owner x Pet ♥

Adventurer x Peasant
Adventurer x Demon/Succubus

Mostly oc's for these scenarios, let me know if there's anything that isn't on this list

♦ Bleach ♥♥♥♥♥♥
♦ Danmachi ♥♥♥♥♥♥
♦ Classroom Of The Elite♥♥
♦ Highschool DxD ♥♥♥♥♥♥
♦ Overlord♥♥♥♥♥♥
♦ Chainsaw Man♥♥♥
♦ Spy x Family♥♥♥
♦ Highschool Of The Dead♥♥♥
♦ Hunter x Hunter♥♥♥
♦ Solo Leveling♥♥♥♥♥♥

I'm honestly willing to play any pairing/couple in the world they have whether it's canon or OC. 7000 bonus points to anyone that will satiate my harem desires! ;D




Game (AU is possible)
Anime (AU is also possible)
Ask if you have more ideas!


Red is maybe with a new spin.
Green is always open.
Blue is craving

The Incubus and His Enemy

An incubus is travelling along a riverbank heading towards a town, all in modern day, hating hitchhiking he preferred to walk. Along the way, he finds a woman, one that's to beautiful to be human, and of course he was right. She was a succubus, one who not only had sex with men, but killed them after. The incubus captures her, but not in a conventional way, he uses his incubus tentacles to bind her, and make a deal with her, for the rest of her life... she is the incubus's disciple.

School Is Great

Azazel is a young boy that really sucks at school. He has the worst grades in the entire high school and everyone in class makes fun of him because of that. His teachers are all disappointed because he could actually do a lot better if he would pay more attention in class instead of wandering in thoughts of video games, sports, sex, and stuff like manga and anime. Even though everyone considered him a terrible student, they also knew there he was actually a very nice guy and was always kind towards everyone there.

Feeling a bit bad about Azazel's situation, his teachers had a little reunion to talk about him and see if they could find a solution for his problem. He was surely someone who needed help to improve... something to motivate him and give him a good incentive to study hard and learn everything he needed to learn.

So... what could possibly inspire a boy of his age to work harder than ever before ?... what possible reward would motivate him to stay awake many nights studying for his upcoming exams ?... yes, the answer was clear... SEX.

His teachers then decided to start with their plan and see if they could help him get back on track. They would each promise him a night of sex and pleasure if he studied for the exam of their respective subjects and passed them with a high grades.

The Magic Store

A young boy whom had always thought of himself as the hero of the most famous fairy tales from one's childhood found himself ready and prepared to take on the demon lord himself. His small squad of highly skilled comrades and himself were prepared to fight the demon except for one small problem...they were unable to surpass the front door for they had no means of getting in. As a result, they ended up alone in town, whilst another squad of individuals found victory against the demon lord.

The young boys dreams were crushed instantaneously. All hope of becoming the worlds greatest hero dissipated into the nearby sky like some sort of ghast. Yet, with the defeat of the demon lord himself all things around the world seemed to change. There was no longer war, no fighting, nothing for a person whom had devoted his entire life to becoming a warrior to do. Except...find a job.

The boy had grown into a young adult, finding suffrage within the confines of a relatively large store on the outskirts of town. Selling magical goods, that aren't unlike those we'd see in a normal electronics store today. Televisions, Fridges, Rice Cookers all products run of magic. A tool which all beings had obtained throughout their lives which has replaced the need for electricity in this world. Yet, the store although not busy has one nice factor to it. The co-workers he had surrounded himself with were quite beautiful, and most definitely cheery enough to keep him happy even in his days of defeat.

All this changes however, when the late Demon Lord's daughter decides to apply for a job at the store. The boy whom had dedicated his entire life to defeating this beast found himself at an impass. Continue to work at this store with the demon lord's daughter? Or be forced to train this strange beast into a correctly functioning member of society. Manners...will be the least of his worries.

(For this roleplay I'm thinking it would need a couple female characters to be played in order for it to work accurately. I would be playing the male, and if we seek to retrieve other roleplayers I am fine with that as well.)

I have some ideas, but I'm much more open to yours or a combination of both of ours together! I look forward to hearing your ideas!
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