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Things They Don't Teach You At College ((KinkyPonyGirl x Daleen))


Jun 22, 2010
Samara, or Sam as most people knew her, couldn't sit still. She was bouncing with energy! She'd been in the city for about a month now, and decided today was the day she was going to explore herself a bit. She'd just moved into the city to attend the local college, but with classes not starting for another month, and her being without any friends in the area that she could go to to show her around, she'd spent most of her free time waiting for classes, searching for a club she had heard about. It was a BDSM club, where one filled out a sheet with all their information, and the club would select the perfect person to help the client explore their curiosities. She'd tried to talk with her best friend about it but, she never found the courage. It was easy to avoid talking about it too, considering that her best friend and her had never actually met. She'd met the woman on one of her gaming runs, and they'd hit it off almost instantly. Since then, Sam talked with the woman almost every night when they gamed together, and she'd started to develop a bit of a crush on the woman. The confidence in her voice, the decisiveness in the game, plus she just sounded sexy. Which wasn't to hard to do if one had enough money of course, if one had enough money, they could have a body built for them with a sexy voice easily, and anything else one might desire. Sam never really got into that kind of thing, it was eternally beyond her budget, but she'd often spent time wondering what body she would go with. She smiled as she leaned back in the seat of the cab that was driving her to her destination, picturing all the things she'd change. Her hair for one thing. Being a redhead meant a lot of unwanted attention from men, which on it's own was annoying, but with the whole not being into men, it just sucked twice as hard. She'd also get some better eyes, so she didn't need to wear glasses all the time.

Sighing to herself as she began to dampen her own spirits with thoughts of what she'd change about herself, she looked out the window to find that the world seemed to match the sudden depression she'd stumbled into. The moon was hidden away behind thick and dark clouds, occasionally lighting the sky with a flash of lightning. It was perfect weather to curl up in her onesie with a book. She found herself growing nervous as the cab continued moving forward, closer and closer to the club. Her doubts and anxiety began kicking in as she bit her lower lip in an old nervous habit. What if she wasn't a good client? What if they didn't like her? What if none of this was real, and someone had gone through the effort of creating a fake club just to prank her. What if it was super crowded? She whimpered a bit as she began toying with a strand of her long red hair, before looking down at her attire. A simple white turtleneck vest with a black mini skirt. In the bag beside her was her aftercare kit, items she was told to bring along. Comfortable clothing, favorite snack, favorite drink, a hairbrush, and a toothbrush. She squirmed once more, truly unable to sit still before she caved in and reached over, grabbing her bag. She opened it, before digging through and pulling out a large black hoody. She quickly slipped it on, letting it fall down her body as she poked her head out. The hoodie was dark black, with a neon pink bunny head on the front, one eye made up of a red X, the other a bright blue orb. The bunny head was smiling, showing bright neon red and fanged teeth. It had been her brothers favorite before the accident that cost her her entire family, and now it was her favorite, even if it was three or four sizes to large, swallowing her body as her ample D cup bosom disappeared under the thick cloth. The hem of the hoody tickled her thighs as she pulled it down, only to look up as the cab came to a stop, and the screen in front of her beeped that they had arrived. She looked out the door, and found herself staring a rather blank and non-descript looking building, with what seemed to be black bricks. There was a line wrapping around the building of people trying to get in, and she could already hear the thump of the bass through the cab window.

She could just go home now she told herself. This was probably a very bad idea. Sure she'd already paid but, there were so many people! She whimpered once more, before the cab beeped at her again, basically telling her to get out, or pick somewhere else. Her heart pounding, she pushed her glasses up on her face, before she closed her bag and slowly eased her way out of the cab. She was quickly pelted by the rain, and instinctively darted forward to get under cover, only to find herself bumping into a rather large and intimidating looking man. Squeaking in surprise, Sam gulped, before realizing he was the guard for the door. She quickly reached down, pulling the sleeve up on her hoody to show the dark red wristband that had been sent to her after making her reservation. The man just stared at it, before swiping a tablet over it. She heard a soft beep, and the man simply turned, giving her enough room to slip inside. "Thank you, sorry!" she cried out nervously before she slowly shuffled her way in to the club. Her heart was racing at a million miles an hour as she grabbed the door handle, before flinching as she eased it open and was struck by the loud music and scent of the club. There was leather, smoke, latex, sweat, underneath it all was a soft, almost floral scent that mixed rather well with the other's, and it helped calm her down a bit. She stood there in the doorway, just trying to figure out what to do before someone came up to her. "Hello Ms. Grenwish! Welcome to the club. As the online reservation said, we have a room and a lady for you this evening. The drinks, alcoholic and non are free for the reservation, including two meals as you did reserve it for the full twelve hours. Please, follow me" the woman offered, before turning, which let Sam gasp in surprise as she saw the feline tail swaying from behind the woman. Anthromorphic bodies! Those were seriously top of the line stuff! As she looked around, she realized she could actually see a few, none of them were full body, and they all seemed to belong to people wearing collars. It seemed like the majority of people with animal attachments were likely 'pets' who were enjoying their time. She shook her head, focusing her thoughts, before quickly falling into step behind the woman. The woman was talking about the club, and the reservation and all sorts of things she was sure she was supposed to pay attention to, but all she was focused on was the club itself. There was just so much! Christopher's Crosses, spanking benches, vaccuum beds, spider web chains, whipping posts, stocks, shibari, suspension, both hooks and rope! There was just, so much!

"And if you require anything, please let your host know, and they will order it. Assuming of course they let you have those items" the woman offered with a smile, before opening the door leading to a rather casual looking room. "Enjoy your evening" the woman said before closing the door before Sam could turn around to stop her. "Wait! What do I...." she stopped as the door closed, and let out a soft sigh. She'd already begun making a fool of herself! She hadn't noticed anything the woman had said! Was she supposed to do something now? And where was all the equipment and tools and toys? She turned back to look at the room. It was rather...bland. White linen sheets, a door leading to what she assumed was a bathroom, another door leading to a closet more likely then not, and the door that led out of here. There was a mini fridge tucked away into the corner, filled with soda's, water, juice, and a few different types of beer. There was a simple white table with a bottle of whiskey, a decanter filled with what she figured was another liquor, and a small ice maker next to two glasses. Beyond that, there was nothing. Curious and confused, she slowly moved over to the bed, where she dropped her bag onto the floor and sat down on the bed. It was then that she noticed something. A small red button on the wall. In fact, after seeing that, she started noticing more and more small buttons scattered through out the room. Curious, she slowly reached out and pushed the button, only to help in surprise as suddenly a rack sprung out from the wall. The rack was covered with items held up by hooks, ranging from basic leather flogs, to simple cotton rope. She wondered if every little button around here had a surprise behind it? However she also figured that whoever she got for the night, would not be happy if she went around opening things. So she stood from the bed, and began fiddling with the rack, trying to figure out how to get it to go back into the wall.
Jayden Jareau was from planet earth was a place for aliens and humans alike. Some of her friends were non human and she found it amazing that such things existed. Aliens fascinated her since early childhood and here she was experiencing it. She also got to experience other things as well, being that her parents were into the fetish scene, Jayden in turn got into the lifestyle. That is what most days were like, at her office and taking care of clients. Funny thing was most of the nights were she didn't have things to take care of, she was in her office gaming with Sam, one of her many friends. Yeah Jayden was aware that most of her friends were from the internet and she was completely fine with that, she was also completely fine with never meeting them if that happened. But she had meet most of her online friends expect Sam. She didn't blame Sam for being shy, most people were and that was okay.

It was one of those slow afternoons where the day was not going as fast as Jayden wanted. But nevertheless, Jayden was walking around in her dragon form, cock out enjoying the sounds of her club Crimson. Couples that were performers on stage were at the club practicing. Some of the permeant residents and some that were there to pay debts were there. Over all the moans, the screams, the begging. It worked Jayden up. Jayden grabs a bottle from the bar and made her way to her office on the second floor. She walks in and sat down in her gaming chair. She looks out the window at the somewhat empty club, she uncorks the bottle and takes a swig before putting the bottle on the table. A file was slapped on the desk and Jayden looks up screaming, "Janet what the fuck are you doing here!" She shouts. Janet looks at her friend, "I am your secratery you know." She retorts. Jayden grabs the file, "Yeah I know that, but you just appeared out of nowhere." She states. Janet laughs, "Well bad habit work in progress." She states.

Jayden looks through the file and looks at the name, "Why is this name so familiar?" She asks herself. Janet looks at her, "Regardless she is being put in your room... See ya tonight." She states

It was later that evening and this time Jayden was properly dressing in a red latex catsuit, no heels, a corset that brought her chest up a little and no mask. She had the file in had and made her way to the door leading to the room that Samara was in. She took a breath before entering and she looks at Samara, "Good evening... I am Jayden Jareau and I will be your conductor this fine evening." She says with a smile.
Samara whined softly to herself as she pushed on the rack, trying to get it to go back in, but it wouldn't budge. Sighing as she gave up, she began searching along the edge for the button she'd pushed to get the rack out in the first place, wondering if she could just push it and have it go back inside the wall. However she didn't have the chance to hide her little slip up as the door opened. Gulping nervously, she turned and stopped, her eyes going wide as her breath caught in her throat, and she felt her heart rate suddenly pounding in her chest. She saw the red and gold dragon body stepping into the room, and she was utterly entranced. This person was gorgeous! Not to mention the fact that that body was absolutely top of the line! The worksmanship alone was enough to make anyone stop and stare, but all those added curves just made Samara squirm. She quickly looked over to the shelf. "Um, I was going to put it back..." she murmured quietly.

However as she heard the woman's name and voice, her eyes opened wide and she suddenly went stiff as a steel beam. Her heart began thundering in her chest as her hands went clammy and her mouth went dry. She knew that voice, she knew it very well. That voice belonged to a person she'd never met, yet who had helped her through some of her toughest times, and laughed with her at some of the best. This woman helped her discover her fondness of women, and helped calm her down when she was panicking over her highschool finals. This woman had helped her celebrate getting into her dream college by spending all night getting wins in one of her favorite video games. This woman was also the biggest crush she'd ever had in her life, and now here she was, clad in latex, in a draconic body ripped right from her fantasies, in a bdsm club where she meant to lose quite a few of her virginities.

She just stood there, clearly in shock before falling backwards as her legs refused to hold her any longer. "Poolsy?" she squeaked out after she finally managed to find her voice. Her face was now as red as her hair, her eyes were locked down on the ground as she began nervously fidgeting with her hands in front of her, her mind trying to catch up to what was happening. "Hey, um....about, you being here, um...I can explain" she uttered weakly before clearing her throat. "I mean...I was, it's's's a....but, so you know how....or...or you know, you when....have you ever just?......You know what I mean?" she asked with a shaky smile as she finally looked up to stare at the draconic body belonging to a voice that had gotten her through many a lonely night with her hand as her only company.
Jayden watches as the girl mentioned the shelf and she looks over at it as she mentioned she had intended to put it back. Truth be told there was nothing wrong it, but Jayden didn't mind watching the woman stumble about. Jayden stood there as she called her Poolsy, there was only one person that called her that, but then Sam went on to go on a rant about what she was doing there. Jayden gives her a look as she was ranted and then stared at her body. Jayden could not restrain herself, she wanted to tease her so badly and she was going to do just that. Jayden walks over to her placing the file on the bed and then she leans forward.

"First thing first my dear... Don't worry about the shelf that is not important at least not yet." She tells her. She raises her left hand and runs it through Sam's red hair, "Oh you don't have to explain why you are here Sam... You are here to let out that dark side of you that you have repressed for so long," Her hand grabs a fistful of her hair and she softly pulls her head back exposing her neck, "You are here to be introduced to a world. Of lust, of pleasure." She tells her before using her rough tongue to lick her neck. She figured that it was now the best of time to well help her calm down.

She lets go of her hair and then smiles at her friend as she sat down, "I am not going to lie, this was the last place I would have expected you Sam." She tells her seating next to her.
Sam whimpered softly as she watched the woman, before tensing once more as the woman began walking over to her. "I can explain I swear!" she whimpered out, worried her friend might think her disgusting or weird. The fact that not only was that friend also in this club, but she seemed to work here at the very least, had apparently escaped Sam's mind entirely in her panic. She shivered as she heard the woman talking, and found herself thinking how sexier it was in person, before all thoughts left her as suddenly hand began sliding into her hair, clearly a weak point of hers as a hard shiver ran through her. Then, everything else was gone as she felt the hand tugging her hair, drawing a high pitched and gasping moan from her lips as her glasses fell up her face a bit and her mouth hung open, while she arched her body up.

"I....I just.....I....annnh!" she cried out as the draconic tongue pressed to her throat, the pulse in her neck thumping rapidly against her skin as Sam's head began to grow fuzzy. She was certainly done panicking, instead she was left dazed and flustered, with her hands grabbing her hoody and clutching both between her legs. Her mouth still hanging up, she looked over at the woman. "I....right" she said softly as she blinked, trying to clear the soft haze she found herself in. "Um....I just...I wanted to talk to you...about it but....I was weird" she mumured, before clearing her throat and blinking rapidly for a moment. She shook her head, before looking once more to Jayden. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
Jayden had to laugh after hearing her whimper the words I can explain. Many of people said the exact thing and Jayden just sat there and listened as she fumbled about. Jayden chuckles to herself and then Sam asked the important question. Jayden looks at her and crosses her dragonic legs trying her best to hid her raging boner. Was she having a successful time doing it well she was about to find it sooner or later. She didn't want to tip toe around the question. "Well clearly you can tell I work here... Honestly I own the place... I started this with a loan from my parents... This place caters to the weird, the fetish inclined and those of political power that want to know... Get freaky." She answers.

"Well I am also surprised you were put up for this early considering that we don't open for another few hours we are a nightclub after all." She informs. She laughs to herself and looks around and then at her, "I am sure that you will find this place to your liking and it is full of surprises." She admits to her.
Sam sat there, collecting her thoughts, trying to cath her mind up with everything going on right now, before blinking in surprise as she was thrown another curve ball. "You OWN this place? you don't just work here, this is.....why didn't you ever tell me?!?" she cried out in indignation. "Do you have any idea how scared I was to tell you about this stuff! I thought you'd worry I was a freak or something! Now here I am, ready to finally have my first time, and, it turns out that not only is the girl of my dreams here, but she friggen runs the place!" she cried out, before her eyes went wide and she quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. She squirmed visibly this time before clearing her throat. "I mean....not, not the girl of my dreams, I just, um, okay, so look. Um, this isn't, the only secret, I kept from you. Now, now you can't judge me, or....please don't be mad, but I've been crushing on you and your voice for like....a solid two years at this point. Do you have any idea how much I stressed myself out over you finding this all out? And, you just....argh!" she groaned as she dropped back down onto the bed, her hands covering her face as she grumbled something under her breath.

"I paid extra for a VIP treatment" she grumbled as the woman pondered about why she'd even be let in. "Your assistant told me to come at this time...I didn't know she was your assistant at the time of course. She said that I was getting a VIP treatment since it was my first time. Do you think....did she set this up?" she asked curiously.
Jayden watches her reaction as she came to grips with the fact that she owned the place. She asked how she could never have told her. She went on to say that it was not fair due to the fact that she was scared of being labeled a freak and Sam then went on to say that she was ready to lose her virginity and it so happened that the person she might be losing it to was someone that she really liked. It was fair and she could sense the indignation from miles away. Then Sam went on another rant about how she had come to have a crush on her for at least two years. She told her how stressed she was. She mentioned how she had paid for the VIP treatment, and how Janet had told her to come at this time. She questioned if they were set up and she thought it would have been possible, but she knew Janet well enough that it would have been worse if she had been around people that were undressing her with her eyes, asking her to have sex and all sorts of things.

Jayden looks at her and laughs, "Well it is possible that Janet set us up, but that isn't like her... While we do have private rooms like this one... I think she set this up so you don't have several thousand eyes undressing you and lusting after." She tells her. She stood up and faces in front of her, "Tell me how the hell am I suppose to know that you were into all of this?" She asks sternly. "You are not the only one with secrets... As far as I was concerned you were not part of the fetish world and it would have been weird and awkward as you pointed it out and if you were vanilla as hell... Not to mention that... Yeah you think your a freak," She points to her cock, "Guess what your not as freakish as you think." She tells her. Jayden got a hold of Sam and she brought her back to a seating position. She grabs her stiff member and makes Sam grab it, it was erect and it was staying that way due to the cock ring she had at the base. "Beside the fact that I owned a fetish club... I had to worry about telling my best friend that while I am biological a girl... I also have a functioning cock and balls., not only that... I had to worry about what will Sam do if I tell her I have more than one body." She retorts hopefully answering all her questions.

Jayden was in serious Dominatrix mode at this point. "Don't you worry Sam... I am going to treat you right... I am going to make sure that you never forget this day." She tells her. She leans forward getting as close as she could, "Don't you worry after this we have some things to discuss, but for now," Her dragonic tongue licks her right cheek, "Are you just going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to do something with the cock you have gripped in your hands?" She asks.
Sam's mind was still reeling as she tried to come to grips with this new reality. She was also kicking the hell out of herself for just blurting out every secret she'd kept from this woman. She didn't know what it was but when she found herself talking to Jayden, everything just came out at once! Groaning in shame, she lay there, wanting to just disappear from this world. She prayed to every God she knew of to just let the bed swallow her and take her away to the void where she'd never have to see another person again. She peeled her hand away from her face, before blinking in surprise and blushing brighter still. "What....why would anyone want to do that with me? Like...some of those people out there are absolutely gorgeous! I mean, look at you! There's no way anyone out there would even notice I exist" she groaned out, before feeling the bed shift as the other's weight left it. She lifted her head to look up at the woman, before she squeaked, tensing up as she heard the woman's voice change.

It was a voice she'd heard a thousand times, especially when Sam wasn't healing fast enough, or she'd missed a bonus objective. It was the voice that had occupied her mind during many a lonely night. Hearing it in person, it made her body grow warm and her heart speed up. Gulping nervously, her head hunching between her shoulders, she squirmed on the bed. "Um, w-well, I just....I dunno..." she said softly, before biting her lip and closing her eyes. "I...I'm sorry I just..." she whimpered, before yelping as she looked to where the woman was pointing and she saw the woman's throbbing erection. Had that always been there? How had she missed it? Was it...was it like that because of her? She squirmed, biting nervously on her lower lip, before yelping as she was suddenly pulled up to a sitting position. "'re not a freak, I didn't mean to...I just, it's hard to explain. I'm sorry poolsy" she whimpered out softly before a soft gasp slipped from her lips as the woman grabbed her hand and rested it on the woman's cock. It was surprisingly warm, and soft to the touch, yet she felt the hardness just under that soft surface.

Gulping once more, her mind seeming to simply melt with everything happening right now, her mouth opened and closed quickly as she tried desperately to think of something to say. "" she drifted off, her face now burning bright red, blending in with her hair as she reached a trembling hand up to push her glasses back up her face, before gulping once again as the other told her that she would take care of her. "I..." she drifted off once more, a soft and needy whimper slipping from her lips while her hand tightened it's grip on the woman's cock when she leaned forward. She jumped a bit as the tongue ran along her cheek, before she whimpered once more and looked back at the woman. "I....I don't know what to do with it, I've never seen one in person before!" she cried out in embarrassment.
Once again it was the look of shyness and embarrassment that got Jayden all giddy and excited. "You underestimate the perversion of people.... You think people in a fetish club committing all sorts of acts that are not considered normal would not be doing what I stated," She kisses her cheek, "How naive Sam." She tells her. She looks down and laughs softly as she was told that she never held one before and she was going to be rather simple. She wasn't going to make her do anything crazy or uncomfortable, she wanted Sam to have fun. "Well that is okay not knowing what to do with it,"Her cock twitched in her hand, "Do feel free to do whatever you want with it... We have nothing but time. And don't worry about the barbs... They d on't really hurt that much" She tells her with a smile. She giggles again, "Well what is it going to be my dear plaything?" She asks
Sam just whimpered as the other told her that people were indeed staring at her. The idea was, somewhat intimidating actually. She'd never seen herself as ugly per se, but she would never have placed herself anywhere near anyone that had been out there, or the woman in front of her. "If you say so..." she said, clearly still uncertain, before pouting as the other called her naïve. "Hey! I hate when you call me that!" she grouched quickly, only to squeak as the woman looked down and laughed at her after telling the woman she'd never been this close to the real thing before. The fact that it was a woman still hadn't really registered, to be fair her mind had a lot to catch up on. Still, she relaxed a bit as the other told her it was okay. "Barbs?" she asked in surprise, before squeaking once more and crying out in surprise as she took a closer look at the woman's cock, noticing that it was indeed barbed. Yet they were soft she discovered as her hand began stroking the length, more and more curious about it. "Hm?" she asked, snapped from her thoughts before her eyes went wide once more and her blush returned quickly to her face. "I...what?" she asked again as her brain fried itself for the third time in the last hour. " Right....I-inside. You're dick, is going inside. Me. It's going inside me" she said softly, still processing, before she bit her lower lip, picturing the possibilities. "If....that's okay? I mean...I, I just, I thought that, since....since it's you...then it's not really as scary...and um, rope! Please I mean. Or, leather....both are fine. If, you don't have one I mean, then, then the other one would be fine too....not to say that you wouldn't have both! You own a club like this, of course you have both....right. Yes, um.....bondage...bondage sex.....please" she offered, her entire face now red as she pondered if she could have a heart attack at her age with how fast her heart was racing.
Jayden laughs as Sam pouted. It was funny to Jayden at least. Jayden understood that she was shy considering it was her first time. But every reaction from her was just perfect. Jayden had a devious smile as Sam made it known that she did not like being called naïve. It was funny to see Sam try to get her mind caught it and then she looked own at her cock as she uttered the word barbs. Sam just stared and then stroked her cock which caused Jayden to moan. Jayden watches her as she got bright red and then ranted that it wasn't as scary as she had thought. Rope. Leather. Sam losing her virginity to a dragon. Jayden took a second and touches her head, "Are you okay you are red as a strawberry?"

Jayden pulls away from her and looks at her, "Okay Sam... Deep breathes," She points to her, "You look like your about to pass out... I think I got the gist of what you wanted. Rope... Leather and sex... Am I right," She ponders, "Well I know I have leather somewhere, but how about latex as an alternative I don't feel like looking for it. It might what is phrase here... Ruin the mood and that is the last thing we want." She informs the lovely lady before her.
Sam just gulped once more, before slowly nodding her head as she continued absent mindedly stroking the woman's cock, almost using it as a fidget toy to keep her hands busy as her mind tried to process everything going on at the moment. "Yeah....yeah I'm good....I'm okay" she said, her voice sounding a bit strangled as she forced the words out, only to look in surprise as the woman suddenly pulled away from her, leaving her hand empty. She stared up at the woman, focusing on her, before nodding her head as she took a slow and deep breath, her breasts pressing forward, before she let it out in a soft sigh. "Right...sorry, it's just...I was, kind of scared to do this in the first place and....and then finding you here, it''s a lot. It's a good thing! I mean...this is like, a dream come true! Actually....what if this is a dream?" she asked herself softly, before squirming on the bed. No...her body was hot, sweat was slowly rolling down her back, she felt the warmth in her hand still from where it had been wrapped around the woman's cock. This was all very very real.

Clearing her throat, she took another breath, and let it out with a sigh. "It's just a lot. I'm okay though....promise" she said, offering a smile up before blinking as the woman offered latex instead of leather. " mean, yeah, I'd love to I just....I didn't put it in because I was already over budget and I didn't want to take anything else off the list. Latex would be, perfect actually" she admitted with a smile.
Jayden had to admit it was fun to see her all flustered and then they went on the talk about what she wanted. She gives her a look and laughs, "Well now that I got you being true to what you want... Is there anything on the list you would like to add?" She asks. Jayden moans and wiggles her cock in her hands, "Also just throwing this there you don't have to worry about stuff... It is me your talking about so don't you worry and just focus on having fun." She tells her. Jayden starts stroking her cock back and forth into her hand and she moans loudly, "Holy fuck!" She says loudly.
Sam was squirming with excitement at the idea of latex getting involved in tonights fun, before she bit her lip. "Hmmm....I...nothing that comes to mind, but to be fair my brain's a bit fried at the, any suggestions?" she asked hopefully before squeaking as the cock twitched in her hands. Gulping once more, she looked down, watching as she saw a bit of pre-cum dribbling from the tip. "Oh wow..." she said softly, before a shiver ran through her as Jayden voiced her own pleasure into the air. "Oh God I'm sorry!" she cried out as she pulled her hands back when the woman cursed out loud. "I didn't hurt you did I? I'm sorry, I was trying to be gentle!" she squeaked out, her heart racing as she began to panic.
Jayden gasps as she was stroked and than she gave Sam a look when she stopped. Jayden growls and turns her head to the side and the machines within her body start to produce the needed elements to make a flame. She opens her mouth away from Sam and she lets out a roar and a large flame expels from her mouth. Jayden had to fire proof every room and everything in the room was protected from her scorching flames, "You stopped Sam," She closes her mouth and hisses at her, "Did I say you could stop... The answer to that is no." She tells her sternfully. Jayden could not control herself any longer, she wanted to take Sam and she was going to do it. Jayden kisses her neck and places her hands on her waist picking her up with ease. "You know something Sam... The latex can wait... Right now I want you." She says with a serious look in her eyes.

Jayden roars happily as she teases her cock against Sam's sex, "You know now would be the time to speak." She warns. Jayden moans as she pushes her cock a few inches into Sam, "Are you okay?" She asks knowing that her size was a bit unnatural.
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