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𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
Jun 9, 2021

Currently Closed
Highly Collaborative & Flexible
Third Person ▫️ 500-1000 Words ▫️ Advanced

Good conversation, good writing, good ideas.
Stories that grab hold, characters that feel deeply.
Cleverness and humor. Contrast.
Hope in suffering; hopelessness in luxury.
Irony! Symbols! Grit and sweetness.
Complicated webs of mystery. Rivalry. Novelty.
High and low art, preferably together.
The surreal.

Anything presented in a compelling enough fashion, really. Less exclusion, more exploration.


Lifelong writer, though mostly in casual phases. I have lots of hobbies and obligations, so I tend to only take on a few things at a time; therefore, I'm selective. I'm looking for partners who align on style/skill/creativity, who can bring something new and unexpected to the game. I'd love to be impressed (who doesn't?), and I'll do my best to be impressive in return.

Note about being "impressive" - it isn't the biggest words, or the most words, that I find impressive. It's the right words, in the right context, that really defines style for me. It's abstract and annoyingly ephemeral, but that's what makes it so valuable.

Though the particulars vary widely from story to story, I typically range 500-1000 words per post, more or less as needed. Third person, usually (though I have an affinity for occasional first-person tangents, sorry in advance). One to two replies per week, depending on my schedule and the content of the post. Good OOC communication. I'll write in threads or PMs, though fair warning: I keep explicit sexual content almost exclusively in PMs. Kink list available upon request (note to self: make list).

I don't have a ton of specific rules for perspective partners - my ideal partner will already understand how to work collaboratively and treat others with basic kindness. I'm very interested in sophisticated writers, but not formality - I'm laid-back, especially ooc. Ultimately, I'm here because I love writing and talking about writing and talking to other writers. We're a weird bunch.

I generally write 18+ heterosexual/bisexual women against male or non-binary characters. They're complicated, but functional for the story. They will not be passive. They will not be perfect. The prettier they are on the outside, the more of a mess they'll be on the inside. They have ambitions and feelings and complicated histories. Sometimes they'll be irrational, or make bad decisions, or just be wrong. I'll take my partner's preferences into consideration for my main's physical appearance, but let's make it interesting, okay?



(survival/unlikely pairing)

It’s paradise, pretty as a postcard: the type of place you dreamt about visiting during the endless drudgery of work. Now you’re here - trapped here, in fact - and it’s hell. Suddenly, that safe job, in that safe office, seems so much more appealing.

Details & Setting: This one is a fairly straightforward stranded-on-a-deserted-island plot, but there’s still a lot of room for creativity. The circumstances that got our characters there, including how many others (if any) survived, are completely flexible. I’d prefer this one to be modern-day, and I’d love it if our characters came from disparate backgrounds - the types of people who would be unlikely to be friends (and certainly not lovers) in the “real world.” I’m thinking conflict on a couple levels - survival, but also between the two mains. Maybe they don’t like each other much at first. Maybe they’re scared, exhausted, injured, angry. Maybe one of them has a significant other who is missing (did they survive?) or at home (will they survive to see them again?). Maybe there are many survivors and our mains vie for leadership.

Maybe the place they’re stranded is strange in some way - this can get incredibly complex or stay simple. Are they being watched? Followed? Are there creatures on the island? Modern-day pirates? Ghosts? Is this all part of a bizarre experiment? Did the rest of the world end as they were crashing? Are they already dead?

(Full disclosure, I haven’t seen Lost, so if this is Lost, I’m sorry.)



Every night, when you go to sleep, you have the same dream. It's been like this for as long as you can remember. You're walking down a dirt road in the countryside with no knowledge of your destination, yet you are endlessly compelled to keep walking. The details of the dream shift: sometimes the weather is perfect, sometimes storms build in the distance, sometimes it's a downpour. Sometimes you meet someone else; sometimes you don't. Sometimes your mood is light and your pace leisurely, sometimes you are running, terrified. You never know where you're going, or where you're coming from, but the location is always the same.

One day, you see someone far ahead, and hurry to catch up. You know her. How?

Details & Setting: This one explores the idea of the split mind between dreaming and waking and can go in several different directions. The general idea is that the dream selves, our characters, become aware of their existence within a dream, begin to rebel against their fate. The more they discover, and the more they rebel, the more challenging their road gets. Do they ever reach a destination? Do they even want to?

The extent to which this ties into the waking world, and we explore these characters and their relationship/lives in the waking world is flexible - it could be half the story (or more!), or it could be only mentioned, or it could be excluded completely. This one needs a lot of discussion and refinement to work.


(forbidden romance/redemption/Southern Gothic)

Your mama wanted more for you. She dragged you to church every Sunday, she put a roof over your head and food on your plate, even if that meant she went hungry as a result. With no husband, the burden was entirely hers. She poured everything into you, until she died suddenly when you were a teenager.

And you turned bad. Maybe you rob people, or sell drugs, or have achieved success built upon corruption and cruelty - regardless, you inspire fear. It's easy to convince yourself it doesn't matter, until you meet a woman who isn't afraid. One who's even more ruthless than you. Instead of allowing her to pull you deeper, you're compelled to save her, and in turn, yourself.

Details & Setting: The general idea here is redemption, but maybe not happily-ever-after. The two characters will have extremely different backgrounds, and I'd like to incorporate elements of forbidden romance. Maybe the two mains are rivals, or of extremely different social classes. This shouldn't be simple or easy. The time period is flexible, though I'm thinking 20th century, probably pre-internet. Southern US setting, hopefully incorporating elements of the Southern Gothic genre.



A young woman goes missing, only to reappear two years later, wearing different but nondescript clothes, with no memory of her lost time. She seems happy and essentially unbothered by the lapse, but as time passes, those closest to her notice that her behavior has shifted in subtly (or maybe not-so-subtly) destructive ways.

Details & Setting: This is super-open, with lots of possibilities here. This story has the potential for a non-linear narrative structure. I'm open to collaborate on where she was during the absence, as well as the shifts in her demeanor and the nature of the overarching conflict. Your character could be a love interest before and/or after she vanished, the one responsible for her disappearance, an investigator, therapist, or a combination of these. I'm also willing to switch it up and have the male character be the one who vanished. I initially envisioned this story set in a modern time period, but it could also work well set in the past… or even the future?


Open to additional plots. All elements of the above are negotiable.

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This, friends, is a tentative bump. Probably going to be a little bit picky.
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