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Fx Female [NSFW] Professional, Personal Pony Play


May 30, 2021
Danger: Women dressed as Ponies at Play

Sometime in the near future…

… social liberation has finally been achieved, at least, that’s what some people say, others cry out and condemn the over-sexualisation of entertainment.

The move was subtle, there was no big day when WWE began ending ‘sports entertainment’ with cumshots, in fact, it still doesn’t - although numerous companies do and they have their own following.

But fantasy wrestling seemed to go big overnight - attractive and athletic male and female stars were going up against one another in the ring.

Nightclub dress codes changed, a noticeable alteration in plot and storyline of several porn channels and the addition of sex to several TV shows began the first feeble attempts to meet both needs.

But everyone agrees it was when Sky-ESPN launch X-Sports eXtreme Pony that the shift really occurred - pony play had been televised before, both as stories, as dressage and as outright races.

But EX-Pony took the elements that made for narrative, the elements that made for elegance, and then married them with a healthy dose of sadism and challenge.

EX-Pony is a professional sport, now one in which sponsors and logos fight for limited space, but at the same time the producers and the teams do their best to display the intimacy and balance required by submissive and mistress, as well as the utter trust and disregard for danger that can, and does, result in painful injury. The trick EX-Pony managed that no one else had - but numerous shows now copy, is to split the franchise in two - one half follows the lives of the teams (fictional or real, as the team prefers) the other half follows the races, which are tough tests of endurance and skill. EX-pony is very strict on the class of racing cart, to the extent of it forming a format of its own - the mistress is low slung, unable to see past her team of one or two (double driver is available, with a second slightly higher mistress with no reigns and a second team) the team are blinkered and gagged - and due to subtle genetic engineering tweaks, they find running not only actively arousing, but fun, and slide easily into a performance increasing runners high as they’re edged… but drop too low, and they become frustrated, push them to hard, and you’ve got to work the pony up from scratch - and you can blame her all you like, but the mistress controls the tempo and direction, she protects the team and has wide vision… but her team are the only ones who can see ahead.

When race tracks include anything from fields of stinging nettles, water jumps, to electric whips, and with speeds and distances casually in excess of any human norms, often with ponies held upright only by the counterbalance of the cart in motion for minimum wind resistance, and the sort of tricks you’d expect from show jumping horses being standard… trust is a lot more than a word.

You only have as much of a private life as you contracted - any everyone knows the best don’t have one, they live the fantasy - oh, not in terms of stalls - but watching the worlds #1 team harness up is as popular as the race itself.

And make no mistake - these woman have power Formula 1 or NACAR drivers can dream of, providing they’re willing to play the part. Many people harken back to the good old days of boxing…

… and any woman involved would tell you that the level of corruption, graft, abuse of the system and pressure to push political goals through a sport that is 60% sex easily matches the ‘good old days’ and quite a number push hard against it.

As I hope is obvious from the above I’m looking for some one)s) to play the other fraction of a small pony racing team set in a world that is just the world of tomorrow with better technology, set at the height of an era of the ‘sport’ which allows us to play newcomers to the sport who rapidly have to adapt to a fantasy level of trust and familiarity - the story here should be familiar to most fans of erotic fiction, mistress takes the sport back home - the pony, while turned on, is adamant (validly) she’s more than her job, or love begins to form, only to be torn apart by a ruling change forcing the team to split, or corruption setting them up for a fall - or with a larger team, one woman for whom it’s a job, another who loves the mistress but hasn’t said anything, the attention is going to the ‘wrong’ girl in her mind, the trust between the two shatters.

I am brought mind of the panel from Sunstone that is immensely powerful, with Lisa turned away from Ally in fetish gear in the pouring rain, Ally has run out after her and is just a dark shadow with reflected squares of light for her glasses and tears, the sole text being her tearfully yelling ‘I did this all for YOU!’

Why Ponies? Because I like the outfits. I think harnessing / deharnessing is the best foreplay and slide to normality / aftercare I can easily think of, and because in a world where sex sold, girls with massive, engineered tits sprinting at world record speed into sprays of freezing water because they’ve been goaded to would sell.

Why not stallions? Stallions have a very different emotional place in my head as conventionally displayed. I’ve seen amazing costumes, and I’m aware I’m wrong objectively, but subjectively it feels like a feminine sport to me - I mean, it’s as gentle as Lacrosse (a dozen women are clutching old injuries now) or hockey (there, that got the boys too) but it’s still gendered.

Who, what, where and when? A writer or writers I can get on with (it works best with three), who posts with at least daily frequency in reasonable detail, is willing to cut slack around details that don’t fit their view and chat about it, and who won’t go silent without warning. While this isn’t a dating site, someone who’s aware that anonymous or no, real life intrudes on RP. Someone tolerant and aware of diversity issues. While it makes no difference, I have found female gendered women RL or online have more fun (I am male/NB in that I tend towards feminine characters and score feminine on psych tests, but I am RL Het). Oh, and someone who recognises both how serious and silly dressing up as a pony or in a riding outfit and watching oversized breasts bounce is. That might seem like a weird list… but something akin to this remains something I’d very much like to take a shot at doing properly, at least through a season! When? I have ADHD. So this means regular (multiple times a day) postings or X times a week for a few posts. I deal more poorly with constantly cycling my focus.

Am I ‘GMing’ this? Nope. Aside from the concept this is co writing, right down to swapping sections of a post if need. I am happy to draw out a broad story arc etc, but I would like both/all of us to feel like equals.

How much of an IC power exchange? I’ve had a few inquiries that were aimed much more at a total power exchange fantasy, usually a non-consensual one. I am flattered that several people have said ‘I never got pony play, but…’ alongside this. Sadly, I don’t engage in RP like that lightly and not until I know someone better - at least in the more ‘intense’ emotional story this is intended to be. As such, while I’m happy to give advice, and believe me, I get the appeal I’m not interested in exploring that with this request. While such relationships do exist in setting, they are the bad guys. The corporate villains, the evil boxers, the rich powermongering bitch with her playthings who humiliates your mistress so badly, you’re going for revenge. I guess you could call this a number of things, but part of what I want to both demonstrate (if only to my own satisfaction) and explore is that not all power exchange relationships need non-consent to be extreme, and the difficulties of a lifestyle as a ponygirl when you’re a woman with a brain… who enjoys being a pony, has a good job as one - but is pressured by public expectations to conform. Or the stress, tension and drama when a kinky job taken to an extreme runs into love, dominants guilt, sub’s remorse and the twisted mess… but also the joy inherent in choosing to give up to one / take authority over two others, and the empowerment and freedom that can bring. I’ve used the term ‘romantically dominant sadist (with masochistic tendencies)’ to describe myself and so, to a certain degree, would be the intent of a mistress - except she’s not aware, none of them are - three professional women doing a job that happens to involve scanty outfits, genetic engineering to ensure breasts that are large and weighty, not what a lady wishes to run with, yet remain taught until kicked into motion, then ligaments actively work to increase the bounce… and flood the area with blood, causing them to weigh more and triggering sexual sensitivity - not a cheap investment, never mind the fact that while you can have something akin to an orgasm, that just switches your system into a higher gear - and controlling two of these sports car ladies is… tricky, they absolutely do mean it, it’s half the fun, but they also don’t… let’s not even begin to consider the mistresses enhancements. When that profession stops being professional sex and starts being personal, performance improves sharply… until it twists, which it will. But to counter that, the ‘simple’ joy of the mistress spending money on what amounts to a high tech camping buggy, and then inviting her girls for a romantic weekend off - she knows a lovely place 500 miles away - and they can cum, and take their arm-binders off when they get there… or a mistress and two pony girls with tails, hooves, bikini’s and gags - well, the mistress blew a lot of money on a fuck me now swimsuit, but the ponies are in little more that tightly tied bikinis… and they need a fourth to make a beach volleyball team.

I think that’s everything, if you’re interested drop me a PM. If you fancy 1 + 1 + 1 = 3, mention that. Please note, I didn’t say someone had to be experienced or a super lit writer in my notes. Passion and readability are better, IMHO.

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Boobies are bumpers!

Witty, non? Yeah. Thought not. Pony girls are - you have to have some sort of shock absorber incase you go falling flat on your face - this happens a lot.

Updates: Altered final section to be more explicit about my intent.

Updates: Changed text re-‘GMing’ to reflect closer to reality.
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