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Fx Male If you don't ask you will never get

Cathreen Dawinter

Oct 1, 2011
RP search

I'm a role player with more experience then I would like to admit. Right now between work and school my muse needs a jump start and I am hoping to find a couple partners to help with this. I do have several Fandom that I would love to do as I am sure a lot of people do. I've found that I have trouble finding people who would like to do the story I would like I will be listing the Fandoms and canon characters i would offer my first born child to play. I will also put down my fave kinks and settings. Finally some of the characters that I have.

Dominant males

Breast play

Creampies (and sometimes multiple creampies)

Light bondage

Some light spanking




Oral and vaginal sex

Older males

Size and age gap.


Paladin like character x slave (craving)

Barbarian x captive

LOTR character x shape shifter able to take the form of a great white wolf.

Superhero x female villain to be reformed.

Canon characters and desired roleplays.

This would take place while he was still held and fighting in the Gaira arena as champion. In a twisted way of rewarding his good fighting he was given a slave. A slave to which he could do anything with since she held little value to them. At first their relationship is little more then finding a way to survive. Shiro knew he was going to escape at the first given chance. What he was not sure of was if he was going to take the naïve slave along with him. It was not until he was running towards the escape ship with her in tow that his mind was made up. The story could take place during this period or after they make their escape. I would like this story to be one of two souls thrown together under less-than-ideal situations that grow closer to each other until it grows into something deeper.

This one is going to sound strange but ah what the heck. This could take place around the android saga or at any other time. One of Dr. Gero's is released that appears until any other. While she looks as human with the same ice blue eyes her body is made of something never seen before. Made of hundreds of millions of tine nano machines they make her for impervious to damage. This build also allows her to have control over the appearance of her form to a small degree. While most of the other aneroids created by Dr. Gero she seemingly has no interest in fighting Goku or anyone else as it would seem. Rather she seems more interested in humans and why they do some of the things that they do.

This one will be short and sweet since the hope that I have for finding someone to do this is about as high as the Mariana Trench. This would take place after Slattery takes control of the Nathan James but before the red plague. The James is sent to assist with the English in subduing the last of the immune strong holds. While there the James is attacked, or a boarding is attempted by a group of freedom fighters. Their leader a young red head quickly catches the captain's eye. Now he has to walk the line between holding the respect of his rank and the burning desires of a man who has been without the touch of a woman in longer than he would like to admit.

This one I have more a character than a setting. This one comes from a different dimension where their world has been brought to ruin by war. Now they seek other worlds to raid them of their recourses. The soul society is next on their list. When one of their leaders is trapped in the soul society and found by a captain all hell is fixing to break lose.

This one is more again a character than a story. She is a bioweapon created by the Umbrella corporation. The whole of her design was to retrieve information and track outbreaks. It takes time before she is able to break free from the control that umbrella has over her. When she is able to she starts secretly helping what ever group that she can that it trying to bring down the umbrella corporation.
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