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Fx Any [F4GM]Also looking for a classic medieval setting! (Characters below)(Discord, Longterm)


Oct 17, 2021
Hey there folks, it's me again.

I've been playing around and thinking of stories and characters all around the place. And i think that i've got another nice idea for some characters in my mind again. I'm sure you might have seen some of my posts before. I'm looking for either a medieval fantasy setting, a Pokémon setting or a mix of both.

Before i get into their backstories, i'd love to tell you what i'm looking for in a story and GM. I'm hoping to play in a big open world of your creation. You can sure use a lot of different influences. (I'm a big fan of DND, Skyrim, Warhammer fantasy) But i'd love to see that you've put your own flair to this world. That makes things so much more personal and intimate. I'd also love the world not to be overly sexualised. I love smut, but i value story so much more. so a good chunk of lore that you've written up, i'd always be happy to read and give my opinion on it. I love the smutty side to be possible and it can come up in the right circumstances. Not that whenever she walks into this other street she's dragged into a corner and raped. (Don't mind rape though, but give it context).

now onto the kinks. I'm pretty darn open when it comes to those. I've got a lot of favourites and a few that i've been very curious about. (Even though they might scare a few people off.) I'll just list them right below, so here they are:

- Breeding/Pregnancy/Birth: This is one of my alltime favourites. There's something so nice about how natural this is. I've always had a fascination about pregnancy, even though i haven't personally been pregnant though. I'm a big fan of a special system that will help make this something that can occur at random. I don't want it to happen after every creampie that my character gets in her. In these stories i'm more than happy to play through the pregnancy itself, either shortened or just played normally. I'd love her to be able to be crossbred by other fantacy races, beats/animals and monsters. This would either result in her giving birth to a hybrid or just a child in the race of the father. (In case it would be something non-human).

- Beasts and Monsters: Who doesn't love an encounter with some wild animal that attacks wandering females to either kill and eat or to relieve himself into. I love the idea that the world, besides having all kinds of interesting villages, towns and cities... That it also has vast wilder areas that are interesting to explore and find special mysterious locations in and fantastical creatures as well as just normal beasts.

- Bad ends: I love some dicerolling in these stories as that makes the outcome very unpredictable. The same goes with pregnancy as i explained earlier already. But bad ends is in my opinion a way to introduce another turn into the story. Have her get captured by slavers and sell her as a slave or have her get dragged into some creatures den or anything you can imagine.

There are plenty more to discuss, so if we make contact here and eventually on to Discord. (My prefered platform for roleplaying) There i'll happily share everything on that part.

Now her background:

Esmeralda, or Essy as she prefers to call herself, is an elvish young woman. She's grown up as a stray, laid down in the streets as a baby. She never met her real parents, even though she was clearly of wood elf descent in a city with mostly just humans. She grew up on the streets and partially in the care of the local orphanage. But as stubborn as she was back in the day, she often just kept to the streets of the city or even the outskirts in the forest. she learned herself to use a sling to hunt inside of the woods and as she grew older she moved into the local woods, building herself a shelter in the hollow cave by a small lake with fish. Here she lived and trained herself to be some kind of ranger and a well trained huntress.

It was when she was 19 years old that she noticed people travelling through her part of the woods, mumbling and trying to find a certain creature. She followed them stealthily, only to find them later in the midst of a fight with an ogre. She had her home-made bow with her, something she began to use in favour over the sling. And from the higher ends of the trees she began to shoot her hand-made arrows at the thick head of the creature, shooting out one of his eyes and thus helping out this group of strangers. After a quick conversation, it was clear that these were monster hunters, tasked to kill this ogre and take it back to the city. This job of killing monsters for a reward sounded very nice to Essy, having lived off the land though mostly hunting, fishing and foraging, she drew away from her cave and began to look for work, wearing clothes that the hunters later gave to her as a gift.


Emilia Beauventur is the daughter of a simple farmer. She was born in a large family in the middle of the lands. She was as far as she knew a normal human girl, growing up in a normal human family consisting of her parents, her grandfather, her five brothers and two younger sisters. She was living a very normal life, working the fields, helping with the animals. That was something she really enjoyed. The family was renown for their breed of horses. Very great warhorses came from their prized stallion Bast. This large horse has come from the same line of breeding horses that the family has kept for centuries. Bast itself has only started participating in the business for a year.

Though when she got older and her brother got older as well, the two oldest had to leave the farm to join the military of the region as was usual. They would normally return after five or ten years with a good pay and perhaps even land for themselves. That was how her ancestors acquired the farm they lived on right now. But one day, when she turned 16 years old, she has gotten the news that she'd be married to the son of a farmer that wanted to share in the business her family had set up. Something she really didn't want to participate in. She knew nothing of this other boy or even man. She has been told she'd leave the farm the week after her eighteenth birthday. She waited her time off and tried to talk her way out of the wedding the whole first year of waiting, but with no success. She talked often with Bast, even though she couldn't understand him. It was a time where she really began to value Bast as a friend and possibly a companion, if things were heading where they were heading. And it really did. She tried to practice a bit with swordfighting along with her remaining brothers. Using sticks and fake wooden swords she tried to skill up on it up to a point where she was more comfortable with a blade. She knew her grandfather still had an old sword laying around, something that he kept well looked after. It was cleaned and sharpened regularly.

Though eventually the dreaded days were drawing closer and she had to prepare quietly and efficiently. She prepared and saved a number of coins to help the start of her own escape. She needed it for food, lodging and whatever needs she'd might get when she was on the road. She made sure that she hid a tent near the stables and all the other survival equipment that she would need like a bedroll, cooking equipment and spare clothing until the day would be there. She grabbed Bast's saddle and prepared him rapidly, fixing the bags with her belongings to the saddle and then grabbing everything she needed, including the blade of her Grandfather. And with all that ready to go, she mounted Bast and left the farm as quickly as she could. She'd go as far as she could. Maybe she would return whenever she had made something of herself, but for the upcoming months or even years, she would be by herself for as far as she knew. But who knows what the future brings.


Now... If you found this interesting and you'd like to help me build the world around one of these characters, feel free to send me a message. (I prefer messages over chat.) And then we can talk some more about the setting or change over to Discord.
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