Mx Female Story smut and more (5e) (NSFW Links)

Chris Williams

Aug 3, 2021
The world
Rather than a general rp, I'm looking for a GM player style rp. I'm most used to dnd 5e, but we don't require a system for the rp. I'd first tell with my player, figure out what we want and expect, then I'd create the world. Does a fantasy realm with wizards and magic sound interesting? What about a steam punk 'paradise' which turns out not to be as perfect as it seems. The possibilities are endless. And I cannot wait to see what ideas we can come up with. I've got years of experience in creating world, NPCs and monsters, so you'll have plenty to explore.

The rp
I dislike railroading, specially when I don't even know the world that's going to house the rp. Though I do enjoy a mix of story and smut, you want a discount on a room? I'm sure after you give the bartender a little of your charm he'd bump the price down, you want to sneak into the palace? The first prince is known to be quite the womaniser, you'd be able to get in, though you'd need to make sure to tire him out till he falls asleep if you wan free roam. The exact ratio would be up for discussion, but I'd never go lower the. 20/80 in either direction, smut with no plot gets boring and pure plot, though fun, doesn't have the same charm.

The boring stuff
As we all know, life can get in the way, there may be times that one of us cannot rp for a few days, if that happens I'll send a message, I'd appreciate it if you did the same. I'm in Britain, meaning my time is GMT, I have a job, so messages will be slow during the day, though my evenings are mostly free, same with my weekends. I mostly rp in third person, specially if I'm GMing, since using I for 100 different characters can get confusing. I don't mind if you use first or third person, which ever you're most comfortable with.

Kinks and images
Most of my kinks and limits are withing my f-list, though one of my biggest turns ons when it comes to rping is images, I love sending and receiving them. If you don't want to send them, that's fine, though I enjoy sending them, so will do so.

A few of my other kinks are:
Large Breasts
Hair Pulling

Thanks for reading
If you've read this far, say your biggest link or something that you'd want whispered into your ear and I look forward to hearing from you.
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