Mx Female Romantic Requests


Feb 17, 2020
Hi and welcome to my request thread. I'm looking to set up one or two roleplays with romantic tones. I have quite a broad variety in terms of plots and settings, and later on will attempt to give at least some examples that will hopefully entice you.

But before all of that, a little about myself. I've been roleplaying for as long as I can remember, so make that somewhere north of two decades. I recently came to enjoy more erotic roleplaying in writing and that's what I'm hoping to explore more deeply. I would prefer playing here, via private messages. I'm a bit too shy for public writing and don't really like messengers like Discord. I tend to write from one to three paragraphs, depending on what's going on and enjoy both first and third person. In terms of plot to smut, I prefer them to be entwined, so it's hard to give a ratio. A lot of course also depends on the story. I can write a response every other day or so, but life can make that a bit longer sometimes.

In a roleplay in general, there are a few things that are important to me. First of all, there is romance. I just love romantic love. Secondly, there are the characters. I want them to feel like people with all their flaws and failings.

For your character, I don't have hard preferences. Women of all ages, peoples, and shapes are beautiful in their own right. What however is important to me is that she feels like she could be real. Which means that there should be flaws and imperfections, but physically and mentally. Personality is much more important to me. One important thing there is that she shouldn't be a wet towel. That is to say, she should know what she wants and have a drive of her own. I don't like to see things on terms of dominance and submission, which means that things should usually come from both sides. I also really appreciate mental fortitude, but that's not so special I guess. Intelligence also is something I really enjoy.

My character will be a man, probably in his early thirties. I tend to the more intellectual side, and he will also have a drive and motivation of course. Physically, I tend to go for nothing excessive. So an average height and a decent build (but not a musclebound king of the gym). I like playing him with dark eyes, but that's just me.

All of that out of the way, here are a few plot ideas. These are very rough and are far from my only interests, so I look forward to any suggestions and contributions you have:

1) Civilisation and barbarism: the basic idea here is that my character is from a more civilised polity, I was thinking late Republican Rome, while your character is from a less civilised region, like Gaul or Germania. My character would be a member of the senatorial class, someone at the epitome of Roman culture, which would create a huge culture clash when our characters meet and fall on love. And that's not even looking at all the social and political effects of such a relationship! Something similar would work in many different times and places.

2) The Interview: the idea here is that my character is a journalist who lands an interview with your character, either a successful businesswoman or a politician. That interview however becomes more and they start a stormy affair that they both want to keep hidden with all the fun that entails.

3) For the love of Man: MC is the new priest at a parish and your character is one of the members of the congregation. So naturally, a relationship isn't supposed to happen. There however is a spark between them and they can't resist their feelings...

And finally, the things I like an dislike when it comes to the erotic parts of the roleplay. I'll start with what I like and follow it with some of the things I strongly dislike.

Cuddling and kissing
Oral sex (particularly giving)
Pregnancy and impregnation
Sex in places other than the bed

Anything belonging in the toilet
Public sex
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