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Fx Any Of Rosewood's request

Oct 14, 2021
Hello and welcome to my request thread. Below are some plot ideas and pairings I enjoy. If you see anything you like please PM me. I will keep my first request thread kind of short. I would like to start off the plot/character discussion in PM. I prefer PMs for RP and could be persuaded to move to a thread here on the site but those are the only places I am willing to roleplay at. If none of this has turned you away, here is a bit more about me and my plot/pairing ideas.

Other notes about me:
I always play as a bi-sexual women or a pansexual female so M/F/Nonbinary responders welcome!
I typically roleplay in third person and will try out first person if the plot is good enough.
I enjoy plot but a smut taboo plot can be fun too. Here are two examples of my plot preferences.


A new world.

YC and/or MC are transported to another world that is actively at war. We open our eyes to find we are on a battlefield. We have to make it off the battlefield we seemed to wake up on and find a way to make it back to our world. This world is less advanced than ours. They don’t have public schools, no bathrooms, showers, ect. We want to make our way back home but can we? Or will we have to find a way to make this world our new home?

-For this I think it would also be cool if maybe YC and MC are different races or ethnic backgrounds and being with each other in this world is not only looked down on but part of why there is a war going on. Maybe our races are at war here and we need to find a way to peacefully blend in so we can stay together. Maybe we only met that day on the field, maybe we’ve known each other for years? The possibilities for this are endless and really cool.

A secret desire.

MC has known YC for years. But MC has a secret desire. Her partner has been less and less attentive over the past three years and MC has been feeling more and more drawn to YC. YC is close to my partner, their brother, co-worker, best friend, something along those lines. MC and their spouse’s relationship has been over for a while but she is unwilling to leave, or cheat. Or so she thought. One night at a get-together MC and her partner share MC and YC ends up crossing the line between friendship and into something more. The story progresses from there.

-I like the idea of MC having been drinking before they first cross the line. I also like the idea of YC realizing they have feelings for MC and YC has just started dating someone that very week to add to the taboo of it. MC partner can be passed out in a recliner nearby. Maybe YC brought their new partner who is also passed out? I think this would be really fun as a slow burn where at first maybe they just kiss and make out a bit. As more time goes by they want more and more. Possibly some scenes of phone sex or sexting. Something along those lines.

-If anything above makes you think I’d like your RP idea, shoot me a PM and let me know :)


First Love x Heartbroken Love (They’ve been through a bad relationship or two before now. Hesitant to give in fully to the happily ever after idea.)
-can play either

Innocent Bride X Grateful Spouse (willing to teach them the ropes ;) )
-would briefer playing as bride but can also RP as the grateful spouse

Magical creature X Other Magical creature

Human X magical creature
-will play either

Childhood friends back in town after college

Random basic plot ideas:

Blind Date
Arranged marriage
Undercover operation
Magic war vs humans
Adventure quest to save a dying someone
DnD- want to play a one shot? Lol

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