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Fx Any Severe judicial punishment of a young foreigner (Extreme BDSM themes)


Sep 14, 2020
Hello all...

I am an Asian F who is interested in a topic of severe corporal punishment in a modern world... sometimes I imagine my character being subjected to the Singapore or Malaysian style judicial caning - and I would like to find someone to write about this...

I will play a young (16-19) foreign tourist or exchange student in a modern fictional country, that was arrested by mistake as she passed by the anti-governmental protest. Without much deliberation, she was sentenced to a judicial caning, that is prescribed for such offences...

I imagine being taken through a quick kangaroo court process, and then, taken to a lawyer who would explain the procedure to me in great detail.... Then, my character will be escorted by the guards to a hall, a chamber or even prison yard, where the judicial committee will be present to witness my punishment... in a soulless, institutional fashion. The procedure is up to you... and is a part of the creative detailed writing that I would love to share with you...

I'd like to focus on the feelings my character could experience in such a situation - fear, injustice, shock, also hope. Hope until the very last moment, that, as the lawyers promised, the punishment would be called off... but it won't... am looking to write about the extreme spectrum of pain...

Limits - scat, anything sexual or not realistic...
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