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Fx Any Something Classic, with a twist


Sep 2, 2018
Hi there! As the title says, I'm looking for something sorta classic - romance and sex between a woman and... someone else. While I'm primarily craving FxM, anyone is welcome! The pairings I have in mind are kind of cliche, but I'm hoping to set them in different worlds and scenarios to keep things interesting. I mean, we've all heard of a princess and her knight in medieval times, but what if it was set in space? What if one of them was an alien? What if it were modern day, but the world was full of magic? There's a lot of things to be done with these classic pairings, at least in my opinion.

So, speaking of pairings, here's the ones I've been thinking about. My preferred role is in purple.
Captive x Pirate
Princess/Newly crowned Queen x Knight **craving**
Mage x Barbarian
Healer x Tank
Witch/Summoner x Demon

Obviously there's not loads there to choose from, but I'm more than open to suggestions. Based on the roles highlighted, it might also be obvious that I'm looking to play the more sexually submissive character. They won't be pushovers and I don't typically play characters that only bottom, they're usually switches.

I'm hoping for a healthy amount of smut, but I want there to be an undercurrent of plot. Maybe a space pirate is holding a feisty noblewoman for ransom and takes her on his journey with him. Maybe the queen is forced to flee a coup with her knight, traveling through the wilderness and learning how to blend in with normal folk. I want these characters to be three-dimensional, not some flat example of tired old tropes. I also want them to have a connection before they fuck. It doesn't have to take a million years, but let's not have them jump into the sack immediately, okay?

As far as kinks and limits go, I have quite a few of the first and a handful of the latter. They can all be found here: f-list

What you can expect from me as a partner:
  • Frequent replies. Particularly if we're writing back and forth, I can really get into a groove and churn out posts pretty quickly. This is not a requirement for my partners, though that's always a bonus.
  • Solid writing. I'd say my average per post is somewhere around the 450 word mark, though it varies depending on the needs of a scene. I have a pretty good grasp of grammar and do double-check to make sure my spelling and punctuation are correct (that said, I'm only human. There will be a typo or two, occasionally). My sentence structure stays varied, I try to keep things from getting monotonous. I suppose by some standards, I include purple prose, but I've been told by my current partners that I keep a good balance between description and action. I also always try to give my partner something to build off of in their post rather than just reacting.
  • Friendly OOC chatter. This is not a requirement, but I do find a story more fulfilling when I'm writing it with a friend. I enjoy being able to bounce ideas back and forth and, to an extent, plan future plot points (but I try not to overdo it on the planning, that kind of kills the story imo).
  • Multi-faceted characters with their own aspirations, fears, flaws, motivations, etc. No Mary Sues in this house.
  • While I don't want to do it constantly, I will make sure I am working with you to move the plot along. I'm not a fan of stories that stagnate. They lose my interest.
  • Darker plot points. Because listen, the pairings I have up could be all fluff. And I love fluff. But fluff gets boring, so let's throw in some strife to break it up. Running from marauders? Escaping from a murder charge? One character getting beaten within an inch of their life while the other is forced to watch? Eldritch horrors rising from the sea? Gimme.
  • Respect. This one is a requirement from both parties. I will respect your limits and your agency over your characters and I expect the same in return.
  • probably other stuff idk??? I'm a pretty cool person I think.
  • (Also I do not use chat speak in my writing but will use it OOC, sorry not sorry)
My dream character to play against in these pairs is someone who is stoic and stern but soft on the inside. Older characters, war-torn veterans, scarred ex-military men - all excellent choices. As long as they are kind to my character, though, I'll be happy, so have fun with it! All sexes, genders, and races are welcome, including fantasy races (I do love a well-crafted half-orc or werewolf or other monster BF).

Uhhhhh okay, I think that's it. If you have questions or ideas or any interest at all, please shoot me a PM! I'm looking forward to working with you.
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