Fx M or F A Shy Ayu's Seeking For Partners Thread

Oct 8, 2021



Spa⏺ ⏺ ⏺ My Style

Writing Style and Roleplaying Information:
My writing style is third person, 3 to 4 paragraphs of detailed writing, literate to semi literate quality. I prefer quality to quantity. I write long term roleplays and I'm open to short term roleplay as well. I'm willing to explore first person roleplaying. I like roleplays that are more on the lighter side of things with a nice amount of story progression, character development and relationship growth as well as healthy amount of smutty erotica. Romance is are part of roleplaying that I love to explore and is highly recommended but not completely mandatory. I tend to gravitate around modern day and fantasy genres, although I do like a bit of science-fiction genres. There are a few character archetypes I tend to hover around for my character; the shy and nerdy girl, the wild and confident girl, the posh and noble, the lovely dovely and the nymphomaniac or my charatcer will be a blend of those. All depends on the pairings and settings. I like to use faceclaims be them real life or anime/ drawings. I have no fixed ratio between story and smut in a roleplay, but I tend to stick around a 50/50 split that's flexible to suit the needs of any given roleplay. I do want to point out that I'm a switch that leans towards the side of submissiveness. I play younger character with the age range being 16 to 24.
About Me:
Hello everyone, I'm Kawaii Shy Ayu, nice to meet you all. Feel free to call be Shy or Ayu. (´∀`)♡
I'm Asian, Japanese to be precise, so most of my character will be Japanese if not Korean or Chinese. I've been roleplaying for around four years now with two years of roleplaying more adult themes and pairings. I play Female and Femboy characters, and I'm open to play Intersex characters too. Out of character conversations is are important to me and my style of roleplaying, this isn't mandatory but is greatly preferred. I love music and I have a weirdly large amount of genres and songs I love to listen to. Roleplaying Games are my jam and I'm looking forwards to playing Pathfinder Wraith of the Righteous. Baldur's Gate 3 looks really good. I love to read and my favorite genre is fantasy romance. I love anime and reading manga and manhwas. I have two cats: a tabby cat named Mylo and a maine coon named Kiki and I love them dearly. I like to do freehand sewing, but I'm not very good at it.
To answer a question by Staine: "What draws me to roleplaying?"
I think it's the ability to create something with someone that has similar goals and ambitions as I do. To brainstorm and discuss characters, ideas, settings with a person, a partner, and to work together to make the best that both people can. To have fun and to write, to create worlds of letter and text to express love, romance, drama, tragedy and erotica. And it's just nice to have many people to talk to.

Important News
I'm around more.
I have two new roleplays:
The Girl From The Holo Net
Stories From a More Perverse World
  • Consensual, Dubious consensual and non strictly non-consensual
  • Anal, Oral, Vaginal Sex
  • Outer-sex: Using hands, feet, thighs, breasts and butt
  • Virginity/ First Time Together
  • Soft and Rough Sex
  • Cumplay
    • Multiple Orgasms, Large yet realistic amounts of cum, Thick Cum, Creampie, Facials, Cumshots on Body, Snowballing, Swallowing
  • Private, Semi Private/ Public Sex
  • Photography, filming, camgirling and pornography.
  • Settings with a casually approach to sex, sexuality and porn.
  • Sexual Toys and Condom Use
    • Condom Use for some roleplays would be love, some other it can be within
  • Cosplay, Lingerie/ Sexy clothing
    • Traditional Japanese Clothing
  • Impregnation
    • Impregnation, Risk of, Condom Breaking
  • Interracial Couples
    • Interracial Human Couple, Interspecies Couples
    • Asian x White, Asian x Black, Asian x Hispanic
  • Animals, Beasts and Monsters
    • Only Intelligent Creatures.
  • Polyamorous Relationships
  • Play
    • Sexism play
      • Male Dominance - Female Submissive Dynamic
    • Race play
      • Racist Parents/ Families
    • Species play
  • Bodily Fluids​
    • Waterspots, scat, blood (for non vampire roleplays)​
  • Death,​
  • Gore​
  • Extreme Violence​
  • Abusive behaviors​
  • Vore​
  • Baby Play​
  • Adultery​
  • Cuckoiding​


Spa○ ○ ○ What I Seek

Use this space to take about what you're looking for in a partner or in an RP. What makes them the ideal partner or it an ideal role-play? If they are reading your request thread right now, how would they know they are your ideal partner? Any particular skills you require them to have? Any sort of character you are attracted to writing against? Use concise sentences to make this section digestible, or feel free to utilize bullet points instead. You have the option to substitute this section for something else such as a Hard-Limits section (If you've swapped the previous section to a Kinks section).
What kind of partner am I looking for?
  • Well I'm looking for a semi literate to literate roleplayers, men and women, who is a greenhorn or experienced and who play switch or dominate characters.
  • People that are open to OOC conversations and are always open to brainstorm, if not planning head for the roleplay, or whom just likes to kick back and enjoy friendly chats. Someone that's good with discussing the Opening Post so the roleplay has a strong start.
  • Someone that can exercise patience because sometimes I just can't answer at that minute be it a mini writers block or time.
What kind of roleplay am I looking for?
  • I'm looking for long term, well detailed, well written roleplays. I'm not a stickler for grammar so I'm okay with mistakes and errors as much as the next person.
  • A roleplay that is a one x one experience is preferred. I'm open to play a harem (2 to 5 girls) roleplay if the setting and story are fantastic.
  • Good amounts of Romance, Love and Smut with a blend of Story and Erotica.
What kind of characters am I looking for?​
  • Older or Equal Age
  • Physically Fit, Slim, Muscular, Slightly Overweight.
  • Taller than my characters
  • Beards and Glasses.
  • Large, but realistic well endowment (NSFW)
    • 4 to 9 inches for realistic roleplays
    • 6 to 13 inches for non realistic roleplays
  • Older or Equal Age
  • Slender or Curvy Build
  • Slightly taller or Equal to my characters.



Spacer▶▷ Girlfriend's a Supermodel [Modern day ; Normal Guy or Gal x Supermodel ; Romance , Slice of Life , Travel]

Shirou Riko met them during one of her photo shoots for Tokyo Girls Weekly, a major photography outlet for Japanese fashion businesses to promote their latest fashions and beauty items. She started to see them around a lot around the studio and behind the scene they started to hit it off as they moved from strangers to friends to something much more. Riko was thankful that her position as a Supermodel didn't stop her from having a significant other like the girls in Idol scene, but she was told to keep it under wraps and away from the mainstream media for the privacy of her SO. So they started to date privately and away from watchful eyes.
I was thinking that the "them", your character, could be a photographer, a new model, a crewmember, or a person in some other manual job in the businesses


Spacer▶▷ Trying The New Self [Modern day/ Sci-fiction ; Human x Gender Bended Human, Bestfriends ; Romance, Discovery,]

She had died. Well the person she before had died. She was once a he, but now is a she. And yet she didn't feel uneasy in her good body, there was no shock the first time she looked at her new face and body, no hesitation at the acceptance of her situation and name. She was simply her and no longer him.
Yamamoto Aoi had awaken from her deep slumber a changed person merely six months ago. The older them was died, but their mind was theirs if not influenced by their new body. Aoi before the change had been hit by a car and gravely wounded to the pin that they were in critical condition and in a coma the doctors said they'd never awake from. In a coma, one of the doctors tried an experimental medical procedure called Mind Transference between the comatose Aoi and their new body. The procedure how it's risks with a 50/50 chance of them dying in the Transfer, but her parents took the risk as Aoi was dead either way. Luckily Aoi survived the transfer, being able to live again but in a new body.
She had returned home after the months in the hostipal, her old self was dead, but she was happy to see the family photos around her old house were still up as Aoi took to see the face she had worn for 18 years of her life. She didn't long to return, she was happy now as Aoi.
She was happy to see her friends again even if the dynamic had changed.


Spacer▶▷ Beyond Step Siblings [Modern Day; Step Brother/ Sister x Step Sister; Romance, Step Incest]

Miyuki's mother got remarried a year ago to a well off business man after half a years of continues dating, dates, dinner and fun. Miyuki had never seen her mother glow so bright brilliantly since the death of her husband, Miyuki's biological father, 8 years ago. She was happy for her mother and after getting to meet the dad that would become her step father, she was happy to have a father figure in her life even if she was in her later teens. Miyuki also got to meet his child, her step sibling to be, halfway into her mother's courtship. For Miyuki, it was attraction at first site, but she hide her spark of affection from her mother, step father and step sibling. After the year and a bit, it was starting to become harder to hide her attraction especially after catching her step sibling looking at her like she looked at him. There was something between then, a spark of lust and love. And her mother and step father are going away from a week long trip, leaving her and her sibling alone.


Spacer▶▷ The Engagement [Modern Day ; Fiancé x Fiancée; Romance]

Takagi Hana had always knew him, they were childhood friends since the age of five, and she had always loved him. It was fate that never let them realize the mutual attraction between them until they were in their early 20s as the other always seeing someone if the other was single. It had been like that for years, since Junior High. They couldn't confess their feelings, but they continued to be the best of friends, relaying on one another even on the most darkest of days. They were going to the same college and she heard that he had just broken up with his now ex girlfriend. She helped him as much as she could as they seemed to have been deeply in love with one another. So much so, Hana fear he would've stopped loving her. She couldn't stop herself, she knew it was wrong to confess to your heartbroken friend. But she did. She confessed to him. "Where your heart is healed I want to be the only one in it. I'll wait for you." Hana has said to him and she kept her promise, turning down guys that wanted to date her. A year had passed the day that his heart was healed and she entered into his embrace, after close to a decade of waiting.
Now Hana's 24 years old and she's engaged to the one loves.



Spacer▶▷ The Demon's Whispers [Fantasy Medieval; Emperor/ Crown Prince x Demon Girl; Demonic Powers, Kingdom Building]

The Daerrarin Empire had survived for four hundred years and it was survive for four hundred more.
On the continent of Hekaidia, the Daerrarin Empire sits in the middle as the lands' military powerhouse, dominating over all neighboring kindgoms, duchies and principalities. If one were to look at it, one couldn't tell that it have gone through a violent War of Succession after the late Emperor died before declaring an Imperial Heir. The war lasted merely two years but had the most casualties of any war in the last 300 years. Countless people died, including most of the Imperial Family and many Nobility. Towns ransacked, castles razed, cities burnt to the ground, even the Imperial City of Aexetis was under siege, In the end it was the Crown Prince that won, killing off all other pretenders and even his own siblings to sit on the throne of the Daerrarin. He didn't do it alone, many men and women were sacrificed for his dream of a better tomorrow. Despite being crowed the Bloody Emperor, he was a just man. A just man guided by great man and the infamous Grey Witch of the Burnt Tower Massacre.
Her name was Akibimi, the Witch of the Burnt Tower Massacre, the place her purple flame burnt a stone tower to ashes and all the men inside that in opposition the Crown Prince. It was the last pretender hold out and it's burning ended the War of Succession. It make her feared in the Empire, more feared then the Bloody Emperor and Akibimi wanted it to be that way. For her Master to great a better tomorrow, she needed to be the villain so that anything that the Crown Prince did was nothing compared to her legacy. So she became the Grey Witch, hidden under layer of cloth and magic, only the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister knew of her true self. She wasn't human, she was no witch, for Akibimi was a powerful Demon that was summoned to fulfill the contract between her and the Crown Prince. The Daerrarin Empire would stand for 300 more years.


Spacer▶▷ The Royal Princess' Marriage [Fantasy Medieval; Enemy Prince x Princess; Arranged Marriage, Love After Marriage]

The war between the Yamatero Dynasty and Ubreborg Empire needed to end. For one hundred years it raged on, each conflict adding more wood to the flame. It was the Emperor of Ubreborg that sought peace between the two nations as a growing threat was snaking it's way towards it's southern border. The Tenno, the Emperor, of Yamatero with the guidance of his ministers carefully considered the peace offer. Despite the Empire recent record of victories against Yamatero, they wanted nothing beside a white peace even if it were to look bad at home. The Tenno Okubo Moriyama offered a politically marriage and a upon hearing the news about the lands to the South, a defensive pact. People in both countries weren't happy about the ending of the war, the loss of life, the destruction of land, but it was spun as a a peace treaty for Survival. Once the veil on information about the southern lands were released by both governments, they had a greater foe to fight. Half of the Yamateroian army marched into Ubreborg lands and were greeted like friends. And with them, the only Princess of the Okubo Family, rode to meet her fiancé. Okubo Kiyomi needed this to work for her people were at risk, so she willing accepted the proposal and the pact was formed.​


Stories From a More Perverse World
A series of roleplay set in an alternate Japan where things are more erotic


Themes: [Romance, Free Use, Casual Perversion]

The land of the rising sun, the land of green tea and sushi, of anime and video games, of rich culture, deep history and prevailing traditions that make this land uniquely its own. The mountains that kiss the sky, the streams and rivers of pristine water, lush forest abundant with wildlife, enchanting shorelines and beaches, fresh air, rolling plains of wheat and rice paddles, a land of pure natural beauty. A land of their own, a land eccentric as it is unique. A global oddity, a country alone in particular why of self-governance. Here, easygoing perversion is as natural as going to school or going to work. Sex isn't something held in the dark, but embraced in the light. A place of higher learning of sex and sexuality, the freedom of intercourse, the normalization of things deemed pornographic. This is how it is here. Japan, a land unrestricted by the principles of the conventional, traditionally conservative ways of thinking, reason and etiquette. An erotic theme park for many around the world, that one sexual liberal nonconformist nation. To many native to its shore, Japan was home and something that didn't want to change.​
An alterative reality where Japan is a lot more open to sex being out in the open. Of course there are still rules in place like an society, but the exploration of sex isn't something that is frown upon. It is encouraged by the country, through having an in-depth National Sexual Education Program in all schools to the relaxing of laws on pornographic and adult entertainment. A place where eroticism is commonplace and is so ingrained into the people that they can't think of having it another way.​
Why things have come to this is up for discussion.​

More Perverse World Pairings​
(Images are NSFW)​
  • Step Brother x Step Sister
  • Step Father x Step Daughter
  • Assigned Partners (I have an idea)
  • Classmate x Classmate
  • Roommate x Roommate
  • Resort Employee x Client
  • Waitress x Client
  • Boss x Employee
  • Dating: Boyfriend x Girlfriend/ Girlfriend x Girlfriend
  • Married: Wife x Wife/ Husband x Wife
  • Roommate x Camgirl
  • Childhood Friends/ Bestfriends

((Work in Progress))
Feel free to ask me about it if you want.

More to come in the future!

Spacer▶▷ Plot Copy Format [Setting ; Pairing ; Theme A, Theme B]

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."


Addition Roleplays and Ideas

Spacer▶▷ The Warmth of the Living [Modern day/ Fantasy; Ghost x Human; Romance, Mystery]

Five years ago the police had pulled out the body of a young woman from the river behind the Dorms of the Oak Hills Technical School, shaking up the district of Oak Hills. There was evidence that it was murder because of strangulation markings around her neck and bruising on her wrists and ankles. The woman's death was labelled a murder, but the water how washed off all DNA of the one that could've done such an act, leading it to be an unsolved crime. The murder was never discovered and the case was quickly shelved as there wasn't any other incidents on school grounds or in Oak Hills that were similar to the Oak Hill Murder. The case was drifting from everyone's minds as the years passed and now the woman's murder seemed to be more of a legend for the Technical School. Rumours started to spread and evolve over the five short years about the Drown Girl, a ghost that how haunts the grounds of the School. For most it is just that, a rumour. And yet for some, it is more real then they want to hope for. Especially for Tominaga Akira, the girl that was pulled from the river, who found herself trapped within the school with all of her memories, except for the moments before her death. Akira walked the hallways of the school, looking into class rooms, watching living students studying for their futures. Something she'd never have now. Her long black hair was wet, continuous dripping wet and her skin was a sickly pale from her time in the water. Soaked clothing that she worn the day of her murder clung to her slender, cold-to-the-touch body that leaked river water. Where ever she stepped, her drenched black sneakers would leave a trail of water that would evaporate moments after she moved away from it. For most of the students and the staff, she was completely invisible, if not for seeing her in the corner of a mirror or in the corner of their eyes. At first she had called out to them, grabbed at them, but no one would stop to help her, affirm her existence. It was torture in the beginning, but Akira had gotten use to it now. Being invisible, being a myth, a legend. She would've accepted tormented reality of hers if it wasn't for someone seeing her. Despite their effort to hide their reaction at seeing her the first time and all the other times, Akira knew that this person could see her. For weeks she watched them, seeing them glance to her now and again. Working up the courage, she moved to them one day and reached out. Her hand touched their head and she felt warmth for the first time in five years and she watched as this person reacted to her touch.
(Looking for a slice of life, romance story with elements of mystery around Akira's death and who could've killed her.)


Spacer▶▷ Love in a Binary Code String [Setting ; Pairing ; Theme A, Theme B]

The year is 2087 and subservient synthetic lifeforms walk among their human creators. Due to the APAN Code, Advanced Processing and Artificial Neural-work, being created by Adelhard Althaus, a German Researcher in Artificial Intelligence in the late 2030s, humanoid and animal-like androids could be created. Used for manual labour and domestic duties, this androids were used to build a new Golden Age for Humanity, letting the groups of the population to retire, for better or for worse. They were crude at first, although it wasn't long for the androids to start being encased in human-like sturdy silicone ans thermoplastic elastomer skins, with life-like hair and eyes. They were much like their creators in appearance, voice and mannerisms and the androids could almost blend into the crowd of their makers. Almost.
All until an international corporation Merkail Electronics and one of their subsidiary companies, Sone-Grassion Robotics, created their newest robotic models in the late 70s, revolutionizing androids at humanity knew it. Despite their Merkali engineered four eared styled headgear, these androids were completely indistinguishable to their human counterparts, their bodies like a carbon-copy of a human's. They had the best AI one the market, Sone-Grassion own creation, with synthetic bodies that passed off as humans, all the way down to the smallest detail. These androids were the most expensive models on the market, equalling a few years of pay for some people and they were in high demand because of their genuinely human appearance. Over the 17 years, they had become more popular and with an upgrade function from Merkail Electronics for a small fee, one could upgrade their old android for a new one, getting a custom appearance and having the older model's data transferred into the newer model.
Then Sone-Grassion Robotics announced a limited edition version of the new models called the Brilliance Class and they would be the apex of robotics for the coming decades. There's a hundred models up for grabs but this story is about Brilliance-6 "Haruka"
Brilliance Class Models are anatomically identical and function comparably to their human counterparts.
How Haruka ended up with your character ideas:
  1. Your character enters a lottery and wins.'
  2. Your character pays Brilliance-6
  3. Your character's wealthy yet distant relative buys the model and offers it as a gift
  4. Your character, sometime after the announcement, discovers Brilliance-6 abandoned in the trash or walking aimlessly around the city around their work or house/ apartment
  5. Before the models are announced, your character is an alpha tester for the Brilliance Class, namely Haruka.
  6. Your ideas!


Spacer▶▷ The Money's Too Good [Modern day; Master x Maid; Romance, Slice of Life, Forbidden Love]

Finally out on her own and away from a household that was financially in dire straits for most of her life because of bad business decisions, poor timing, bad stock market picks and a growing debt because of her father's crippling gambling addiction. Tomoko started with basically nothing to her game, having to pawn on of the things she had to money to feed herself. Over the next year, she worked odd jobs here and there, living from sporadic paycheck to paycheck and the charity of others. She wouldn't have a good paying job until her current employer hired her services. The employment was that of a live in personal maid to a wealthy and eccentric older man that lived in the richer part of the city, a place she didn't know existed. She didn't have to pay for rent for her room that was bigger then her room in her old house and food was provided by the professional chef her employer had in service. Other then her and the chef, there was the gardener, the chauffeur, butler and cleaning staff, which didn't include Tomoko. Under the butler's guidance, she learned about being the duties of a personal maid and the special responsibilities a maid from this household needed to keep in mind. The one thing that Tomoko didn't like was the uniform from her position, it was way too revealing, but the work was very easy and the pay wasn't something to cough at her, especially by someone like her. She was making ten times as much as she was working at the odd jobs. Everyone was friendly and professional and her Employer, her Master as she was told to address him as, wasn't has weird as she thought. He was just an older man with a lot of money that wanted a "beautiful woman" to be his personal maid. Something that flattered her more than she wanted to let on.
Tomoko pushed the button to her Master's bedroom door, both highly decorated oak doors opening for her in utterly silence. She wheeled in the breakfast trolley, the many plates of the luxurious breakfast making their presence known by the delicious scents. Dim, warmth white lights turned on by detecting her presence as she walked the trolley to the small table by the room's largest window. Stopping the trolley, Tomoko set the table with the plates of food, cutlery and a vase with pure white flowers. After which she moved around the room, preparing her employer's clothing. Manually, she opened up all the windows and taking a moment to look outside to her Master's estate before be moved to be beside her Master's beside, calling him away.


Work in Progress​
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