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Fx Male Aspiring writer seeking someone to craft a thrilling Non-Con story with


Jul 14, 2017
Hello. Been around on this site for about fours years now but haven't bumped a thread in almost three. Thought I'd make a new request thread. It's a bit vague, intentionally. Have a look around, see if there's anything you like. I bite, but most people should be vaccinated by now anyway.

On posts and post frequency

My posts tend to be quite long. Usually 1000-3000 words. A 2k words post is not something I can sit down and do in 45min, so don't expect them to come frequently. Often just once a week, maybe twice, if I'm in a good writing mood. I sometimes juggle more than one story depending on the speed of my co-writers. You don't have to match a 3k word post, although I still prefer posts in the 1k+ range.

I God-Mod! A lot of people are against someone taking control of their character, so I just want to come out and say early that I God-Mod. I consider myself someone looking for co-writers to a story and not really a roleplayer. I am not my character and I'm not overly attached to specific characters. I often tend to write multiple characters. Although I can refrain from writing internal dialogue and thoughts for your character. But I will write some actions and a few lines of dialogue. The other co-writer, you, is in return also welcome to write what characters I have put into the story are doing.

Also very important. Push the plot, push the story. Both writers must add. In my experience, roleplays often end up with one of the writers writing mirrors posts from a different angle.


I got a near-identical request thread in the Non-Binary section.

I write characters of all genders, characters with both and characters without. Men, Women, Futanari, Minotaurs, Dinosaurs, Cats, Dung piles, Bog Monsters, Blobs of Slime, Tentacles in Top Hats, Robots, Motorcycles, Rollercoasters, and Skateboards. Though my favorites are women, futanari, and monsters.

Ages of characters range from 15yo to omnipotent beings that existed before time.

Turn offs

Characters may excuse themselves to use the ladies room, but pee and poop is not a selling point if you want to co-write with me. I will extend this short no-list to excessive pubic hair.

Anything goes

Besides the above, nothing is really off-limits. If there are cars in the story, they will be driven. If there are dinosaurs in the story they will eat people. If there are pretty 16yo girls that like getting into trouble, they will get into trouble. If there are psycho killers in the story, they will do psycho killings. If there are mad hatters in the story, they will make mad hats, or make hats madly?

I like stories being emotional rollercoasters. There should be room for humor and tragedy in the same story.

Some basics when contacting me

I only write in PMs on this site. Before we start anything I might ask for a writing sample. Just give me anything basic from something you've written previously. This is just to get a general idea of what your typical post looks like. I don't buy shoes without trying them on. I can be a bit picky, please don't get mad if you are turned down. I also like brainstorming just for the sake of brainstorming. I consider tossing around ideas and plots points as a part of writing, even if they are dropped or saved for later.

A few favorite kinks of mine.

Pairings that are and acknowledge taboo. Principal on teenage girls. Two guys are confused about their sexuality. Incest stories. Someone in a relation to something non-human.

Pregnant women. Don't ask me why. It is also a bonus if they lactate, heavily. Can both be milf and teen pregnancies.

Various Futanari characters fucking guys. Usually nerds and wimps. And usually by dicks big enough to make the belly bulge.

Monster girls. Degree of monstrousness ranging from elf ears to slimy millipedes.

Anything where Widowmaker from Overwatch can be used as a face-claim. Not the character, just the face-claim. I'll play any lady that is tinted blue and has long gorgeous legs.

I got an interest in very dark stories, though I don't have much experience writing them (yet). Non-Con, Straight up rape, bad ends, and maybe even snuff.

You get bonus points if you can mix multiple favorites or have room for multiple characters.

A few plots. (Bit Dark and not for everyone.)

Groundhog Day. Same premise as the movie. A guy gets stuck in an endless loop of waking up to the same day, every day. The story could be comical at first but quickly turn to a darker tone when he realizes that his actions have no lasting consequences. He can spend all his life savings, rape, or even kill someone and have everything reset back to normal the next day. He can't even die, as dying will only just reset the day as well.

For this roleplay, I would play several NPC-like characters and build a town for you to toy with.


Phycological thriller. This would mostly be a dark drama about what's going on inside the heads of people in an abusive relationships. Bonus points if it's an incest story. A father struggling with the inner lust for his daughter, or a son with the same struggle for his mother. I'd write the opposite side, of how the daughter/mother is coping with their relative's increasingly inappropriate touching.


This would be in a historical or fantasy setting. A young son living with his mother is drafted for the army. He spends his last nights at the house fearing he might go die in a war as a virgin. He ends up voicing his concern and nags for intercourse with the only woman around, his mother. If only he could feel a woman's warmth just once. But she is disgusted by her son's wicked incestuous proposal and turns him down. In the end, he spends his last hours at the house taking his mother by force before running off to the army.

I would absolutely love a part two of this story, where he returns home to find his mother heavily pregnant with his child. Now it would be more of a phycological thriller, where she still resents her son, but still needs him. Without a husband, she needs an able-bodied man and breadwinner around the house, especially now with a baby on the way. The son helps his mother, though her heavy pregnancy breasts are looking irresistible. He has taken her before, he could do it again.
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