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Fx Female Modern & Fandoms


Aug 21, 2021
United States
Hey, I'm Arc. I've been roleplaying for over a decade, but just started on this site. First, some basics on my style of roleplaying:

~ Third person, past tense
~ Adv-Lit: Typically 2-6 paragraphs (Say 250-600 words) for a response, depending on the action, and always proper grammar/punctuation (not counting typos and simple mistakes). I do not require that you match my post size, and I won't match yours. I'd prefer we both write whatever we think is needed, so long as it has substance and texture, and I may write more or less than the given range, depending on what's needed.
~ FxF for the moment, please. (I don't care what you, the writer's, gender is. If you care about mine, I'm not the right partner for you.)
~ I'll respond a minimum of 2x a week, sometimes multiple times a day, depending on our respective availabilities. I'll let you know if I need a break longer than a week.
~ Hard Limits: Drugs, child abuse, abusive relationships, infidelity, non-con or dub-con, incest, toilet play.
~ This goes without saying, but no GMing or Mary Sues.

~ I love BDSM. This is emphasized because of how very true it is. I particularly love playing a dominant character, and almost all of my characters will naturally lean towards that dynamic, whether it actually gets sexually included in the roleplay or not. Let it be said, however, that I do NOT want to run the roleplay by myself, nor do I want weak-willed characters to play against. D/s dynamics just get my characters all hot and bothered.
~ Long-term, character-development focused plots. Smut is all well and good, but I like it to be a catalyst for development as opposed to the only reason to roleplay.

I like to think I'm pretty easy to get along with, and I love honest communication. If either of us aren't enjoying what's going on, we should discuss it and see if there's something we can change. If we can't, we can always start a new RP or just go our separate ways, no hard feelings. However, if you do ghost me, or need to leave for a lengthy period of time, that's fine by me; you're more than welcome to message me again if you ever have the time/inspiration. We might be able to pick up the old roleplay, or more than likely, start a new one.

Best Friend A comes out as non-hetero, then confesses to B and is rejected: but is B really as uninterested as B thinks?

I see this as Pining A confesses, expecting to be rejected by the best friend she's had since childhood, who she knows identifies as straight. She is rejected, and while she's obviously depressed, she feels better for having told the truth, almost a new freedom to be herself around the friend that she's secretly loved for years. (They've been best friends since elementary school, I think, exact timeframe up for debate.) Perhaps she sleeps with some women after this, but doesn't land on any long-term girlfriends. I would prefer to play this character, but I am open to discussion if you have some strong ideas about playing Best Friend A. Best Friend B would genuinely believe that she's heterosexual to begin with, maybe even have some religious qualms with homosexuality, even though she tries her best to be supportive of her friend. But slowly, she starts thinking of her friend in a new light and wondering... what if?

The Plot thickens further: The Best Friends discover that they share the same kink, and B offers to explore it together—purely platonically, of course.

I'm really open to what kink this is, and how it comes out. It could be bondage (I would require that I play the dominant one, in that case), voyeurism/exhibitionism, a voice kink, etc. I would love to play Best Friend A trying her hardest to pretend that she doesn't still love B, but unable to turn down anything that would get her closer to B, even if it's not in the emotional way that she truly wants.

My vision for these characters is to have them be in their twenties, either college dormmates or roommates, but we could age them up to even mid-thirties, if desired. There could also be significant time between the first plot point and the second, or they could follow one after another—this is all up for discussion.

Other Vague Ideas
  • Bar Owner x Frequent Guest Musician (I'd prefer to play the musician in this case, but I could be convinced otherwise.)
  • Recently Deafened or HoH Person x Sign Language Instructor
  • Former HS Bully/Current Boss x Former Victim/Current Employee (I'd prefer to play the former bully, who tries to atone for her past mistakes.)
  • Professional Cuddler x Lonely Client

  • Wheel of Time (Preferably something involving Aes Sedai or Aiel. OC's only, please.)
  • Harry Potter (OC's only. Aurors or Professors would be interesting.)

Just message me with what you're interested in, and some things about your limits/preferences/ideas, please. :coffee:
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