Mx Male Land of Toxic Misfits (A Mostly Contemporary MxM Request Thread)


Sep 1, 2019
El Rey | EST Time Zone
As you can see, my name's Caligula, but if you don't feel comfortable calling me by the nickname of a dead Roman emperor, I'm okay with Cali or AJ.

I'm flexible on post length but tend to write around two paragraphs for each reply and don't do well with novella (7+ paragraphs). Frequency of replies might depend on how much we're writing. Usually, I can manage one response a day.

As for kinks, let me start with a quick list of my No's for this RT:
Hard Noncon - Violence and dubious consent are fine, but nothing too excessively brutal during smut. If there's screaming and bleeding from certain orifices then it's over my limit lol
Toilet Play - I could be persuaded into mild watersports for a brief scene, but that's about it.
Heavy Bondage - Hands and/or feet tied or handcuffed is about as far as I'll go.

And here's an F-List for all of my kinks associated with this thread.

Now onto some very vague plot/pairing ideas (bold is for roles I prefer to play. If nothing is bolded, then I have no preference):
Peeping Tom/Boy Next Door
(High School, Dramedy, Lighter Themes, Flexible Setting)​

Our characters go to the same school, possibly have their whole lives, or one is new in town. Either way, they happen to not only live next door to each other, but their bedroom windows directly face each other.

(Violence, High School, Dark Themes, Flexible Setting)​

This one is just barely an idea; I just really want the dynamic.

Ragtag Friend Group
(Unlikeable Protagonists, Dark Themes, Possible Drug Use, Violence, Flexible Setting)​

This roleplay would revolve around a group of NEETs living in one shitty crammed apartment/flat, doing odd jobs and hustling to get by. I'll probably be playing two or three characters, but if you wanna just play one and maybe occasionally an NPC, that's fine.

Bereaved Man/Deceased Partner
(Flexible Setting, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Possible Dark Themes)​

A man's lover/husband has passed away, but he refuses to let him go. The means of bringing him back to life will vary based on what setting we decide on. If we're doing a sort of zombie/In The Flesh thing then that'll of course be supernatural. For sci-fi, it could be something experimental (and highly unstable) or his consciousness could be uploaded into an android (à la Black Mirror).

Rich Man/Con Man
(Flexible Setting, Possible Dark Themes, Maybe Romance)​

Maybe he's a bit of a himbo or just pretentious and shallow, but whatever it is, this spoiled socialite has become the target of a swindler trying to seduce him out of his inheritance. But who's really seducing who here? lowkey inspired by The Talented Mr. Ripley
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