Mx Female Local Dungeon Master seeks RP with or without dice - Under Construction


Jul 15, 2010
In a house by a lake
About the Dungeon Master


Hello, I hope this thread finds you well. Before we get into the meat of the listing let me introduce myself. I am a man in my thirties who has been RPing for over fifteen years now. I enjoy a myriad of themes ranging from comedy to tragedy, though my focus is usually on fantasy settings. While I do enjoy a healthy amount of smut its well-developed characters and a juicy plot that keeps me coming back to my regular partners.

I reside on the east coast of the United States that said I am currently disabled and unable to work, so my schedule is haphazard, and my availability is entirely dependent upon my health, so please be considerate. If you require your partner to be active to maintain interest you might want to look elsewhere, the reality is I am not physically able to make any guarantees as far as consistency goes.

As far as OOC interactions go I prefer and welcome casual conversation outside of the RP or even just about it, though I do not expect it. I'm not averse to making friends but I understand the nature of what we're doing together and that healthy boundaries need to be maintained by both parties. I'll respect yours if you respect mine.

Now onto the technical, as far as post length and quality goes, I prefer a minimum of two paragraphs. I'm not particularly fussed over grammar and spelling but I do run my posts through word and Grammarly because mine is particularly trash.

I RP exclusively on Discord so if what you read in this thread strikes your fancy go ahead and add me there. Phantom#4380


Dungeons and Dragons

If you're interested in throwing some die and rolling up a sheet for your character, I run RPs with 5e rules. This should be fairly self-explanatory if you're familiar with D&D. Be an adventurer, do quests, interact with NPCs, etc just ya know, presumably with more erotic content. These would be slightly more complex than regular RPs obviously so I will probably limit how many of these I run at a time. We'll see how much interest there is(if any). I should add that I only run homebrew settings.

Will link to separate thread once I create it

Full for now

Conventional Role Play
In terms of conventional RPs, I have a few cravings which I will list below in addition to a few themes which I also enjoy. F-List coming when I get around to it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plots: of various shapes and sizes

A prince in mourning

My OC, prince of an arcane imperium, is mourning the death of his father. As a part of the lead up to his coronation the prince must tour the kingdoms of his would-be domain and chose suitable brides for his imperial harem along the way. But his travels entail more then simple wife shopping, along his journeys he must also do great deeds for the various Under-Kings of the imperium. Luckily, he does not travel alone, his entourage of closest allies' travel with him, helping protect and guide him on his journey.

OOC Notes: So, I've never gotten to pop off a good harem RP. Now I'm not a selfish RPer, if you do a Harem plot for me obviously, I'm going to reciprocate in some capacity. The prince's entourage will serve to offer you some much needed diversity for some of the non-harem ladies that populate the imperium.
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