Mx Any Swords and Sorcery


Sep 13, 2010
Lala Land
Hi, I am wolf_and_bird. You can call me Wolf.

Recently I've been having a kind of specific/non specific craving and figured I'd make a search thread for it.

Swords and Sorcery:

I'm looking to play a rp set in a Swords and Sorcery style world (think giant monsters, arid climates, ladies in revealing outfits, warrior dudes somehow also in revealing armor, pulp genre in all its problematic glory). I want dramatic (impractical) stone fortresses carved into rocky hills overlooking a arid land. I want warlords and warbands and beautiful slave girls. I want to world build bit not worry too much about the logistics of some of these things.

A couple basic ground rules:
1. I'm open to rping over pms or possibly discord.
2. I will play the more submissive of the pairing as my main. If we get a cast of characters I might play a dom or switch or two. But this won't be a doubling thing.
3. I'd like a, for lack of better term, brutal aspect to this world. Things are dangerous, the society is not nice, and softness gets you dead. Slavery, dub/non con, and generally dark shit are fun(?) Add ins.
4. Weird counter point to 3. I have zero interest in a "your village was raided and you were taken as a slave" or similar plot line.

Speaking of plots, here are a few ideas:

In a land controlled (possibly tenuously) by a warlord a young man is discovered to have the gift of foresight (this is MC). The warlord orders him found and brought to his stronghold. Our play could either be YC as the mercenary/similar low level hero who's found my boy and is bringing him to the Warlord for the reward. Or we could skip straight to the delivery and YC is the warlord and we play in his/her stronghold. My preference is the later but I could get excited about the former if you have some ideas about where to go with it.

In such a harsh land places where water and green are plentiful have a near mythic quality to them. One of these Oasis, hidden in the heart of some particularly brutal terrain, was once the subject of such myths. It was said to be a place of shelter and sanctuary from the violence of the ever warring lords.

Well, it still provides shelter from the warlords, but that shelter is mainly offered to the bandits, assasains, thieves, and general criminals who have made it their very lawless home. Anarchy and might are the rules of Paradise Oasis.

For plot we could do something small scale like YC buys a slave and they make their way in the town. Or we could go full on cast forming a bandit gang trying to gain control of the place.

Leaning more into the Sorcery of Sword and Sorcery. Those gifted with magic among the populace are found and brought to The Gathering, a remote fortress near the edge of the Badlands. There they study their magics and occasionally are sent to serve those who can pay for their services.

But while The Gathering is a safe and comparably lavish haven from the wars that continue to ravage the land the sorcerers are as much prisoners as they are protected. The Gathering's walls are thick and high and the warriors on guard are not there to protect the Sorcerers.

We could play two sorcerers or YC could be one of the guards.

If you have any other ideas I'd be happy to hear them.

I primarily rp via pms but you can ask me for my discord if you like.

Hope to hear from you![/Spoiler]
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