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What I desire is so wrong... [sub_voyage fan & Kaziel]


Jan 28, 2009
Zac came home to an empty house. His little sister was probably out attending her after-school activity, and his parents had been gone off on a vacation since Monday. They'd be back next week... maybe. They did well at raising them when they were younger, but now that both of their children were in their teens, they began going off traipsing around the world at the drop of a dime.

He wasn't angry about that, though. At eighteen, he struggled under the yoke of constant parenting... he was an adult already dammit! But when his mother was here she still treated him like such a child. At least his father understood.

Undoing the buttons on his white button down school shirt, he left it hanging open, his undershirt clinging to his thick build. He'd gotten that from a mix of his father's side of the family and years spent as the quarterback of the school's football team. He was good and had gotten himself a scholarship at one of the local colleges for playing football. What made him really stand out was not his accuracy, which was quite good, but with his thick build he was very hard to bring down when

But with football over for the year, he had little to do after school, so he usually just came home to relax. Running one of his meaty hands through his short red hair, he glanced in the mirror. Freckles covered the bridge of his nose, these traits gotten from his mother, along with the hair and his light green eyes. Well, what would you expect from someone with as Irish a name as O'Malley.

Plopping down on the couch, he flipped on the TV and began to surf around, looking for something to waste the rest of the day with until his sister got home and they could make dinner.
Christina, or Kris as she prefered to be called, Davidson sat at school and waited for class to be over. She was 15 and in college and hated college. Ever since her parrents had forced her to go, she was upset. Yes she wanted to go but she wanted to go when she wanted. Sighing she ignored her teacher.

Soon class ended and she got into her 2-door red chevy cavilier. Soon she went home and entered the house and looked around. From the living room she could hear her brother watching TV and sighed. "I am home." she called out.
He let his head loll back, looking backwards upside down as he saw his little sister come in. "Hey Brainiac" he called out to her teasingly. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was somewhat jealous of Kris. At 15 she was already in college, and he hadn't even started. She would get her degree a year before he did. But at the same time, he was proud of her for doing so, especially since he was much less studious. Not stupid, just not the brilliant girl she was.

Pushing himself up and flipping over the couch he landed on his feet and spun so he was facing her. "So what are you in the mood for, shortstuff?"
She looked at him and smiled lightly. "Hello bro." She replied and sighed softly. She smiled and started to sigh and moaned. Suddenly she was sad. She wanted her brother but knew it was wrong.
Hey watched as Kris' eyes unfocused again... she did that a lot it seemed. Walking over to her, he snapped his fingers right in front of her face. "Earth to Space Cadet Kris... come in Space Cadet Kris." he teased.
She looked at him and smiled. "What can I do for you bro?" She replied and moaned and started to blush. She knew it was wrong to blush in front of him. But still she felt as if she had to.
Zac stepped close to his sister, his musky scent wafting up from his shirt, some of today spent out in the sun. Leaning close to her whispered in her ear, his hot breath tickling her skin, "So what do you want?" he asked again, this time with a little more meaning to it, as he placed a hand on his sister's hip.
She looked at him and sighed softly. "What do you think I want?" She asked and started to close her eyes and sighed. In truth she wanted him but she had to pretend like she didn't.
He was still close to her, his voice barely a whisper. "I've seen you looking at me when you don't think I noticed. I've heard your moans and soft cries of my name at night from your room. I've noticed your glances at me when I'm getting out of the shower, or walking back to my room." There was accusation in his voice, but it wasn't one of anger, but promise. He slipped his hand around her hips, his fingertips touching her behind through her dress teasingly.
She looked at him and and moaned. "Oh."She replied and was startled to hear that. Then she looked into his eye. "And is that a problem?" He asked.
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