Villains Need Friends Too


May 6, 2021
Greetings. Recently had to make a new account for this website because I can't recall the email my old one was registered under. I'm an experienced roleplayer who writes in the third person, typically with multiple paragraphs at a time. Depending on what's taking place in the scene, my posts can be more or less verbose, though I try not to add senseless filler or purple prose. I try to post at least a few times every week, but if we catch each other online at the same time then there's the potential for some real time back and forth. Let's talk about what I'm interested in.

These lists will be intentionally open-ended, as I appreciate both improvisation, or brainstorming with my partner to get an idea together that we're both compelled by. This will just give you a general feel for what I like.


Ancient Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Persia. I can write a wealthy merchant from Babylon who is traveling through the Greek city states on vacation and happens upon a darling native lady, or a Macedonian mercenary who has taken to becoming a sellsword since Alexander's army disbanded. For Rome, it'd likely be an aspiring politician and general who is working his way up through the cursus honoroum with military exploits and propaganda.

Medieval Europe and the Middle East. Ever imagined what would happen if a crusader's wife was captured by a Saracen? Or perhaps you have a taste for the court intrigue that's involved with the thrones of those days.

WW2 all the way back to Victorian England. Let's just say I have a thing for corsets, and the way the world was torn apart with different cultures traipsing around in foreign lands always makes for an exciting time.

Medieval fantasy. High magic (think wizards, mythical beasts, etc) or low magic (like GoT). This is probably my favorite setting, and the possibilities here are endless. In fact, I have many ideas for set ups.

Post-apoc is fun, whether it be zombies, nukes, or even the famine and weather disasters associated with global warming. Could be apart of a group, or lone survivors who happen to link up.

Modern day slice of life. An older, successful businessman encounters a young, alluring lady and the sparks fly.

Dragon Age
Elder Scrolls
Mass Effect
Lord of the Rings
A Song of Ice and Fire
Harry Potter
Guild Wars

All of my characters are confident and willing to approach. I usually play muscular men (think heavyweight boxer, not slim model), and often they're older (30s-50s) but some are still young bucks. Willing to play a myriad of fantasy races, including monsters like orcs, trolls, and minotaurs, lizardmen, werewolves but for my more vanilla friends human characters are just fine, too.

I formerly had a F-List profile, but due to their allowance of pedophilia on that website, I now completely avoid it. My kinks are varied. I'll list a few, though.

Femininity (cosmetics, girlish mannerisms, etc)
Stockings/Fishnets/Long Socks
Age Gaps
Monster sex

Remember, these are just a small few. I'm completely satisfied with more vanilla encounters, and none of the kinks are mandatory. There are also many that aren't listed.If you've got a specific interest, feel free to run it by me. Story and smut are both fun for me to write, and I really enjoy building up immersive, detailed scenes with a realistic personality dynamic between characters.

Prefer writing in Discord or PMs, but not completely opposed to forum threads.
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