Mx Female Fel Apothecary seeking assistant / test subject

Oct 26, 2019
So firstly this is a Warcraft universe Character on the Moonguard server if that interests you. Otherwise this will be mostly discord RP.

Secondly this is, hopefully, a long term RP that could bleed into the World of Warcraft game if someone so desired but that is not required.

Thirdly I am not always available to play. One day I may have hours to post back and forth but there may be stints with a few days in between posts.

That out of the way.. here we go.

Professor Euan Thorne:
Reference Art, Not my own. Art

Euan Thorne is a man and worgen of science. He carries himself well but seems a bit weary as he leans heavily on the staff he keeps with him always. His accent is proper Gilnean, a dialect used by the more, upper crust, of that nation.

His mannerisms and manners in general mark his as a polite and respectful man of his craft. He does his best to speak clearly and precisely. While he has a tendency to ramble on about formulas or possibilities he has been trying harder to keep himself reined in.

Roleplay Details

The roleplay would involve themes like;
Fear of pregnancy
Cock worship
Excessive cum
and more to be discussed.

RP Hooks / Aka ways your character might be able to connect.

-The Professor has been quietly asking around for volunteers to participate in a study. The study is usually described vaguely as exposing the mortal races to small doses of fel energies and related substances while observing natural resistance. As well as trying to find a cure for those effected. (Thats what they say anyway...)

-Other warlocks or fel oriented people might sense there is something off about the Professor. His experiments bleeding odd energies into his physical form. There might also be something odd but strangely familiar about the purple gem in his staff (soul stone).

-One might have found an odd book that was left in a library somewhere written by the professor. An intense and detailed study of the fel and the different types of demons that one might encounter. As well as a few private bits that the

In closing.

I would love a message from any who might be interested. Thanks for your time.
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