For the longest time I wrote third person present. I didn't even think much of it, but it was most natural to me for creative writing. I'm just gonna blame the old school chatroom RP days for that one. Anyway, I think I stuck to it for as long time because I do look at RP as highly dynamic, and past tense has a way of cementing things. Present can also sound better at times for action.
> Katie jumps onto the moving train with a loud thump as soon as it bolts by.
> Katie jumped onto the moving train with a loud thump as soon as it bolted by.
Okay, but what if my partner decides that train went off the rails before she jumped? What if they grab her before she jumps? If she is actively jumping, she could be interrupted instead assuming success in the jump like in past tense. Present allows more blunt of a cue.
She is jumping! Stop her! V.S. Oh, shit. She already jumped onto the damn train. I have to stop the whole train now!
HOWEVER, I found this isn't needed. RPers are capable of doing the same for past tense. I don't know if it promotes as much dynamic writing on a surface level, but past tense does work out fine for experienced RPers.
I actually had to train myself to stop writing present. I realized most people wrote past and writing past often flowed better for nonactions. I will say, during my shift, it was an awkward year or two in my writing, lol. I still catch myself wanting to mix tenses, and I still might a tad for effect purposes, but now I rather work with past tense.