Dystopian Sci-Fi Thriller


Oct 1, 2021
I am new to the forum but not new to writing or role play. I have an idea for a story that I'd like to get into and thought I'd run it by the Forum to see if there's any interest. I have already written a lot of the backstory, but I'll hold off on sending that until you decide if you are interested. Here's a synopsis of my idea:

It is about five years in the future and the world has suffered a number of viral outbreaks -- COVID-19 was just the beginning. Over that time several more lethal outbreaks have taken a toll on the world. About two years ago, the latest, most virulent and deadly virus surfaced and brought many of the world's governments down. The world's population has fallen more than 40-percent. Scientists predict that the virus will soon mutate and

The devastating virus became known as "The Squeeze" for the effects it has on those who contract it. Those who survive are left with a facial deformation that causes them to wear a perpetual, subtle smile much like that of the Mona Lisa. Those who do not show this remnant of the disease are hunted for a rare gene they have that protects them from the virus and its ravages. The gene runs in families especially between those that were part of a multiple birth - twins, triplets, quads. Scientists predict that the virus will soon mutate and re-infect the survivors of The Squeeze with an even higher death rate.

Governments have banded together to form military units that seek those who do not show the smile. Because of this, many have gone into hiding similar to how Anne Frank hid from the Nazis. The search units became known as V troopers or V Squads because once discovered captives are rounded up and kept in concentration camps and their blood is drained to near death; Thus Vampire Squads.

The story would center on twins - a brother and sister - who are hiding in the attic of an abandoned house. It picks up a year after they have gone into hiding. They must occasionally emerge from their hiding for supplies making them vulnerable to capture. Lack of outside contact and close quarters has begun to chip away at the twins' social inhibitions.

Even if you are not interested, I would enjoy getting your thoughts on the story.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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