Mx Female Innocence based roleplay / Older m v younger f (18+)


Sep 30, 2021

Excited to be roleplaying once again! I had some great rps on blue moon a few years back so expecting some great things from you wonderful writers and wonderful people!

This will be short and sweet but I will update it soon.

Essentially I am looking for a lovely female rp partner who is into scenarios revolving around an innocence kink.

Mc would be an older, experienced male, like a father figure; yc would be a younger female (18 - 28) who has a strong innocence kink and a helpless infatuation with mc. MC in turn also has such a kink but yc really taps it and we fall into a special, loving, lustful, kinda pervy secret place... :)

We can do rl vanilla (but super naughty and exciting of course) or I am definitely open to some magical elements thrown in or other fantasy or fairytail worlds, or any other ideas you have.

There could be a "I know you're not my daddy but can I call you daddy?" vibe going on. Why? Well we can have fun creating backstory and their world :)

My rps are very heavily sexual and explicit but certainly full of detail, depth, love and emotion; without this it simply isn't writing, and I want to create something with a heart (albeit a lustful, kinky one ;) )

Female rps only at the moment - thanks.

All rps and characters must definitely be over 18!

Would love to hear from any girls of such a kinky disposition or those who are intrigued and can bring their detail chops :)

Pm me and we can go into likes/dislikes, planning and yummy details :)

Peace and love :)

Tom xoxo
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