The King Of Yaoi
- Joined
- Jan 13, 2009

- The investigation. His assumptions. The ratios. His thoughts. The truth. The statistics. The bottom line.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Everything was pointing exactly to one person, save for a few pieces that lay unanswered; like shinigamis. What sort of code could that mean? After all there was no such thing as a death god, otherwise he would have seen one at one point in his life- right? Scanning the screen in front of him, he had started to fidget- toes rubbing against each other slightly as he attempted to figure things out. Mind shifting from one thing to another as he kept the same neautral expression to his face as he worked. Sitting as per usual to what he would do, he seemed to just stay there in the same chair forever- well that was just something the others that worked around him had figured out about how serious the male that sat in their midst was. Thinking and calculating a manner at which he could finally close the case without any more causalities, though all in all; anything that Kira did simply gave him more of a lead to understanding the male and his devilish practices. For the past few hours he had been thinking things over as usual, his body having consumed yet another few things of sugar; this time yet another piece of cake followed by whatever other sugary substance was hanging around the place. Though now one could see a small amount of sugar cubes resting before him, they had once been in a pyramid shape, but now several had been taken away to be digested. Lasting only so long for the sweet craving male as his fingers gripped another before popping it in his mouth.
It had seemed, that he hadn't even once pulled his eyes from the monitors that flashed before him. Not that the others around had really paid attention, some wrapping up to leave a little early today. That was fine, it simply made things easier for him as his black eyes slowly drifted to eye the male he was handcuffed with. A measure he had put upon the other to leash him, stop him from being out of his sight when he virtually didn't let the boy do anything alone anyway anymore. He couldn't be trusted, the evidence in his mind raking him angrily to get to the bottom of this. That and make it a very sound and solid answer; so no others could question and so no other variables; no matter what they were could question it. The other was sly, he knew this much of him. Considering the two seemed to think relatively close when it came to their own deductions on the case, but that didn't concern him now. Pupils taking in the sitting individual beside him as the sugar cube within melted away into a nice slosh of sugar. Listening to the sounds around him and the soft tapping of the other's fingers, he couldn't help but wait on the other investigators on leaving. To be alone with this one.
To say that he was bent on getting the answer to this case, was a little but of an understatement as he tore his eyes away from the other and stared at the screen. He had been watching a few of the places he had tapped, making sure that none of the suspects that could possibly be the second Kira where doing anything to suspicious that would help draw this to a close. He could stop though, virtually all of what he saw was being taped for later reference- making things easier for him in the long run. Evidence as hard as that was something very few could maneuver around. Drawing his attention to the sounds around him, he couldn't help but rub his feet together more as he heard the last of the others leave. Silence slowly looming on the two that sat in the room alone; hopefully things would stay that way for the time being. No interruptions from Misa or any others as he drew forth his own plan of action. Simply waiting for the other to start the wheels of fate turning.
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