A journal to vent


Jul 5, 2020
This world has become a nightmare for a large portion of the people who inhabit it. This society is a disaster in every sense of the word. Have you seen the news recently? The hatred and violence prevalent in our streets? I’m not naïve, I know that these have always been problems within humanity but it feels as though every day the world gets just a little bit worse then the day before and I don’t know what to do about it.

That’s the real crux of my disillusionment and my incredulity at the situation I find myself in. I feel like I have to hold my tongue for fear of upsetting the wrong people while at the same time watching those very people tear this species apart with fervent stupidity.

Our entire public discourse is centered around meaningless easily digestible talking points. Endless diatribes about sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and wealth inequality to the point where no other meaningful discussion can take place.

We used to be a society that wondered what our place in the universe was. If we were alone in the great expanse of space or if we were perhaps segregated due to our innate flaws from the rest of existence in a metaphorical zoo.

Instead we now concern ourselves with the alleged sexism present in network television sitcoms and nineteen fifties pop hits. Is this progress? Is this what evolution and growth look like?

We are culturally and creatively stagnant. Endlessly replacing “evil” old, white, male characters with new hip progressive multiethnic gender diverse righteous characters of differing sexual orientations.

Does that read like something written by a genius or a savant? No, it sounds like a press release. Stories are no longer told to inspire the masses or challenge our preconceived notions of the world around us. They’re told to spread the threadbare message of equality and inclusion. The same message over and over again with no real diversity or originality of thought.

Anything that goes against these measures, anything that questions the hive is bad and evil. We must protest against those who think differently than us. We must hate anyone who wishes for a world better than the one we currently inhabit.

We must constantly lecture each other about our faults and microaggressions until everything becomes a sanitized facsimile of real human emotion. Inauthenticity is the key to great storytelling after all.

Do you think that when Homer sat down to pen the Odyssey that he thought about whether or not his words would be construed as sexist somehow? Do you think that when Poe was writing the first few drafts of Murders In The Rue Morgue that he considered even for a moment making Dupin a black trans woman fighting against the evils of patriarchy? Of course not because Poe was unconcerned with these lowbrow plebeian concerns. He understood that there was more to man’s existence than surface level observations. That our existence was far more complex than what we could see after a moment of thought.

But that's what we've become. An unimaginative vapid people fighting over inconsequential nonsense and pretending like it's the only thing that matters. The personal is political after all and if we’re not marching lockstep in kind with every other Starbucks barista and make-up artist in the world then we’re entitled reactionaries using our privilege to think too hard.

I can predict the reactions to my words. I can see how people perceive the things I say before I even say them because people have become so predictable that it’d be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Outrage and indignation, Trite accusations of bigotry or ignorance. The same dialogue from the same old worn down manuscript masquerading as revolutionary non-conformist ideas.

What exactly is so revolutionary or innovative about mirroring the same observations you can get on cable television news networks and newspapers founded in the eighteen hundreds?
How exactly is that the language of radicals and free-thinkers?
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