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Fx Any Polyamory.

Jul 20, 2013
I just recently posted a thread looking for a small variety of options, so you will see me reposting some of that content below.

What this thread is seeking is polyamory. This doesn't have to be the textbook perfect version of polyamorous relationships and to be honest, it probably won't. I'd like for both myself and my partner to roleplay two characters each that are all involved with one another one way romantically and/or sexually. These relationships can be messy, convoluted, complicated - whatever. I don't care. I will be playing at least one female character, but I don't care what other characters we play. For this craving I'm open to many more original ideas that what are listed below! I would love to do this in a World of Warcraft or DND-esque setting (not the mechanics, just the lore). But a modern setting or whatever would work just as well.

Give me drama, give me angst, give me smut!

Hello. I haven’t been in this site since 2016, I believe. Which means I am back and looking for a few partners to write with. I don’t have the energy nor time to make a long, pretty post of all my niche interests and ideas so this post is going to be fast and loose.

What I’m looking for;
• Two to three writing partners all with very different roleplays.
• I’m here for smut AND story, so please don’t dm me if you’re not interested in context behind the sex. I don’t mind smut-driven roleplays - in fact those are some of my favorite - but please keep in mind that a little bit of story, context, and non-sexual interactions are needed for a balance! I like some plot to my porn at the bare minimum, okay?
• I don’t care about your gender, please don’t care about mine. That being said, LGBT+ characters and BIPOC characters AND writers are loved and respected by me. I expect the same in a partner.
• Be friendly! I’m not looking for a best friend but I definitely want someone I can be comfortable writing across from and approaching for plotting ideas or just to gush over our characters!
• All characters are 18+. Zero exceptions!
• Generally I am very picky as to playing women exclusively but for this craving I will also be okay playing men or across from male characters provided I can play at least one woman!

What you can expect from me;
• A highly collaborative partner who is respectful of boundaries and your time. I get busy. You get busy. It’s fine! I am also ghost friendly, although I will always tell you if I’m no longer up for a roleplay.
• I’m super cool.

My interests are niche and limited but I am open to suggestions in that are of the same cloth as what I’m going to dump below;

Fantasy: Original or based on DND and/or World of Warcraft, I don’t care. I’m not SUPER knowledgeable on WOW lore as I’ve only dabbled in the game over the years but I think Night Elves are gorgeous and I have such a huge crush on Jaina. Don’t ask me to play any original characters, but I don’t mind if you choose to! I don’t have any ideas in particular here but I am super easy to please. I just want hot fantasy women to kiss.

Marvel: I’m most familiar with the MCU and will only be referencing this. This is one of two genres I will double for if you wish for me to play a male character. I’m most familiar writing Tony, Steve, and Bucky Barnes but I can play pretty much anyone with a few exceptions. I have a few ideas brewing, and feel free to give me yours as well! I have an OC in mind I would like to play.

Superhero: I’m down for original superheroes as well. I have a few ideas I’ve been craving for a while. My character is an inexperienced fledgling hero who is trying her best to earn her stripes within the superhero community but she never quite lives up to expectation. My idea is that perhaps her roommate is a super villain, much more experienced than my character and easily takes her down on evening. Neither are aware of their super identities and as a more sexual power dynamic is created while disguised by their masks, a real relationship develops between roommates.

Other little things that interest me;
College dorm-mates.
A group of friends becoming more than friends.
Musicians on the road.
Anything magic related.
A ghost/spirit playing with the new owner of their home.
I could possibly be persuaded into video game content for Valorant, WoW, or Detroit: Become Human.

Since this roleplay will likely include smut, here are some things I am very much interested in;
• Realistic curves
• Spanking, teasing, mild/moderate humiliation (name calling, semi-public sex, etc.)
• Both partners pleasing one another. I do enjoy roleplays where my character is often the less-experienced or more reserved and needing coaxing/guiding but that doesn’t mean she is a hole to be used! Even in roleplays where my character(s) might have multiple partners this will apply.
• Power dynamics (not necessarily BDSM.)
• Dubious consent (within the roleplay only and obviously I will respect anyone’s wish to not explore this if they are uncomfortable!)
• Magic!!!!!!
• Strap-ons
• Lactation

Things that we will not be writing together;
• Incest
• Scat/Watersports/Potty play
• Non-consent
• Sexual violence (spanking and light choking are okay but I mean that you’re not going to cut, maim, brand, punch or otherwise seriously injure my character for sexual gratification and I will not do the same to yours)
• Extreme bondage, latex, mummification.
• Excessive bodily fluids.
If you have any questions please ask! I want to make sure we are both comfortable and enjoying ourselves. The worst I can say in no!

I really hope to hear from some of you soon!
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