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Suggestion Profile Post UI--Suggestion


Fuck Donald Trump
Dec 30, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Greetings, staff of BMR! I would like to propose a modification to the user interface of the profile posts function. Simply add a character counter (or modify the word counter on just that module to reflect characters instead), that way the ubiquitous "What? But I wanna say more!" is somewhat mitigated. That's all, hope everyone has a safe and wonderful day/night!!
In my opinion the word counter is way more useful than a character counter. I'd personally not be in favor of a swap.
Perhaps, but my suggestion would only apply to the profile post side of the site. A compromise, then: why not both? Sometimes your mind just flows onto the keyboard and you wanna put your thoughts right there on your profile...but are limited in how much of those thoughts you can convey at once. I'm not suggesting lifting that limit, just to add a character counter so we may avoid feeling that irk when we see that popup saying the post is over 250 characters.
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