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Issue Wifi blocking forum for adult content


Mar 27, 2020
So, let me start this off by saying yes, I understand the site has adult content. I do a majority of my writing at work and have spotty phone signal, their wifi sadly blocks adult content. Not sure if anyone knows a work around that might help me out.
Heh...individual businesses blocking Adult content through their firewalls is not anything BMR has control over...other than to change the site descriptors to no longer classify itself as a site with Adult content, which would likely then lead to other issues for the BMR site.
Free VPNs usually suck and store your info to feed to ad systems. They might help, though. I don't know specifically.

Maybe try the Opera browser. It's free and has a built-in VPN. It might also be good to compartmentalize your adult browsing from your work browsing.
Try NordVPN. It is not free, but it is pretty cheap, especially if they have one of their big specials going. I think I bought it at like a dollar a month for 3 years. They have a PC and a mobile version. I am not entirely sure if a VPN is enough to change the way a Wi-Fi router views a sites classification, but going through a VPN might be enough to change the way it sees IPs and it might look at that more than the site address perhaps.

You get additional benefits using a VPN. The main reason why I got it was to watch American shows from Europe Netflix. I was able to watch shows like Star Trek Discovery and The Good Fight through Netflix in Europe because they have different licensing agreements than they do here in the USA.
Remember that works wifi is not secure and they may monitor the traffic from your phone unless its encrypted...
A decent work-around would be to simply copy the posts you intend to respond to into a google doc, and write your answers out there. When you get back to your own Wi-fi, you can simply post them straight up, or you can copy them with your phone and use your own data to post them from the doc if you want it up faster. It's not perfect, but it should work without getting you in trouble.
Remember that works wifi is not secure and they may monitor the traffic from your phone unless its encrypted...

They can see the DNS requests (which is usually how the site is blocked), but BMR itself has been encrypted since I began hosting it.

Free VPNs usually suck and store your info to feed to ad systems. They might help, though. I don't know specifically.

Maybe try the Opera browser. It's free and has a built-in VPN. It might also be good to compartmentalize your adult browsing from your work browsing.

Opera has been absorbed into the Chinese data vacuum. If you don't pay for it, ask who is (e.g. here it's your fellow members, thank a supporter today!)
They can see the DNS requests (which is usually how the site is blocked), but BMR itself has been encrypted since I began hosting it.

Opera has been absorbed into the Chinese data vacuum. If you don't pay for it, ask who is (e.g. here it's your fellow members, thank a supporter today!)
I know. I returned from 7 years in China earlier this year. The Opera VPN doesn't work in China, of course, because... #China

But OP isn't worried about data security and an authoritarian regime. They just want to write about pink bits at work.
I successfully connect to BMR with the Tor Browser at work. And if your workplace also blocks Tor, it comes with built-in means to circumvent blocks. It's free, but volunteer run and supported, so you're not paying for it with your personal data like you are with free (and sometimes even paid) VPNs.
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