Mx Female The RT To End All RT’s!


Sep 11, 2021
I wish it were that good, but that was just click bait.

So, unlike a night at the pick up bar, it seems that being straightforward and upfront is the best practice around here.

What I want:

Mature female (in the classic sense) partner. Age isn’t really a factor, as long as you’re 18+. No high school-like or even college drama, since college is like the new nursery school. I don’t mean you can’t have a sense of humor or joke around or act silly sometimes, that is actually encouraged; just act like an adult.

My partner must have a preference in playing strong females. She can be vulnerable, emotionally and physically, but don’t be a pampered princess who lies there waiting to be rescued, or screwed. Have a little piss and vinegar in you. Fight, be frisky, fear, but don’t be afraid.

I hope this is making sense.

To continue; as far as writing goes, write enough to keep the story going. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute. One paragraph or ten, just don’t put me to sleep.

What you’ll get from me:

Being an asshole aside, I’m quite the fun partner. There won’t be any safe spaces here, and I will probably offend you. If you scoff at that, you better run now. I won’t be trying to be rude or anything, but sometimes it’s just plain funny. I play men you won’t confuse for women when you see them from behind. They might vary in attitude, humor, personality, etc., but they’re not pussies.

I will give you what I expect from you. A partner who contributes and inspires. I can write multiple genres, and have ideas that are often made much better through cooperative brainstorming. And that’s how I work it. Send me a message, let’s start throwing things back-and-forth and see if we can make brownies. Why brownies? Because they’re better than cake.

Oh, I almost forgot kinks and all that stuff people find so important. My no’s are kids (under 18), scat (and general grossness), and anything else that will get you kicked off YouTube.

My yes’s are hot, passionate sex. Sure, we can throw in some rough play, hot wax, hair pulling, scratching, ass smacking, etc., but let’s save it for the story and see what happens (I like surprises.). I know, I know, you’re thinking this guy is so vanilla. True, if you take vanilla, drop it in the blender, add some chocolate syrup, strawberries, and any other sort of craziness, and blend the hell out of it.

OK, I’m done.

If you enjoyed this, at least a tiny bit, you might be a good candidate. I can be reached at 555-5555, or PM or Discord ~

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